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Takumi edited this page Apr 2, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the houdini_turbulence wiki!

Use SlideFX Houdini in order to visualize our experimental results beautifully. We have a 3D data (x, y, z, energy) taken from the experiments stored as text images (See Sect. 26.10.4) that can be loaded on ImageJ.

The project consists of two parts: Visualization of 3D energy isosurfaces 3D Visualization of the experiment

Preliminary work for part 1): 3D visualization of the data was attempted on ImageJ, MayaVi (python), and Imaris3D/4D software – see the provided samples SlideFX Houdini might do a better/equivalent job. Also, it is a good starting point for us to learn about Houdini. We were inspired by the capability of Houdini in 3D visualization as shown in papers such as this.

We conduct experiments of colliding multiple vortex rings in water, which are basically the smoke rings like dolphins make. It would be nice to have a schematic animation of the experiments, and Houdini seems to be helpful.

Aims: Get familiar with SlideFX Houdini in order to visualize the experimental results beautifully.

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