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BEARS Bi weekly Check ins

Renata Bartlett edited this page May 24, 2021 · 28 revisions

Phase 3 Status

May 25th, 2021

  • Established a product backlog for the first vertical slice
  • Continued on proof of concept
  • Continued on eligibility rules decomposition and questions design for VA and FEMA benefits program
  • Started on wireframes and microcopy
  • Had further partnership discussions with VA
  • Verified no PRA implications of planned future research, but BEARS related information collection may require PRA clearance

Up Next

  • Continue to pursue partnership discussions with VA, SSA and HHS
    • Meeting with VA to discuss the next steps in developing a partnership
    • Meeting with HHS to discuss potential partner programs
  • Connect with team to discuss SSA BEST
  • Continue eligibility rules decomposition for the initial benefits programs
  • Continue on proof of concept
  • Chat with SORN team
  • Start on cross-cultural comparisons of proactive notifications and one-stop-shop e-government frameworks

May 11th, 2021

  • Continued on user story writing and establishing a backlog
    • Vertical slices workshop to better plan work and write user stories
  • Started on dev environment setup and proof of concept
  • Completed eligibility rules decomposition for the first VA benefits program
  • Continued to pursue partnership discussions SSA and VA
  • Verified no PRA implications of planned future research, but BEARS related information collection may require PRA clearance
  • Completed an initial design brief
  • Started doing BEARS Friday facts

Up Next

  • Continue to pursue partnership discussions with VA, SSA and HHS
    • Meeting with VA to discuss the next steps in developing a partnership
    • Meeting with HHS to discuss potential partner programs
  • Connect with team to discuss SSA BEST
  • Continue eligibility rules decomposition for the initial benefits programs
  • Continue on proof of concept
  • Chat with SORN team
  • Start on cross-cultural comparisons of proactive notifications and one-stop-shop e-government frameworks

April 27th, 2021

  • Have started regular check-ins with project stakeholders (
  • Had an initial conversation with technical resource
  • Started mapping user flow and impact across multiple timescales
  • Started formalizing the technical approach for the first iteration of the solution
  • Started writing user stories
  • Had an initial conversation with VA regarding potential partnership
  • Completed usability benchmarking
  • Started a conversation with former Eligibility APIs Initiative team

Up Next

  • Get approval from for the initial technical approach
  • Continue on user story writing and establish a backlog (identify the first narrow vertical slice)
  • Start on proof on concept
  • Continue to pursue partnership discussions with VA and SSA
  • Continue discussions with and 18F teams
  • Start on cross-cultural comparisons of proactive notifications and one-stop-shop e-government frameworks