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Warning: This project is not actively maintained. If you are looking for more up-to-date UI tools for managing your Docker Swarm cluster, consider using a more complete solution, like Swarmpit or Portainer.


Simple GUI for Docker Swarm Mode


How to Run


docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 4000:4000 jsalonen/swarmist

Against Remote Swarm

Create an SSH tunnel to manager node:

ssh -NL localhost:2375:/var/run/docker.sock [email protected]

Start swarmist and connect to tunneled port:

DOCKER_HOST=http://localhost:2375 npm start

As a Swarm Mode Service

docker service create \
  --name swarmist \
  --constraint node.role==manager \
  --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \
  --publish 4000:4000 jsalonen/swarmist

How to Develop

Install dependencies:

  npm install
  cd client && npm install && cd -

Run development server:

  npm start

Point your browser to:


In order to see swarm statistics, you need to connect your UI to running swarm cluster.

Testing Against Local Swarm Node

Simplest way to develop is to test against a local swarm node.

Ensure you have Docker installed locally:

  docker --version

Initiate swarm:

  docker swarm init

Test replicated services by deploying Voting App Example:

  cd ..
  git clone
  cd example-voting-app
  docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-stack.yml vote

Test global service by creating service in global mode (here: simple top monitor):

  docker service create --name top --mode global alpine top

Testing Against Swarm Cluster in AWS

Probably the simplest way to test against AWS testnet is to deploy Docker for AWS Stack.

Navigate to and deploy a stack with CloudFormation

Find out public address of any manager node and ssh into it:

  ssh -i [yourkeypair.pem] [email protected]

Verify that docker is working and setup replicated services, for instance:

  docker --version
  docker service create --name top --mode global alpine top

Now tunnel remote docker socket to a local port:

  ssh -N -L 23750:/var/run/docker.sock [email protected]

And finally start swarmist against this port as follows:

  DOCKER_HOST=localhost:23750 npm start

Information from remote swarm cluster should appear in the UI


Other pending swarm improvements: