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Sylva identity discovery

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Note that Sylva is undergoing rapid development and documentation may be quickly obsoleted. Now that development has a consistent "direction", regression testing is being gradually introduced.

Visit the Sylva Wiki for more information.


Useful integrations and data sources

Name Description API Key
Endato Person data source (phone, address, cell, etc) Req [ T | $ ]
IntelX Data leak source Req [ T | $ ]
ProxyNova COMB API (cleartext passwords, usernames) Native
Veriphone Phone number lookup Req [ F+ ]
GitHub See detail below Opt [ F ]
Reddit Natural language processing for residency hints Native

$ : paid | T : trial | F : Free | F+ : Freemium

Most development was done without any paid access -- so despite some integrations requiring an account, the full experience can be attained without any subscriptions.

Generic modules

Name Description
PGP Search Search for identities through discovered PGP keys
Sherlock Sherlock extended for discovery of additional identities and branching
Voter Records Geographical, relation, and age lookup in 18 US States

GitHub Integration

Query GitHub for any known PGP keys, scrape both the oldest and newest 1000 commit authorships (2000 total) for leaked identifying information, and search for identities based on full name, email, or username.

Personal Access Token (PAT) is required for PGP scraping, but all other functions work out of the box. PAT is recommended for higher rate limits on other functions. PAT does not require any permissions assigned to it whatsoever.

Quick Start

Docker is the preferred method of installation, providing the most consistent and predictable user experience.

docker run -it sylva/sylva --help

For a preview of the latest changes, the preview tag may be used.

docker run -it sylva/sylva:preview --help


Some users may opt to add an alias to their shell for ease of use.

Adding alias sd="docker run -it sylva/sylva" to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc will allow you to simply type sd branch user123 rather than the entire docker command. Add the :preview tag if necessary.

Other installation methods are described on the Sylva Wiki.


It's recommended that you don't package Sylva yet. Changes are happening at rates quicker than most release cycles allow. If you'd like to package Sylva, feel free to reach out for info!


Contributors should refer to our contributing guidelines for information on how to contribute to the project. Note that since the project is still in its infancy, there isn't yet a formal roadmap.

Contributors opening a pull request are assumed to have read and agreed to the guidelines.

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time