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File Templates

Joe McLaughlin edited this page Jun 14, 2024 · 3 revisions

Here are some templates for some types of files we often make while developing for Binder. Please start files by copying and pasting this template so your files can fit in with the rest of the website!

Page-Level Views

Use this template when creating a view that takes up a whole page (basically anything that's not a partial)

    <!-- Update the webpage's title in the Browser Tab -->
<% update_document_title(add: 'Browser Title') %>
    <!-- Update the list of links at the top of the page
    to show the path to the current page -->
<% update_breadcrumbs(add: link_to('Link Back', link_back(@link))) %>
<% update_breadcrumbs(add: 'Current Page (No Link!)') %>
    <!-- Show which item in navigation the page falls under (Organizations, People, etc. ) --> 
<% nav(active: 'organizations') %>

<div class="content">
        <!-- If viewing your page requires permissions (like being an SCC member)
        it may be nice to put it here, otherwise delete this
        <% if can?(:action, model) -->
    <div class="page-header">
      <h1>Put the Page Header Here!</h1>
    Put Main Page Content Here!
  </div><div class="sidebar">
    Put Sidebar Items Here!

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