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439 lines (293 loc) · 18.4 KB

File metadata and controls

439 lines (293 loc) · 18.4 KB




v0.18.0 — Jan 23, 2023

  • Replace old Java filesys class to use Node.js for file system operations


This release drops support for Max versions lower than Max 8. If you need to use 264 Tools with Max 7 or below, please use v0.17.0.

v0.17.0 — Sep 9, 2020

  • 🆕 Added .maxsnip and .maxcoll files for all modules (#22)

v0.16.0 — Apr 3, 2019

  • Add playback position control and presets to 264.sfplay~ (#21)
  • Improve update checker experience for Max 6 (bcbd0e5)

v0.15.0 — Mar 24, 2019

  • 🆕 Add 264.line breakpoint function module (#17, closes #6)

v0.14.3 — Feb 1, 2019

  • Fix for bug adding new files to soundfiles folder via 264.sfplay~ introduced in v0.14.2

v0.14.2 — Feb 1, 2019

  • Hot fix for 264.sfplay~ when looping in reverse (2634806, fixes #20)

v0.14.1 — Jan 31, 2019

  • Fix conflicting duplicated preset arguments and files (761da27)
  • Namespace hamming1.aiff to 264.hamming1.aiff to avoid potential conflicts (af11bf1)
  • Fix typos in help files and examples (de4f4b4, be32615)
  • Update README (7cfe71d, 5d8e950, 4ab430c, 665311f, 74101a2)

v0.14.0 — Jan 31, 2019

  • 🆕 ✨ Automatically resize modules when created as a new bpatcher (#19)
  • 🆕 Add “Module Finder” extra to make it easier to find relevant modules
  • Improve unintuitive inlet ordering vs GUI ordering in 264.reverb~ (#18, closes #8)
  • Update init, interfaces, and parameter catalogue (c802cca)

v0.13.0 — Jan 28, 2019

  • 🆕 Add help files for all 264 Tools modules (#14, closes #4)
  • 🆕 Add 264.key-learn keyboard shortcut module (d944914, closes #15)
  • Fix 264.sfplay~ receiving play & load messages simultaneously (#16, fixes #10) 🐛
  • Fix broken button in overview patch (50ba95d) 🐛
  • Fix incorrect hint text in 264.sfplay~ (db14c57) 🐛
  • Improve update checker (fe5306c, c9620f6, 733b212, ccad51d) 🐛

v0.12.0 — Nov 3, 2016

  • 🆕 Add Max reference files for all 264 Tools modules (a9d2460)
  • 🆕 Add 264.gate~ amplitude gating module (9e0a442)
  • Fix mislabelled and disconnected third inlet in 264.loop~ (9bd28f6) 🐛
  • 🆕 Create to consolidate release and prelease information (8a299fa)
  • Update source/modules-screenshot.png

v0.11.2 — Sep 22, 2016

  • Fix missing version number in v0.11.1

v0.11.1 — Sep 22, 2016

  • Retitle weekly intro patches to remove old dates
  • Tweak intro patches for clarity
  • Fix a misnamed weekly intro file
  • Mention deletion of previous installs in
  • Include bandstop index in hint for filter-type inlet in 264.filter~

v0.11.0 — Sep 18, 2016

Happy new semester! 🎉

  • 🆕 Add jsui script 264.update-check.js and Extras patcher to allow easy checking for updates
  • Prepare package-info.json for update checker
  • Update overview patcher for new semester
  • Improve installation instructions in
  • 🐛 Fix non-updating UI value in

v0.10.0 — Jan 5, 2016

Max 7.1 Package Manager compatibility

  • 🆕 Add package icon
  • Update package-info.json to new format
  • Update

v0.9.6 — Dec 7, 2015

  • Fix stop/play icon toggling in 264.loop~
  • Improve 264.audiotest~ noise test (pulse rather than continuous)

v0.9.5 — Nov 22, 2015

  • Adds soundfile loading to 264.loop~ 🎉

v0.9.4 — Nov 15, 2015

  • 🆕 Add 264.fullscreen, an easy toggle button for fullscreen display
  • 🆕 Add 264.lockstatus — reports if patcher is locked or unlocked
  • Restructure /extras: weekly introductory patches are now separate files to avoid loading too many subpatches with master overview

v0.9.3 — Nov 13, 2015

  • Reorganise 264.loop~ interface layout

Before to after:

264.loop~ before 264.loop~ after

v0.9.2 — Nov 13, 2015

Quick fix!

  • Fix bug breaking 264.sfplay~ add file button 🐛

v0.9.1 — Nov 13, 2015

Fixes, tweaks, and incremental improvements. Affects 264.loop~, 264.freeze~, 264.sfplay~, 264.sfrecord~, 264.limit~ & 264.go!.

  • Use image icons to improve GUI in 264.sfplay~, 264.sfrecord~, 264.freeze~ and 264.loop~
  • Simplify 264.limit~ peak indicator
  • Improve 264.go! UI consistency across Max 6 & 7
  • Improve clipping synth for 264.loop~ in Overview Extra

v0.9.0 — Nov 13, 2015

New modules! 🙌

  • 🆕 Add 264.limit~ — a no-thinking-required implementation of omx.peaklim~
  • 🆕 Add 264.loop~ — a versatile looper-recorder built on @rconstanzo & raja’s karma~
  • Update Overview documentation with new modules

v0.8.7 — Nov 11, 2015

Fixes, tweaks, and incremental improvements

  • Fix bug when toggling 264.sfplay~ play state with a bang message 🐛
  • Add ability to send “loop 0/1” messages to first 264.sfplay~ inlet
  • Fix & add annotations to
  • Tweak 264.reverb~ UI

v0.8.6 — Nov 7, 2015

Fixes and incremental improvements

  • Fix bidirectional looping in 264.sfplay~ 🐛
  • Expand lower end possibilities for sharpness parameter in 264.envelope~

v0.8.5 — Nov 3, 2015

Quick fixes

  • Fix MIDI connection for 264.sfplay~ speed slider
  • Tweak 264.sfplay~ menu design for consistency across Max 6 & 7

v0.8.4 — Oct 31, 2015

Quick fixes

  • Fix bug when repeatedly recalling same preset in 🐛
  • Improve 264.sfplay~ refresh routine on end-recording with 264.sfrecord~
  • Add attack/release windowing to 264.sfrecord~

v0.8.3 — Oct 29, 2015

  • Add missing step in extras overview intro to 264.sfrecord~ 🐛
  • Tweak audio presets in extras overview
  • Make ezadc~ & ezdac~ in Week 8 overview subpatch local

v0.8.2 — Oct 29, 2015

  • Filter interpolation throughput in to avoid overloading UI

v0.8.1 — Oct 29, 2015

  • 🆕 264.preset-toggle sub-module to control audio-preset storage
  • Add 264.preset-toggle to
    • 264.delay~
    • 264.envelope~
    • 264.filter~
    • 264.freeze~
    • 264.grains~
    • 264.pitchtrack~
    • 264.reverb~
    • 264.ringmod~
    • 264.transpose~
    • 264.trigger~

v0.8.0 — Oct 29, 2015

Major changes for section, 10/29

  • 🆕 264.sfrecord~ monophonic recorder module that cooperates with 264.sfplay~
  • 🆕 state manager for 264 Tools module parameters
  • ⚠️ Major overhaul of scripting names. May break some existing MIDI preset files
  • 264.sfplay~ improvements:
    • allow negative (reverse) speeds
    • 🆕 “Load file…” menu replaces button, populates from ~/soundfiles
    • loading new files copies them to ~/soundfiles and loads them from there
    • fix minor pause button bug when pressing “stop” while paused 🐛
  • 264.freeze~ improvements:
    • 🆕 built-in output metering
    • 🆕 clear button
  • 264.midi-presets improvements:
    • safer initial recall/store set-up
    • fix broken “Read from disk” button 🐛
  • 264.filter~ improvements:
    • add bandstop filter mode option
  • Enable audio preset storage in:
    • 264.delay~
    • 264.envelope~
    • 264.filter~
    • 264.freeze~
    • 264.grains~
    • 264.pitchtrack~
    • 264.reverb~
    • 264.ringmod~
    • 264.transpose~
    • 264.trigger~

v0.7.3 — Oct 23, 2015

Quick fix

  • Fix misnamed 264.midi-learn objects inside 264.freeze~ 🐛

v0.7.2 — Oct 23, 2015

Fixes and small improvements

  • Fix 264.freeze~ to permit multiple instances in one patch 🐛
  • Add floating point outlet to 264.pitchtrack~ (range is 0.–127. in absolute mode; positive/negative interval value in relative mode)
  • Fix filename inlet hints in 264.sfplay~

v0.7.1 — Oct 22, 2015

Smarter & more restrictive soundfile loading

  • Restrict programmatic soundfile loading in 264.sfplay~ to ~/soundfiles directory local to parent patch
  • Add rainstick.aif example sound
  • Add Week 7 subpatch to ‘264 Tool Overview’ extra demonstrating soundilfe loading with rainstick.aif

v0.7.0 — Oct 22, 2015

Small improvements and extensions for Week 7.

  • Overhaul of 264.audiotest~
    • clearer UI & larger audio status button
    • enable menus for input/output devices
    • add hinting & annotation
  • Tweak 264.trigger~ flashing indicator UI
  • Add inlet to allow programmatic file loading in 264.sfplay~

264.audiotest~ before to after:

Before After

v0.6.1 — Oct 15, 2015

  • Add input monitoring to 264.audiotest~
  • Fix overview Extra typo 🐛

v0.6.0 — Oct 15, 2015

New modules for section, Thursday 10/15

  • 🆕 264.trigger~
  • 🆕 264.freeze~
  • 🆕 264.audiotest~
  • Add new modules into README and 264 Extras Overview


v0.5.1 — Oct 8, 2015

  • Improve UI for 264.pitchtrack~ in relative mode
    • Display relative value (in ± semitones) in relative mode
    • Disable relative mode controls when in absolute mode
    • Add option to toggle reference pitch input from MIDI note to float

Before to After:

image image

v0.5.0 — Oct 8, 2015

Modules for section on 10/8

  • 🆕 264.transpose~ pitch shifter
  • 🆕 264.pitchtracker~ fundamental frequency tracker
    • include sigmund~ external for pitch tracking
  • fix inlet hinting in 264.reverb~ 🐛
  • tweak 264.envelope~ visualisation
  • update README & Overview Extra

v0.4.1 — Oct 1, 2015

Week 4 module fixes and improvements.

  • Add “ducking” on plate size change in 264.reverb~ and 264.reverb-poly~
  • Fix comments & hints in 264.reverb~, 264.reverb-poly~ and 264.ringmod~

v0.4.0 — Oct 1, 2015

Modules for week 4 (section on 10 October 2015).

  • 🆕 Add 264.ringmod~ simple single oscillator ring modulator
  • 🆕 Add 264.reverb-poly~ and 264.reverb~
  • Update README, Overview extra, and internal listing

v0.3.4 — Sep 23, 2015

Small improvements

  • Improve 264.sfplay~ & 264.delay~ responsiveness for use with 264.envelope~
  • Tweak 264.midi-presets help file & “264 Tools Overview” section for Max 7 UI compatibility

v0.3.3 — Sep 23, 2015

Quick fix

  • Correct typos in /init & /interfaces

v0.3.2 — Sep 23, 2015

  • Complete overhaul of 264.midi-presets and 264.pattr-control communication
  • 🆕 Support files for better Max documentation
  • 🆕 Help & reference files for 264.midi-presets and 264.midi-learn
  • Fix error messages since replacing disis_munger~ with munger~ 🐛
  • Add 264.midi-presets intro to “264 Tools Overview” extra

v0.3.1 — Sep 22, 2015

Improvements and bug fixes

  • Replace disis_munger~ with newer munger~ version
    • Hopefully addresses Windows compatibility issues 🐛
  • Tweak 264.envelope~ UI for consistency between Max 7 & 6
  • Improve package install alert

v0.3.0 — Sep 22, 2015

New release for class on Tuesday, 22 September.

  • 🆕 Add 264.envelope~ envelope follower
  • 🆕 Add 264.midi-presets MIDI routing preset storage (built on pattrstorage)
    • Add set-patch-path.js to allow correct global path variable setting
    • Include filesys Java class to correctly manage preset file locations
    • Update 264.midi-learn to expose it to 264.midi-presets
    • Update existing 264 Tools modules for compatibility of their 264.midi-learn objects
  • Create “Week 3” subpatch in “264 Tools Overview” extra (demonstrates 264.envelope~)
  • Update README & overview.maxpat

v0.2.2 — Sep 15, 2015

v0.2.1 — Sep 14, 2015

  • disis_munger~ delay length is now linked to grain size in 264.grains~ (delay length = grain size * 3)
  • Improve soundfile test for Max 7 in 264.grains~ overview subpatch
  • Small tweaks to overview extra

v0.2.0 — Sep 14, 2015

New release for class on Tuesday, 15 September

  • 🆕 Add 264.grains~ granulation module
    • include disis_munger~ to power 264.grains~
  • Improve alert text on package install
  • Create week-by-week subpatches in “264 Tools Overview” extra
  • Fix wrongly annotated inlet in 264.delay~ 🐛
  • Update README & overview.maxpat

v0.1.2 — Sep 9, 2015

  • 🆕 Add Extras menu item “264 Tools Overview” to introduce modules

v0.1.1 — Sep 9, 2015

Module improvements for section on 10 September.

  • Add memory clearing mechanism to 264.delay~
  • Link filtergraph~ outlets with sliders in 264.filter~
  • Reorganise 264.delay~ interface to match other modules
  • Switch button for live.button in 264.go!
  • Improve hints & annotations for all modules
  • Minor tweaks
  • Improve README Functionality section

v0.1.0 — Sep 8, 2015

First release for use in the classroom.

  • 🆕 Adds basic filter module 264.filter~
  • Adds a pausing control inlet to 264.sfplay~
  • Small improvements to 264.sfplay~ pausing mechanism
  • Update & improve overview.maxpat

v0.0.3 — Sep 5, 2015

Addresses requests from @hanstutschku for class on September 8.

  • 🆕 Adds MIDI-learning module 264.midi-learn
  • 🆕 MIDI-ready toggle 264.tog
  • 🆕 MIDI-ready button 264.go!
  • Incorporate 264.midi-learn into 264.delay~ and 264.sfplay~
  • Logarithmic delay time slider for finer-grain control of short durations in 264.delay~
  • Variable speed/pitch playback in 264.sfplay~
  • Add on/off control inlet to 264.sfplay~
  • Better installation instructions in
  • Update overview.maxpat

v0.0.2 — Sep 5, 2015

  • 🆕 Adds a basic sound file player module
  • 🆕 Adds overview patch in /examples/
  • 🐛 Fixes [change] bug in delay module
  • Miscellaneous UI tweaks to delay module for Max 7

v0.0.1 — Sep 4, 2015

First (beta) release.

  • single delay module (and delay poly~ patch)
  • pattr utilities
  • package-info.json for compatibility with Max Package Downloader