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Amadeusz Wieczorek edited this page Dec 11, 2015 · 2 revisions

Alive 1.2

Released 2015 December 10


  • Performance: Emits the project to memory instead of disk
  • This drastically decreases latency
  • Feature: Allows drill-down to object's public properties
  • Feature: Instruments object initializers, e.g.
var newObject = new MyObject
  Property1 = "sample text",
  Property2 = 0
  • Feature: Allows copying of result values
  • Enhancement: Pre-populates the launch window with default params that can be passed into the method
  • Fixes an issue where Xunit.Extensions.InlineDataAttribute was not supported
  • Fixes an issue where methods are decorated with attribute that indicates that it's a test method, and this attribute definition is included in multiple projects in the solution

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