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###Wide Analytics Streaming Platform

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WASP is a framework to build complex real time big data applications. It relies on a kind of Kappa/Lambda architecture mainly leveraging Kafka and Spark.

If you need to ingest huge amount of heterogeneous data and analyze them through complex pipelines, this is the framework for you. If you need a point and click product, this is not the tool for you.

WASP is a big data framework that allows you to not waste time with devops architectures and integrating different components. WASP lets you focus on your data, business logic and algorithms, without worrying about tipical big data problems like:

  • at least once or exactly once delivery
  • periodically training a machine learning model
  • publishing your results in real time, to be reactive
  • applying schemas to unstructured data
  • feeding different datastores from the same data flow in a safe way
  • etc.


Handling huge streams of data in near real time is a hard task. So we want to build a reference architecture to speed up fast data application development and to avoid common mistakes about fault tolerance and reliability. Kafka is the central pillar of the architecture and helps to handle streams in the correct way. We have been inspired by the Kappa architecture definition.


You can refer to the diagrams ( Wasp1 and Wasp2 ) to gain a general overview of the architecture. The project is divided into sub modules:

  • wasp-core: provides all basic functionalities, pojo and utilities
  • wasp-producer: a thin layer to easily expose endpoints for ingestion purposes. Leveraging Akka-Camel we can provide Http, Tcp, ActiveMQ, JMS, File and many other connectors. This ingestion layer pushes data into Kafka.
  • wasp-consumer: the consumer layer incapsulates Spark Streaming to dequeue data from Kafka, apply business logic to it and then push the output on a target system.
  • wasp-webapp: it provides the main entry point to control your application, exposing the WASP REST API. In the future, this will also provide a complete web application for monitoring and configuration.

All the components are coordinated, monitored and owned by an Akka Cluster layer, that provides scalability and fault tolerance for each component. For example you can spawn multiple identical producers to balance the load on your http endpoint, and then fairly distribute the data on Kafka.

For distributed deployments, there are two options:

  • standalone: WASP and each service it needs are instantiated and provided using Docker Swarm
  • alongside an Hadoop deployment: Kafka, YARN (for Spark), Solr, Zookeeper and HDFS are provided by an existing cluster; WASP and the remaining services are instantiated via Docker Swarm See Docker Swarm (for deployment) for details. Please note that the distributed deployment is still under development, as we plan on adding Mesos support.

For development purposes, WASP comes with two ways to handle the service dependencies, both leveraging docker-compose: the full one where each service is instantiated and the light one assuming that a Hadoop Cluster is available. See Docker (for development) for details.


  • Pipegraph: a directed acyclic graph of data transformations. Each step is lazy and loosely coupled from previous and the next one. It is basically an ordered list of ETL blocks, with Inputs and Outputs.
  • ETL: represents a Spark Streaming job. It can consume data from one or more Inputs, elaborate the incoming data and push it to an Output. You can't have more than an Output for an ETL block, in order to avoid misalignment between outputs. If you want to write the same data on different datastores, you must consume the topic data with two different ETL blocks. Both Streaming and Batch ETLs are supported.
  • Input: a source of data for an ETL block.
  • Output: a destination for data produced by an ETL block. Can be any of various datastores or messaging systems.
  • Topic: the representation of a Kafka topic with an associated Avro schema. Can be either an Input or an Output.
  • Index: the representation of an index in an indexed datastore (either ElasticSearch or Solr) adn its associated schema. Can be either an Input or an Output.
  • KVStore: an abstraction for a Key-Value store, like Cassandra and HBase, for when you need high performance access by key. Can only be used as an Output. This is not implemented yet.
  • OLAP: an abstraction for an Online Analytical Processing system. It will help to provide OLAP capabilities to the application. Druid and Kylin will be the available options. This is not implemented yet.
  • Raw: any of a number of datastores based on files; for example, HDFS or S3. Can be either an Input or an Output.
  • Producer: Producers are independent from pipegraphs. They ingest data from different sources and write data to a Kafka topic, after formatting it according to a the schema.




Kafka is the central element of this architecture blue print. Each topic must have an associated Avro schema. This enforces type consistency and is the first step towards reliable real time data quality, something we will work on in the next future. Avro has been chosen because more typed and descriptive than JSON and because of its compatibility with Spark and the Hadoop world in general. Kafka decouples the ingestion layer from the analysis one. This allows updating algorithms and models without impacting the ingestion layer, and vice versa.


Spark is the data engine powering WASP, and is used in two components: Streaming ETL and Batch ETL. It can also be used to provide a JDBC interface using Thrift server. WASP supports running Spark in three different ways:

  • embedded, using Spark's local mode, which is recommended for development only
  • on YARN, used when running with an existing Hadoop cluster
  • with Spark's standalone clustering (master + workers), used in the standalone, Docker Swarm-based WASP deployment option


Akka is our middleware: each component of WASP is an actor and relies on a clustered Actor System. In this way each component can be a separate process, and even run on different machines, and we can handle fault tolerance in a trasparent way to the whole application. This is a general overview of the ActorSystem


MongoDB is the central repository for all configurations, ML models, and entities. It is fault tolerant and it simplifies the deployment in a distributed environment because each node just needs the MongoDB address to be ready to go.

Pluggable Datastore

WASP system is integrated with Elasticsearch, Solr and HDFS. All data stored inside the datastore is indexed and searchable via the specific query language of the datastore. In the next future we will extend the support to Cassandra and HBase datastore.

Using WASP

Setting up the development environment

WASP is written in Scala, and the build is managed with SBT.

The recommended development environment is Linux; developing on Windows or MacOS is certainly possible, but is not supported, sorry about that!

Before starting:

  • Install JDK
  • Install SBT
  • Install Git

The steps to getting WASP up and running for development are pretty simple:

  • Clone this repository:

    git clone

  • Use the scripts to run the service dependencies with Docker:


  • Start WASP. You can either run WASP inside or outside of a Docker container:

    • inside a container: ./docker/wasp-docker-image/ && ./docker/

    • outside (on the host): ./docker/

Extension points

In order to build you application there are several extension points where to place your algorithms.

  • Producer: If your data can flow directly into Kafka, for example if you already have a Flume ingestion layer, you don't need to have producers. Otherwise you should extend WaspProducerActor, maybe leveraging Camel, to expose some kind of endpoint (tcp, http, jms, etc).
    At this point you only need to worry about formatting your incoming data according to an Avro schema, as the base class will handle the Kafka connectivity for you. In order to have each producer acting independently, you should also overwrite WaspProducerNodeGuardian.

An example of an extended WaspProducerNodeGuardian:

final class YahooFinanceProducer(env: {val producerBL: ProducerBL; val topicBL: TopicBL}) extends WaspProducerNodeGuardian(env) {

  // TODO verify this assigment (what if more YFP are declared ?)
  val name =

  def startChildActors() = {"Starting get data on ${cluster.selfAddress}")

	val stocks = producer.configuration.flatMap(bson => bson.getAs[BSONArray]("stocks").map(array => => s.seeAsOpt[String].get))).getOrElse(YahooFinanceProducer.stocks)

    stocks foreach { s =>
      println("stock: " + s)
      val aRef = context.actorOf(Props(new StockActor(s, kafka_router, associatedTopic)))
      aRef ! StartMainTask

An example of an extended WaspProducerActor:

private[wasp] class StockActor(stock: String, kafka_router: ActorRef, topic: Option[TopicModel]) extends WaspProducerActor[JsValue](kafka_router, topic) {

  val builder = new com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder()
  val client = new

  override def preStart(): Unit = {"Starting $stock")

  def mainTask() = {"Starting main task for actor: ${this.getClass.getName}")
    task = Some(context.system.scheduler.schedule(Duration.Zero, 10 seconds) {
      val url = s"""*$stock%22)&format=json&"""
      val res = client.url(url).getStream()
      val jsonReturned: Future[String] = res.flatMap {
    	case (headers, body) => // Count the number of bytes returned
      		body |>>> Iteratee.fold("") { (json, bytes) => json + new String(bytes, "UTF-8") }

      val jsonString = Await.result(jsonReturned, 20 seconds)
      val json: JsValue = Json.parse(jsonString)
      //val outputJson = generateOutputJsonMessage(json)
      logger.debug("Forwarding producer message to Kafka: " + jsonString)

  def generateOutputJsonMessage(inputJson: JsValue): String = {

	    /* The following mappings are just an example made to show the producer in action */
	    val id_event = (inputJson \\ "count").map([Double]).headOption
	    val source_name = (inputJson \\ "StockExchange").map(t => t.asOpt[String].getOrElse("")).headOption.getOrElse("")
	    val topic_name =
	    val metric_name = stock
	    //val ts = (inputJson \\ "created").map(time => time.asOpt[String].getOrElse(format.format(new Date()))).headOption.getOrElse(format.format(new Date())).replace("Z", ".000Z")
	    val ts = (inputJson \\ "created").map(time => time.asOpt[String] match {
	      case None => TimeFormatter.format(new Date())
	      case Some(t) => TimeFormatter.format(t, YahooFinanceProducer.timeFormat)
	    val latitude = 0
	    val longitude = 0
	    val value = (inputJson \\ "Bid").map(t => t.asOpt[String].map(_.toDouble).getOrElse(0.0)).headOption.getOrElse(0.0)
	    val bid = value
	    val ask = (inputJson \\ "Ask").map(t => t.asOpt[String].map(_.toDouble).getOrElse(0.0)).headOption.getOrElse(0.0)
	    val stock_name = (inputJson \\ "Name").map(t => t.asOpt[String].getOrElse(stock)).headOption.getOrElse(stock)
	    val percent_change = (inputJson \\ "PercentChange").map(t => t.asOpt[String].map(s => s.replace("%", "").toDouble).getOrElse(0.0)).headOption.getOrElse(0.0)
	    val volume = (inputJson \\ "Volume").map(t => t.asOpt[String].map(_.toDouble).getOrElse(0.0)).headOption.getOrElse(0.0)
	    val currency = (inputJson \\ "Currency").map(t => t.asOpt[String].getOrElse("")).headOption.getOrElse("")
	    val payload = inputJson.toString().replaceAll("\"", "") //Required for string bonification
	    val myJson = s"""{

  def generateRawOutputJsonMessage(inputJson: JsValue): String = {

	    val format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")
	    /* The following mappings are just an example made to show the producer in action */
	    val id_event = (inputJson \\ "count").map([Double]).headOption
	    val source_name = "SPMIB"
	    val topic_name =
	    val metric_name = stock
	    //val ts = (inputJson \\ "created").map(time => time.asOpt[String].getOrElse(format.format(new Date()))).headOption.getOrElse(format.format(new Date())).replace("Z", ".000Z")
	    val ts = (inputJson \\ "created").map(time => time.asOpt[String] match {
	      case None => TimeFormatter.format(new Date())
	      case Some(t) => TimeFormatter.format(t, YahooFinanceProducer.timeFormat)
	    val latitude = 0
	    val longitude = 0
	    val value = (inputJson \\ "Bid").map(t => t.asOpt[String].map(_.toDouble).getOrElse(0.0)).headOption.getOrElse(0.0)
	    val payload = inputJson.toString().replaceAll("\"", "") //Required for string bonification
	    val myJson = s"""{

  • Consumer: to create a consumer you only need to implement the Strategy trait with a concrete class. The full qualifier of the class will then be used in the ETL block inside the Pipegraph definition or in the Batch definition.

  • Models: these define all the details of your Pipegraph, such as the Inputs, ETL blocks and Outputs, along with some metadata. Topics, Index, Raw etc. are first defined separately using the corresponding model classes, and then are used inside the Pipegraph definition. This has to be added to MongoDB; a convenient place to do this in is the prepareWorkloads() method in the FrameworkLauncher trait. Simply extend the trait in a class, implement the method, then use your Launcher as the main class for your application.


This is a pipegraph overview diagram, while this is a more specific model representation of a pipegraph. Pipegraph is the core of WASP, because it allows to abstract a pipeline with no coupling between components. It's really easy to change a pipegraph in order to add a datastore or more transformation steps. The structure of a Pipegraph forces you to implement in the right direction to avoid architectural mistakes. It forces you to have just one single output for each stream, so if you need to write your data into two datastore you are obliged to redirect the stream to Kafka topic and to consume it with two indipendent consumers.

An example of a Pipegraph definition:

object MetroPipegraphModel {

    lazy val metroPipegraphName = "MetroPipegraph6"
    lazy val metroPipegraph = MetroPipegraph()
    lazy val conf: Config = ConfigFactory.load
    lazy val defaultDataStoreIndexed = conf.getString("default.datastore.indexed")

	  private[wasp] object MetroPipegraph {
        def apply() =
              name = MetroPipegraphModel.metroPipegraphName,
              description = "Los Angeles Metro Pipegraph",
              owner = "user",
              system = false,
              creationTime =,
              etl = List(
                  ETLModel("write on index",
                                         , defaultDataStoreIndexed),
                           Some(StrategyModel("it.agilelab.bigdata.wasp.pipegraph.metro.strategies.MetroStrategy", None))
              rt = Nil,
              dashboard = None,
              isActive = false,
              _id = Some(BSONObjectID.generate))

An other important part of the pipegraph is the strategy. Using strategy, you can apply custom transformation directly to the dataframe, when the DStream is processed with Spark.

An example of a Pipegraph strategy definition:

case class MetroStrategy() extends Strategy {

  def transform(dataFrames: Map[ReaderKey, DataFrame]) = {

    val input = dataFrames.get(ReaderKey(TopicModel.readerType, "metro.topic")).get

    /** Put your transformation here. */

    input.filter(input("longitude") < -118.451683D)



In this example the DataFrame is filtered at runtime with a "longitude" condition (i.e. < -118.451683D). Is possible apply more complicated trasformations using all the Spark DataFrame APIs like select, filter, groupBy and count Spark DataFrame APIs.

Running your application

To run your application, you have to change the entry point to be your new Launcher. You can do this in many ways, the most straightforward one is changing the mainClass setting in build.sbt to point to your launcher.

Then, start as WASP as you did above in the environment setup part.

Your new Pipegraphs, Producers and associated models should now be laoded into MongoDB. You can check it by connecting to the WASP MongoDB instance, on localhost:27017, or using the REST API, by doing a GET localhost:9000/pipegraphs and GET localhost:9000/producers.

Now you can start your Producer and Pipegraphs, using the respective IDs, with the REST API by doing POST localhost:9000/producers/$ID/start and POST localhost:9000/pipegraphs/$ID/start.

Then, you can have a look at what's going on:


Wide Analytics Streaming Platform







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