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A C# library to access NationStates API


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dotNS - NationStates API access in C#

A C# library for NationStates API access. Developed by The Empire of IKTeam (Our Glorious Nation)

Flag of Our Glorious Nation

We are now on NuGet! We are now on NuGet!


  • High level API access to nation and region information, some public and private shards.
  • Low level API access for public and private shards
  • Issues interaction
  • PIN-code authentication
  • May act like both a low-level wrapper and high-level OOP library



For public shards only, this should be sufficient:

using dotNS;
DotNS api = new DotNS();

If you later wish to authenticate, you can use this method call:

// Updates PIN value of the class. Can be used to re-auth.
api.UpdatePin("nation name", "password");

or just use this constructor:

// Initializes NS API wrapper and automatically acquires a PIN for private API
DotNS api = new DotNS("nation name", "password");

You can (and actually should) also define your own UserAgent. You can do it either using a constructor:

DotNS api = new DotNS("nation name", "password", "UserAgent");

or after initialization

api.UserAgent = "UserAgent";

Also, to disable our API ratelimiting feature (enabled by default), use

api.RateLimit = false;

High level API example

Get basic nation information

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Use it to acquire nation information
PublicNationInfo nation = api.GetNationInfo("nation name");
// Access information you need
Console.WriteLine($"Population: {nation.Population}, motto: {nation.Motto}");

Get basic public shard information

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Use it to acquire basic public shard
string shard = api.PublicShard("nation name", Shards.PublicShard.Capital);
// Access information you've requested
Console.WriteLine($"The capital is {shard}");

Get basic region information

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Use it to acquire basic region info
PublicRegionInfo info = api.GetRegionInfo("region name");
// Access information you need
Console.WriteLine($"The founder is {info.Founder} and there are {info.NumNations} in this region.");

Verification API

using dotNS;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Make a call to the API
bool result = api.Verify("nation name", "code");
// Output "Correct!" if the code is correct, or "Incorrect!" if it isn't
Console.WriteLine(result ? "Correct!" : "Incorrect!");

Respond to an issue

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an authenticated API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS("nation name", "password");
// Use it to acquire private nation info
PrivateNationInfo info = api.GetPrivateNation();
// Access the first issue
Issue issue = info.Issues[0];
Console.WriteLine($"The title of the first issue is {issue.Title}, and there are {issue.Options.Length} options.");
// Resolve the issue using the first option.
api.AddressIssue(issue, issue.Options[0]);
// OR, to dismiss the issue
api.AddressIssue(issue, IssueOption.DISMISS);

Access multiple private shards

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an authenticated API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS("nation name", "password");
// Get several shards
string[] info = api.PrivateShard(new Shards.PrivateShard[] { Shards.PrivateShard.NextIssueTime, Shards.PrivateShard.NextIssue });
// Response to the first shard will be first element of the result array
Console.WriteLine($"Next issue time: {info[0]}"); // "Next issue time: 123456789"
Console.WriteLine($"Next issue {info[1]}"); // "Next issue in 3 hours"

World daily dumps

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
using System.Xml;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Get region dump
DailyDataDump dump = api.GetDump(RequestType.Region);
// -> DailyDataDump dump = api.GetDump(RequestType.Nation);
// -> DailyDataDump dump = api.GetDump(CardSeason.Season1);
// Save as region.xml.gz
File.WriteAllBytes("region.xml.gz", dump.Content);
// Save as region.xml
File.WriteAllBytes("region.xml", dump.Decompress());
// Open as XML
XmlNodeList xml = dump.GetXml();
XmlNodeList regionsXml = xml.TakeNodes("regions");
Console.WriteLine($"There seem to be {regionsXml.Count} regions!");

Nation census statistics

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Get Black Market data for "IKTeam" nation between Feb 4 2021 and May 31 2021 (UNIX timestamp)
List<CensusNode> censusData = api.GetCensus("IKTeam", Census.BlackMarket, 1612456412, 1622456426);
// Output required information
CensusNode node = censusData[10];
Console.WriteLine($"On {DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(node.timestamp):dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss} the value of Black Market in IKTeam was {node.value}");

Get flag of a nation or region

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Get basic information of nation/region
// -> PublicRegionInfo info = api.GetRegionInfo("region");
PublicNationInfo info = api.GetNationInfo("nation");
// Get flag.
System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = info.Flag;

Get all cards of a nation

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Get deck of a nation
List<IncompleteTradingCard> deck = api.GetDeck("nation");
// Output info
Console.WriteLine($"This nation has {deck.Count} total cards!");

Get information of a card

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Get information of a card
TradingCard card = api.GetCard(1, CardSeason.Season2);
// Output information
Console.WriteLine($"Card name: {card.Name}, Market value: {card.MarketValue}");
Console.WriteLine($"Card flag resolution: {card.Flag.Width}:{card.Flag.Height}");

Send a telegram

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Prepare a message
string clientId = "Your client ID";
string tgID = "ID of the telegram";
string secretKey = "Key to send the telegram";
string recipient = "nation";
// Send telegram
api.SendTelegram(clientId, tgID, secretKey, recipient);

Low level API example

Get advanced public shard information

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
using System.Xml;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Get policies of a nation
XmlNodeList policies = api.RawPublicShard("nation name", Shards.PublicShard.Policies);
// Takes all nodes in <POLICIES> tag, since `policies` looks like <nation><policies>...</policies></nation>
XmlNodeList nodes = policies.TakeNodes("policies");
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
    // Outputs name of a policy (for example, "Compulsory Organ Harvesting")

Get advanced public region shard information

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Get nations of a region
XmlNodeList nations = api.RawPublicShard("region name", Shards.PublicShard.Nations, RequestType.Region);
// Since the output contains <nations>...</nations> tag, we can use .FindProperty to access its contents
string[] RegionNations = nations.FindProperty("nations").Split(':');
foreach (string n in RegionNations)
    // Outputs all nations in a region.

Using World API

using dotNS;
using dotNS.Classes;
using System.Xml;
// Create an API wrapper
DotNS api = new DotNS();
// Get number of nations in the world
XmlNodeList nodes = bot.GetWorld(Shards.World.NumNations);
string amount = Utilities.FindProperty(nodes, "numnations");
Console.WriteLine($"There are {amount} nations in the world!");

Using API directly

using dotNS;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Xml;
// This will be used for GET request parameters
NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection();
nvc.Add("nation", "ikteam");
nvc.Add("q", "leader");
var resp = Utilities.API(nvc); // You can also define pass (null by default) and pin (null by default) like Utilities.API(nvc, pass, PIN). You can also define UserAgent as the fourth argument.
// Use StrResp to convert the API response to XML string
string xml = Utilities.StrResp(resp);
 // Use Parse to convert the XML string to NodeList
XmlNodeList nodelist = Utilities.Parse(xml); // By default, it takes nodes by path `/NATION/*`. Use second argument to define the path, like Utilities.Parse(xml, "*");
// Use FindProperty to find a property or attribute by name. Returns first occurance.
string leaderName = nodelist.FindProperty("leader");
Console.WriteLine($"Leader is {leaderName}"); // "Leader is Overlord"

Any issues?

Ask on GitHub issues! We are ready to help. We are open to new feature suggestions and pull requests.