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Developing static site

We run on next.

npm i
npm run dev

Deploying the static site

The site is deployed on vercel

git push

Building the pdf e-book (content -> build)

We offer an accompanying pdf of all our content. Building the e-book requires the following (examples given for OSX machines):

# Install pandoc
brew install pandoc

# Install latex
# For OSX machines we can just install basictex
# Note: You may need to update your $PATH variable after installation to include the texbin utilities
# on my machine this meant including /Library/TeX/texbin in $PATH
brew install basictex

# Install titlesec
# Titlesec is a package used by latex for formatting. We use it to provide some custom styling
sudo tlmgr install titlesec

# Install python packages
# We use markdown-pp to concatenate all our individual markdown files and apply chapter titles
# You will need to install python and pip on your machine if you haven't already
pip install MarkdownPP

After installing all dependencies you can re-generate a fresh copy of the book by running

make book

The book should now open up in preview. If it doesn't you can find it under the build folder


V0: April 2019 (The beginning)

Everything is on wordpress. we have pdf generation. All the content lives in content and build

  • content stores raw markdown, build keeps the pdfs
  • we copy this repo inside our wordpress theme, which lets us link to the pdfs

V1: December 2019 (Remove sign-ups)

We decide to remove signup. This means:

  • We'll keep wordpress just for the landing page
    • (note: we could have this be a static page, but there's no hurry)
    • We still have sign-ups / course-links on wordpress, but there are no direct links to them
      • [Someday/Maybe]: Hard remove sign-up / course-links from wordpress
  • Use mdbook v0.3.1 to host a GH site of the contenet
  • To achieve this:
    • we introduce new directories and files to support mdbook
      • web_content, is a copy of our content with slight modifications that aren't compatible with our pdf generation
        • we include iframe urls in every md file
        • we updated 05_communicating_signal to include a few links
      • web_build, the mdbook-built version of web_content
      • theme to insert a top header
      • book.toml to configure mdbook
    • book pdf still works the same:
      • titlesec.tex, builder.mdpp, content as the source, build is what outputs the individual and book pdf files
    • We use CloudFlare for DNS configuration.
    • We use Wordpress with WPEngine to host the landing page and email sign up
    • We use mailchimp to collect emails
    • We use Github pages with a custom to host the static content

V2: January 2022 (Revamp)

  • Merge and
  • Use next.js instead of mdbook and friends