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Chess game

Simple chess game created with P5JS Library. Tried to create as many rules as possible, but if you notice something is missing, do let me know and I will try to implement it.


You need to include p5js and p5.dom scripts as well as dist/app.js in your html document. See index.html for reference


The chess board is generated within the element with id #chess

The board style could be configured by using html attributes like so:

<div id="chess" tiles-width="100"></div>


<div id="chess" data-tiles-width="100"></div>

Here is the full list of parameters which could be passed:

Parameter Default Value Description
direction 1 If it's 1 means whites at the bottom or if it's -1 it's black at the bottom
offset 50 Offset arround the board in pixels
background #888888 Background of the canvas
tiles-black-color #AAAAAA Background color of the black tiles
tiles-white-color #FFFFFF Background color of the white tiles
tiles-width 100 Width in pixels of single tile
tiles-selected-background #158000 Background color of the tile when the figure is selected
tiles-selected-border-color #FB1900 Border color around the selected figure
tiles-selected-border-size 3 Border size in pixels
tiles-moves-background #0512FF Possible moves indicator color, a dot on the empty square
tiles-moves-diameter 20 Diameter of the dot
tiles-moves-figure-background #787878 Background of the indicator when on the tile there is a figure
tiles-moves-figure-diameter 100 Diameter of the square
labels-color #FFFFFF Text color of the labels around the board
over-background #FB1900 Background of the gameover popup
over-color #FFFFFF Text color of the labels in the gameover popup
over-size 40 Font size of the Game Over text
over-reason-size 25 Font size of the Game over reason

How to access the game object

You could access the game object like this:

window.addEventListener('chess.ready', function() {
	//Do something with this;
}, false);

or just

window.addEventListener('chess.ready', function() {
	//Do something with this
}, false);

Here are some usefull functions of the game object

Get figures of a particular color

let figures = game.getFigures('white');

Get who's turn is it return "white" or "black"

let figures = game.whosTurn();

Get figure on particular field by using X and Y coordinates

X and Y could be value between 0 and 7

let figures = game.figureAt({x: 1, y: 4});

Move figure by using X and Y coordinates

let figures = game.figureAt({x: 1, y: 4}).move({x: 3, y: 4});

Get figure on particular field by using field chess coordinate

let figures = game.figureOn('D2');

Move figure with chess coordinates

let figures = game.figureOn('D2').moveOn('D4');

Get figure moves

let figures = game.figureOn('D2').moves();

Useful game attributes


List of all figures on the board


not used on the board but will count the points of the two players


list of moves so far

Useful history functions

History object could be accessed like this

let history = game.history


get moves so far



go back 1 move in history. Before using this it could be checked if there is more moves in back with game.history.hasBack()



go forward 1 move in history. Before using this it could be checked if there is more moves in forward with game.history.hasForward()



P5js chess game







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