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2021 Low Code No Code

rrkane10x edited this page Oct 15, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the homepage for Low Code/No Code

Bi-weekly Check-ins
Low Code/No Code Team Working Agreement
Low Code/No Code Mural Board

Phase 2 Purpose:

Explore the LC/NC vs. traditional development mismatch problem and develop a knowledge solution to close the gaps between LC/NC citizen developers and development professionals


  • Explore the LC/NC vs. traditional development mismatch problem and develop a solution to close the gaps between LC/NC citizen developers and development professionals who have been responsible for supporting, documenting, refactoring, and re-imagining workflows and applications that developed out of individual LC/NC efforts at various scales.
  • Identify common skill and knowledge gaps around acquisition, usability, security, agile development, maintainability, and other areas of product development and investigate training and support to supply that knowledge to the citizen developer community. Then, explore ways to bridge those gaps.
  • Consider the possibility of adapting similar knowledge products already established by TTS, such as the AI Experience Sharing platform and/or 18F’s Federal De-Risking Guide, for prototyping a site information architecture and content suite appropriate for Citizen Developers and IT staff considering LC/NC.
  • Investigate awareness around low-code, no-code, citizen developer/development and related terms, seeking to understand how to best engage with isolated individuals who may not realize there are resources available.
  • Find one or more candidates for long-term O&M including a Product Owner as well as a Content Manager to write and maintain guidance

Team Members

  • Robin Kane - digital strategist & ux researcher
  • Taylor Zajicek - technologist

10x Program Coordinators

  • Dan Raudonis
  • Sarah Crane


  • Mike Gintz, 18F Tech Strategist
  • Alex Soble, 18F Consulting Engineer
  • Amy Ashida, 18F Innovation Specialist

Recurring Meetings

  • Stand-Ups: Tue/Thur - Team Members only
  • Bi-Weekly Check-ins: TBD - Team Members, Program Coordinators, & any stakeholders who are interested/available
  • Retrospectives: Every other Tuesday starting 10/?? - Team Members only


  • Kanban
  • Selected Scrum ceremonies

Definition of Done For more detail click here

  • Acceptance criteria met
    • newest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge
    • works on mobile as well
  • Usability validated
  • Design QA passed
  • Code refactored for clarity
  • Dependency Rule followed
  • Source code merged
  • 90% unit test coverage achieved
  • Code reviewed
  • Security reviewed and reported
  • Design/tech debt eliminated
  • Build process updated
  • Load/performance tests passed
  • Accessibility tests passed
  • Documents are updated
  • Feature toggles created
  • PO Approved
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