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GitOps Workflow with Flux v2 - Multi-Tenancy

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For the original example see flux2-multi-tenancy.


For this example we assume a scenario with two clusters: staging and production, both having multiple regions each. The end goal is to leverage Flux and Kustomize to manage both clusters while minimizing duplicated declarations.


You will need a Kubernetes cluster version 1.16 or newer and kubectl version 1.18. For a quick local test, you can use Kubernetes kind or k3d. Any other Kubernetes setup will work as well though.

In order to follow the guide you'll need a GitHub account and a personal access token that can create repositories (check all permissions under repo).

Install the Flux CLI on MacOS and Linux using Homebrew:

brew install flux

Or install the CLI by downloading precompiled binaries using a Bash script:

curl -s | sudo bash

Repository structure

The Git repository contains the following top directories:

  • clusters/ dir contains Helm releases with a custom configuration per cluster
  • clusters dir contains the Flux configuration per cluster
├── clusters
|  ├── production
|  |  ├── northeurope
|  |  └── westeurope
|  └── staging
|     ├── northeurope
|     └── westeurope
├── operations
|  ├── manifests
|  |  ├── base
|  |  ├── production
|  |  |  ├── northeurope
|  |  |  └── westeurope
|  |  └── staging
|  |     ├── northeurope
|  |     └── westeurope
|  └── releases
|     ├── _sources
|     ├── base
|     ├── production
|     |  ├── northeurope
|     |  └── westeurope
|     └── staging
|        ├── northeurope
|        └── westeurope
├── policies
|  ├── kyverno
|  └── kyverno-policies
└── tenants
   ├── base
   ├── production
   |  ├── northeurope
   |  └── westeurope
   └── staging
      ├── northeurope
      └── westeurope

The clusters' configuration is structured into:

  • clusters/production/ dir contains the production Helm release values
  • clusters/staging/ dir contains the staging values


1. Bootstrap gitops repo, staging environament, north europe region

k3d cluster create -p 8080:80@loadbalancer --agents 4 --k3s-arg "--disable=traefik@server:0"

export GITHUB_REPO=gitops-demo-multitenant

flux bootstrap github \
--components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
--owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
--repository=${GITHUB_REPO} \
--branch=main \
--personal \
--path=clusters/staging/northeurope \
# or just generate the manifests
flux install \
     --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
     --export > ./clusters/staging/northeurope/flux-system/gotk-components.yaml 
# generate for all environments
flux install \
     --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
     --export | tee \
      ./clusters/staging/northeurope/flux-system/gotk-components.yaml \
      ./clusters/staging/westeurope/flux-system/gotk-components.yaml \
      ./clusters/production/northeurope/flux-system/gotk-components.yaml \

2 Wait for the tenants Kustomization to reconcile

3. Setup tenants

Tenant's repos

3.1 Create data tenant

3.1.1 Setup RBAC

flux create tenant data \
--label=istio-injection=enabled \
--with-namespace=data \
--export > ./tenants/base/data/rbac.yaml

3.1.2 Setup git source and Kustomization

flux create source git data \
--namespace=data \
--url= \
--secret-ref=data \
--branch=main \
--export > ./tenants/base/data/sync.yaml

flux create kustomization data \
--namespace=data \
--source=data \
--service-account=data \
--path="./" \
--prune=true \
--interval=5m \
--export >> ./tenants/base/data/sync.yaml

3.1.3 Setup data secret

❯ kubectl get secret -n flux-system flux-system -oyaml > data-secret.yaml

Rename the secret and namespace to data and remove the managed and other fields.

❯ kubectl apply -f data-secret.yaml

3.2 Create core tenant

3.2.1 Setup RBAC

flux create tenant core \
--label=istio-injection=enabled \
--with-namespace=core \
--export > ./tenants/base/core/rbac.yaml

3.2.2 Setup git source and Kustomization

flux create source git core \
--namespace=core \
--url= \
--secret-ref=core \
--branch=main \
--export > ./tenants/base/core/sync.yaml

flux create kustomization core \
--namespace=core \
--source=core \
--service-account=core \
--path="./" \
--prune=true \
--interval=5m \
--export >> ./tenants/base/core/sync.yaml

3.2.3 Setup core secret

❯ kubectl get secret -n flux-system flux-system -oyaml > core-secret.yaml

Rename the secret and namespace to core and remove the managed and other fields.

❯ kubectl apply -f core-secret.yaml

Install the metrics server

❯ kubectl apply -f

Make requests to the critical app

./scripts/ critical.staging.eun/outside


Create an EKS cluster

❯ eksctl create cluster --name eks-flux --region=eu-west-1 --nodes-min=3 --nodes-max=4

Create a k3d cluster

❯ k3d cluster create -p 8888:80@loadbalancer --agents 4 --k3s-arg "--disable=traefik@server:0"


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