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2020 Monitoring Uptime for Government Services

rrkane10x edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 28 revisions

Phase 2 Status

July 23, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Final review and edits for Phase 2 No Report.
  • Posted report to 10x Flexion for team review.
  • Scheduled project close-out.
  • Project close-out 7/23

July 9, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Completed CIO and Federal Web Council CoP survey response data analysis and report.
  • The team drafted the final Phase 2 No Report.

Up Next

  • Final review and edits for Phase 2 No Report.
  • Post report to 10x Flexion for team review.
  • Schedule and complete project close-out.

June 3, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Incorporate Federal Web Council CoP survey response data into our research.
  • Continued solidifying research and drafting Phase 2 Report.

Up Next

  • Work toward project close-out by completing Phase 2 Final Report.

May 28, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Received GSA-distribution approval of Federal Web Council CoP survey.
  • Alycia Yozzi distributed the CIO CoP survey on 5/20 and sent a reminder out this week. We received 0 responses. Survey closes on 5/28.
  • Continued solidifying research and drafting Phase 2 Report.

Up Next

  • Incorporate Federal Web Council CoP survey response data into our research.
  • Work toward project close-out by solidifying final research and writing Phase 2 Final Report.

May 14, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Received GSA-distribution approval of CIO CoP survey.
  • Alerted Alycia Yozzi that survey is ready for distribution.
  • Received approval to distribute a survey to the Federal Web Council from Rachel Flagg.
  • Submitted Federal Web Council survey to GSA and received feedback.
  • Continued solidifying research and drafting Phase 2 Report.

Up Next

  • Revise Federal Web Council per GSA guidelines and submit for approval to distribute
  • Work with Rachel Flagg to distribute Federal Web Council survey.
  • Send out CIO survey for one month - dependent on when Alycia responds to email and Slack messages.
  • Collect survey data and analyze it.
  • Continue solidifying research and writing Phase 2 Report

May 5, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Interviewed SME at CDC.
  • Interviewed with Halo Network member Alizia Yozzi
  • Interviewed with Cameron Dixon at CISA
  • Revised survey based on GSA review and resubmitted for review.
  • Began solidifying research and drafting Phase 2 Report.

Up Next

  • Wait for GSA approval of CIO CoP survey.
  • Send out survey for one month.
  • Continue solidifying research and writing Phase 2 Report.

April 16, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Submit survey for GSA review
  • Researched ways to sell the idea and make it a reality
  • Researched CISA programs to see if there is a monitoring component to it

Up Next

  • Schedule interview with Fred Dixon at CDC.
  • Schedule interview with Halo Network member Alizia Yozzi
  • Schedule interview with Cameron Dixon at CISA
  • Revise survey based on GSA review
  • Hope for GSA CIO CoP approval before our next check-in

April 2, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Finished programming Qualtrics survey
  • Researched ways to sell the idea and make it a reality
  • Started draft of "No" report in case we hit an immovable wall

Up Next

  • Reach out to CDC contact
  • Schedule interview with Halo Network member Alizia Yozzi
  • Submit survey for GSA review
  • Interview "new" product owner candidates
  • Hope for GSA CIO CoP approval before our next check-in
  • Submit survey for GSA review
  • Interview "new" product owner candidates
  • Research ways to sell the idea and make it a reality

March 19, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • meeting - got a no go as a home for the dashboard
  • Phase 3 Pitch Deck on hold
  • Set-up CIO survey in Qualtrics
  • Started new research to find more potential product owners
  • Reach out to CDC contact
  • Schedule interview with Halo Network member Alizia Yozzi

Up Next

  • Finish programming Qualtrics survey
  • Submit survey for GSA review
  • Hope to share survey with CIO CoP before our next check-in
  • Interview "new" product owner candidates
  • Research ways to sell the idea and make it a reality
  • Start draft of "No" report in case we hit an immovable wall

March 5, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Prototyping in Grafana and Prometheus.
  • Aidan Feldman interview.
  • Reached out to, no response yet from Leilani.
  • Started project Roadmap.
  • Drafted survey for CIO newsletter (verifying procedures and policy for surveys before moving ahead).
  • USGS interview. Potential pilot agency.

Up Next

  • Start Phase 3 Pitch Deck.
  • Share survey with CIOs newsletter for review.
  • Follow-up with for possible dashboard home.

Feb 19, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • interview
  • Started use cases and personas
  • Interview with CIO of CISCA
  • Scheduled interview with USGS
  • Researched
  • Researched open source tooling
  • Researched monitoring methodologies

Up Next

  • Interview with HHS
  • Scheduled interview with Site Scanner
  • Research business models
  • Prototype UI
  • Research API access for SaaS for public use

Feb 5, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Met with pitch author to discuss 2 different outages not detected by SSA monitoring
  • Created product benchmarking
  • Searched for more SME leads on LinkedIn & TTS Slack which resulted in interview scheduled
  • Talked to VA Director of application monitoring - potential sponsor
  • Working on Meritalk FITARA dashboard team interview scheduling
  • Setup a trial Uptime Monitoring on Pingdom for the top 8 .gov sites according to DAP
  • Identified new use case - IT being able to more quickly identify responsible agency on an outage
  • Leaning towards a maybe

Up Next

  • interview
  • Working to find more SMEs
  • Keep monitoring Pingdom and analyzing data for outages
  • Start business model
  • Start prototyping a dashboard
  • Schedule Meritalk interview

Jan 22, 2021

Last Two Weeks

  • Interviewed CTO of VA
  • Arranged interview with Product Manager at
  • FITARA, who's using it, attempted to contact
  • Researched, some of their reports align with monitoring goals
  • Reviewing new OMB Memoranda to see if there is an alignment with this project; Current view is to reduce reporting requirements and focus on key metrics

Up Next

  • Get SME from SBA
  • Contact folks from and research their metrics
  • Reach out to the CIO council
  • Survey to strategic listserv(s)
  • Get financials and data around existing monitoring solutions

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