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Jörg Prante edited this page Jan 22, 2014 · 3 revisions

One of the advantage of SQL queries is the join operation. From many tables, new tuples can be formed.

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_river/my_jdbc_river/_meta' -d '{
    "type" : "jdbc",
    "jdbc" : {
        "url" : "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test",
        "user" : "",
        "password" : "",
        "sql" : "select \"relations\" as \"_index\", orders.customer as \"_id\", orders.customer as \"contact.customer\", as \"contact.employee\" from orders left join employees on employees.department = orders.department"

For example, these rows from SQL

mysql> select "relations" as "_index", orders.customer as "_id", orders.customer as "contact.customer", as "contact.employee"  from orders left join employees on employees.department = orders.department;
| _index    | _id   | contact.customer | contact.employee |
| relations | Big   | Big              | Smith            |
| relations | Large | Large            | Müller           |
| relations | Large | Large            | Meier            |
| relations | Large | Large            | Schulze          |
| relations | Huge  | Huge             | Müller           |
| relations | Huge  | Huge             | Meier            |
| relations | Huge  | Huge             | Schulze          |
| relations | Good  | Good             | Müller           |
| relations | Good  | Good             | Meier            |
| relations | Good  | Good             | Schulze          |
| relations | Bad   | Bad              | Jones            |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

will generate fewer JSON objects for the index relations.

index=relations id=Big {"contact":{"employee":"Smith","customer":"Big"}}
index=relations id=Large {"contact":{"employee":["Müller","Meier","Schulze"],"customer":"Large"}}
index=relations id=Huge {"contact":{"employee":["Müller","Meier","Schulze"],"customer":"Huge"}}
index=relations id=Good {"contact":{"employee":["Müller","Meier","Schulze"],"customer":"Good"}}
index=relations id=Bad {"contact":{"employee":"Jones","customer":"Bad"}}

Note how the employee column is collapsed into a JSON array. The repeated occurence of the _id column controls how values are folded into arrays for making use of the Elasticsearch JSON data model.