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ping edited this page Oct 30, 2023 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Ping Dashboard Developer Guide!


├── chains
│   └── mainnet // your blockchain configures.
├── public // public static files of the repo
└── src
    ├── assets
    ├── components
    ├── layouts
    │   └── components
    ├── libs
    │   └── clients
    ├── modules // Ping Dashboard Modules, Please add features as new modules like this.
    │   ├── [chain]
    │   │   ├── account
    │   │   ├── block
    │   │   ├── consensus
    │   │   ├── cosmwasm
    │   │   ├── gov
    │   │   ├── ibc
    │   │   ├── nft
    │   │   ├── params
    │   │   ├── staking
    │   │   ├── statesync
    │   │   ├── supply
    │   │   ├── tx
    │   │   ├── uptime
    │   │   └── widget
    │   └── wallet
    ├── pages
    ├── plugins
    │   ├── i18n
    │   └── pinia
    ├── router
    ├── stores
    └── types


a module‘s struct is similar with block:

├── index.vue // entry of this module
├── block.ts // Pinia store 
└── [height].vue // other sub feature. here shows block information by its height

Entry Of Module:

index.vue includes three parts:

<script lang="ts" setup>
// put your logic here
  <!--your template of this feature-->
      meta: {
        i18n: 'blocks', // key of the module's name that shows on left menu bar
        order: 5, // the weight to sort the module in menu bar.
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