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Trusted Shops SDK for Android

CI Status Bintray

⚠️ This project is no longer supported, maintained and has been replaced by trustedshops-public/etrusted-android-trustbadge-library.

By integrating our SDK into your shopping app you can leverage the following features included in your Trusted Shops membership:

  • Trustbadge: Show the Trustbadge in any view and size and provide additional information along with a link to your certificate
  • Customer Reviews: Show your shop's customer rating and reviews
  • Product Reviews: Show your product ratings and reviews
  • Buyer Protection: Integrate the Trusted Shops buyer protection and review collecting services


Our SDK supports the following languages: DE, EN, FR, ES, IT, NL, PL.

  1. Installation
  2. Display Trustbadge
  3. Display Customer Reviews
  4. Display Product Reviews
  5. Integration of Buyer Protection after Checkout
  6. Audit and Authorization
  7. About this SDK

1. Installation

To install the current version add this to your Module Build File (build.gradle):

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.trustedshops.androidsdk:trustedshops-android-sdk:1.9.4'

2. Display Trustbadge

To display the trustbadge you have to create a view container (here with the ID "trustbadgeTestImageView") in your layout.xml and add the following code in the respective java file:

/* Set your Trusted Shops ID here */
Trustbadge trustbadge = new Trustbadge("YOUR-TRUSTED-SHOPS-ID");
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
  try {
    trustbadge.getTrustbadge(imageView, this);
    /* Optional parameters */
    trustbadge.setIconColor("#27AE60"); // Sets the icon color in HEX Format
    trustbadge.setLoggingActive(true); // Enables DEBUG-Logging
  } catch(IllegalArgumentException exception) {
      Log.d("TSDEBUG", exception.getMessage());
  } catch (TrustbadgeException exception) {
      Log.d("TSDEBUG", exception.getMessage());

Mandatory Parameters

new Trustbadge("YOUR-TRUSTED-SHOPS-ID");

This is your app's TS-ID which will be provided by Trusted Shops.
In order to get your TS-ID authorized please see the "Authorization" section below.

Optional Paramters


Sets the icon color in the lightbox in HEX Format. As of version 1.7.0 custom colors are deprecated. Setting a color won't change the displayed trustcard. Note that, however, the trustcard is now the same that is displayed in your webshop, so the look is more consistent over the various media that may show your certificate. This also means that the trustcard includes more interactive behavior for your customer, depending on what services you booked at Trusted Shops. For example, the trustcard may show not just a link to your certificate, but also display sample reviews given by your customers. It also explains the buyer protection (depending on services) inline, so customers won't leave your app while checking up on that.


Enables DEBUG-Logging.

3. Display Customer Reviews

You can display your Trusted Shops Customer Reviews as follows:

First you initialize the trustbadge with your TSID (mandatory).

/* Set your Trusted Shops ID here */
Trustbadge trustbadge = new Trustbadge("YOUR-TRUSTED-SHOPS-ID");

Then reference all the views, in which customer reviews information shall be shown (optional).

/* Reference the views where information shall be displayed */
RatingBar reviewStarsBar = (RatingBar) findViewById(;
TextView trustedShopReviewStarsMarkDescription = (TextView) findViewById(;
TextView trustedShopReviewMark = (TextView) findViewById(;

Then, trustbadge.getTsCustomerReviews(this, ID_1, ID_2, ID_3, ID_4, ID_5); populates the customer reviews information into the respective views. If you don't want to show an element, set the view ID to null.

try {
  /* List the viewIDs in following order: stars, review mark, reviw mark description, review count, review count long format */
  trustbadge.getTsCustomerReviews(this, reviewStarsBar, trustedShopReviewMark, trustedShopReviewStarsMarkDescription, null, null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
    Log.d("TSDEBUG", exception.getMessage());
} catch (TrustbadgeException exception) {
    Log.d("TSDEBUG", exception.getMessage());

Insert your views' IDs according to the following table:

Position Description Type Example EN Example DE
ID_1 stars RatingBar reviewStarsBar reviewStarsBar
ID_2 review mark TextView "4.89/5.00" "4.89/5.00"
ID_3 review mark description TextView "VERY GOOD" "SEHR GUT
ID_4 review count TextView "384" "384"
ID_5 review count in long format TextView "384 reviews" "384 Bewertungen"

For example

trustbadge.getTsCustomerReviews(this, reviewStarsBar, trustedShopReviewMark, trustedShopReviewStarsMarkDescription, null, null);

loads and displays

  • the stars in the RatingBar object with the ID reviewStarsBar,
  • the review mark in a TextView with ID trustedShopReviewMark and
  • the review mark description in a TextView with ID trustedShopReviewStarsMarkDescription.

Review count and review count in long format are not used in this example.

In order to examine the correct integration, just have a look at the demo app in this repository.

If you want to implement completly different handling, you can provide yor own callback where you have an access to all the review data.

OnTsCustomerReviewsFetchCompleted tsCallBack = new OnTsCustomerReviewsFetchCompleted() {
            public void onCustomerReviewsFetchCompleted(Shop shopObject) {
                //do your stuff on successfull call
            public void onCustomerReviewsFetchFailed(Message errorMessage) {
                //do stuff if call failed


trustbadge.getTsCustomerReviews(this, tsCallBack);

4. Display Product Reviews

There are two functions to integrate product reviews in your application.

First - getProductReviewsSummary retrieves the product summary without reviews list

See Example

Second - getProductReviewsList retrieves the product reviews list

See Example

5. Integration of Buyer Protection after Checkout

In order to allow your customers to benefit from our buyer protection the following code has to be added. By this you provide the necessary checkout parameters for guarantee handling. You can decide if you want to show the guarantee dialogue automatically after your checkout is finished or if you want the user to tab on a button for that.

TrustbadgeOrder tsCheckoutTrustbadgeOrder = new TrustbadgeOrder();

/* Set your Trusted Shops ID here */

/* Mandatory shopping cart parameter*/

/* Optional shopping cart parameter */
tsCheckoutTrustbadgeOrder.setTsCheckoutBuyerEmail("[email protected]");

/* Add callback for dialog dismiss */
    Handler.Callback dialogClosedCallback = new Handler.Callback() {
        public boolean handleMessage(Message callBackResponse) {
            switch (callBackResponse.what) {
                case TrustedShopsCheckout._dismissCallNumber:
                //Card closed
                Log.d("TSDEBUG","Case 1 called");
                case TrustedShopsCheckout._errorCallNumber:
                Log.d("TSDEBUG","Case 2 called");
             return true;

try {
    TrustedShopsCheckout tsCheckout = new TrustedShopsCheckout(tsCheckoutTrustbadgeOrder);
    tsCheckout.init(this, dialogClosedCallback);
} catch (TrustbadgeException e) {
    Log.d("TSDEBUG", "Something went wrong " + e);

Mandatory Parameters


This is your app's TS-ID which will be provided by Trusted Shops.
In order to get your TS-ID authorized please see the "Authorization" section below. There you also find a TS-ID for testing.


ISO 4217 Currency code:


Allowed payment type values are:

Optional Parameters

.setTsCheckoutBuyerEmail("[email protected]"); 

Sets the email address of the customer. Only leave this out (i.e. leave it as null or provide "") if you do not have it! The trustbadge needs the customer's email to process the purchase of the buyer protection. If you don't specify it, the card will open a new page in a browser where the customer can fill it in manually. If you already to know the email of your customer and provide it, the trustcard won't have to switch to a browser, all necessary user interaction is done in the card, and thus in your app.


Sets the estimated delivery date for your order


Enables DEBUG-Logging and uses different endpoint. If set, data are loaded from the Trusted Shops development API instead of the production API (example TS-ID works for debug and normal mode).

Product Reviews (optional)

If you are also collecting product reviews via Trusted Shops, you have to provide the product list as following

Product checkoutProduct1 = new Product();
checkoutProduct1.setTsCheckoutProductName("Brother TN-241C");

6. Audit and Authorization

To use this SDK in your own mobile app Trusted Shops needs to audit and authorize your app.

Please contact your customer success manager directly or via [email protected] to start the process.

7. About this SDK

Requirements & Dependencies

  • We support Android API 15 and above.
  • Trustedshops Android SDK depends on:
  • Square's popular OkHTTP library
  • afollestad material dialogs library

Data Privacy

Our SDK does not send or collect any user related data without prior permission from the buyer. Only if the buyer opt-in after checkout or opted-in to take advantage of the Trusted Shops guarantee in general, order information are stored for guarantee handling. Before opt-in e-mail addresses are transmitted in irreversible hashed encryption.


Trusted Shops Android SDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

About Trusted Shops

Today more than 20,000 online sellers are using Trusted Shops to collect, show, and manage genuine feedback from their customers. A large community of online buyers has already contributed over 6 million reviews. Whether you are a start-up entrepreneur, a professional seller or an international retail brand, consumer trust is a key ingredient for your business. Trusted Shops offers services that will give you the ability to highlight your trustworthiness, improve your service, and, consequently, increase your conversion rate.

Questions and Feedback

Your feedback helps us to improve this library. If you have any questions concerning this product or the implementation, please contact [email protected]

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