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Phil Wareham edited this page Mar 1, 2021 · 30 revisions

PHP-Textile is a Textile markup language parser written in PHP. Textile takes lightweight markup language that takes human-readable plaintext and converts it into well formed HTML.

Quick Start

Looking for Textile markup language documentation or a sandpit? Please see our official documentation website.
Want to ask a question about PHP-Textile? Drop into #textile on or try webchat.
Found a technical problem with PHP-Textile? Please open an issue here.
Want to know what’s changed recently? See releases.


master Has a multi-file, namespaced, PSR-0/1/2 compliant version of PHP-Textile. Releases from master are tagged v3.×.y Requires PHP5.3+
2.5 Holds a deprecated and feature-frozen, single-file version of PHP-Textile representing the v2.5.x releases. It is not PSR-0 compliant, but attempts to follow PSR-1 and PSR-2 in other respects. Requires PHP5.0+


2018-12-15 New release: v3.7.0 now available.
2018-11-18 New releases: v2.5.5 and v3.5.6 (legacy) now available.
2018-10-21 New release: v3.6.1 now available.
2016-11-17 New release: v3.6.0 now available.
2014-01-02 New release: v3.5.5 now available.
2013-11-06 The 2.5 branch is feature frozen and will only receive security updates from this point on. All new development is now concentrated in the master branch.
2013-12-03 New release: v2.4.3 now available.
2013-12-02 New release: v2.4.2 now available.
2013-11-05 New releases: v3.5.4 and v2.5.4 now available.
2013-10-30 New releases: v3.5.3 and v2.5.3 now available.
2013-10-25 New releases: v3.5.2 and v2.5.2 now available.
2013-10-22 Migrated repository from netcarver/textile to textile/php-textile meaning it is now owned by the textile organisation. The repo at netcarver/textile is now a fork of the root repository at textile/php-textile.
2013-01-01 New releases: v3.5.1 and v2.5.1 (legacy) now available.
2012-12-12 New releases: v3.5.0 and v2.5.0 (legacy) now available.
2012-12-11 Version 3.5.0rc1 is now available in the master branch. This branch is PSR-0/1/2 compliant to the best of my knowledge.
2012-12-11 Version 2.5.0rc1 is now available in the 2.5 branch
2012-12-08 From v2.5, the codebase will be changing. Although this probably won’t impact you, there is a small chance that it may. Find out if it will…
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