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Releases: kellygallen/Radphe

RADPHE v0.06 Beta Build 005

13 Jun 18:20
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Its going to be a while.
Maybe and probably a long while.
You might as well try this one.
And It will Probably fail if I dont release it as a release.
gotta save power.
its only tested on xammp with many modlues disabled...
so who know, it may be totally shattered outside og my testing at some point.
Left Shelter in lue of Fresh Air and a better average of people.

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RADPHE v0.06 Beta Build 004

09 Jun 17:02
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Stealth and Hardening FIX.

Memory Tracking avoids objects, resources, and the site engine, and recursive globals.
If you want to see these things, run a dBug or dBugM or
---- $_INTIN['Dump'][FILE][LINE] and be on DEV Server Config.
OR something.
IF you want the final snapshot of globals you need the PreShutdown event unless you bypassed and canceled the CMS buffer and took over control of the stream, in which case you should include_once dBug_mini and then new dBug($VAR['ViewPoint']); for example.
At current, It doesn't track until $_INTIN['Dump'] and wont display it unless dev config is on your you toggle the memory space on production ideally with some kind binding to your office IP or session and credentials. AKA LOCK IT DOWN.
TO COME, tracking of namespaces in and after which bench function happens.
TO COME tracking of when functions are made and classes and such.
so it might get interesting if you do nothing to make your app run radphe... but during your code you run it's bench.

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RADPHE v0.06 Beta Build 003

07 Jun 17:12
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Lightweight Again. Sanity Check stepped back.
Memory Tracking limited to 10MB before and 50MB ram free when _INTIN Dump-ing things.
Removed DUMP from every page if disabled and demo files are not deleted.

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RADPHE v0.06 Beta Build 002

07 Jun 16:38
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Lightweight: dont $_INTIN['Dump'][FILE]= do your own dBug and call it smartly on the part of the array you want not the whole thing.
Heavyweight in ram... do the opposite of what i said. But there are sanity checks now... it will not likely fail and it will try to show you what changed when you wanted to dump something because it went wrong.

OK, so filtering globals and fatty memory tracking areas of memory is not working.
because it ends up being by reference to globals and you cant clone everything.
cant test=globals and then test/globals/globals=null even.
SO sanity check is imposed.
It will remember the finishing state of last event for compare to the current finishing state of a event level include.
BUT the last is only if it is under 100mb, then THIS event will compare if less than 250mb ram.
You could at present hit 300mb ram.
this is also because the output from dbug is so big. then history is fully implemented you will have a iframe into a new call that pulls saved work from session or db.
keeping output buffers from bloating.
then if i get array copy filters working and maybe my own array diff...
it should get back to being light weight; and it is if your not debugging.

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RADPHE v0.06 Beta Build 001

07 Jun 01:50
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Memory Tracking and ++
Too warn out to test and maybe further perfect.

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RADPHE v0.05.9 More Fixes for dev ability

05 Jun 22:23
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More Fixes. If you had problems with the dbug and Dump. Or html head linked Virtual Resources used by DOM being pre-expired.
Also if you had issues with being stuck on permeant cached virtual resourced and you dont know to use the conde/network inspector to disable cache in browser for dev to ensure fresh copy. the reason for virtual being permanent is to reduce called to them as they are primarily meant to be static resources. there are Boolean toggles in code to eliminate dynamics and execution in virtual resources. Remember most of your app development is supposed to be on the outside of the site engine as real files and their real resources like normal and then hence you would use the application.php to unify that folder and sub folders. whereby url folders = app or application areas.

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RADPHE v0.05.8

05 Jun 01:33
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More Production Ready and Hardened against probes and spiders. And Documentation.

Production Development Toggle
Rename of /_system/_DevServer.php.disabled
AND optionally Deletion of /-RADPHEindex.php

This is a good release. Vulnerabilities AND "Tells' are fixed. It is possible to conceal that the server is running RADPHE or that target files are there but denied. This build will 404 lie for everything and that is a big deal against being probed with a dictionary of vulnerabilities.

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RADPHE v0.05.7

04 Jun 18:11
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GLOBAL is clean now, its instead $_INTIN[]

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RADPHE v0.05.6

03 Jun 21:46
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Cleanliness, and a fix.
might be last stable for a while.
going to complex the kernel part with more requirements like feeling what events it needs to have and then add some on from there; hence many events will be grouped together and the long route will disappear or you will have to explore it on your own. the long route is terminating the connection in the pre php, ending up in the request php resumed because of include_once then doing it again for the post php and also redirecting output to custom server log file after the first connect termination signal (buffer or stream can still continue after, it needs to time out).
Lets face it... No OnE iS InTeReStEd In ThAt ???

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RADPHE v0.05.5

03 Jun 18:26
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Ever Cleaner, slightly more functional.

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