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Workout App

Domain model draft


  • id
  • name
  • description
  • links
  • data

SessionSechedule Schedule for one session of a workout plan

  • id
  • plan
  • name
  • description
  • links
  • data

Exercise Specs for a specific Exrecise

  • id
  • sessionSchedule
  • name
  • reps
  • sets
  • rest
  • description
  • links
  • data

PerformedSession Instance of a session performed by a user

  • id
  • user
  • sessionSchedule
  • startedAt
  • completedAt
  • note

PerformedExercise Exercise performed by a user during a performed workout session

  • id
  • user
  • performedSession
  • reps
  • sets
  • rest
  • weight
  • startedAt
  • completedAt
  • note


  • id
  • name

Notes about types

Unless otherwise specified

  • Strings such as name, note, description are text
  • Weights are numeric, always in grams and converted in frontend/for end user
    • Constraint CHECK(VALUE >= 0)
  • Sets, reps are positive integers
  • id's are UUID unless otherwise necessary, in such cases serial
  • links are arrays of text (or possibly IE max, varchar(2082)) text[]

Positive Integer

CREATE DOMAIN positive_int AS int
    CHECK(VALUE >= 0)

Tech stack



  • Native App
    • ReactNative
    • iOS first
    • Focus on experience in the gym, at your workout
    • Healthkit integration
    • Suggestion, create a mobile web-app using React Native for web for platforms we don't officially support with goal to share most code.
      • Also faster & easier to deploy
  • Web cloud app
    • Online app, desktop/mobile
    • Focus on
      • Analyzing previous workouts
      • Create new workout schedules
      • See statistics and progress
      • Social? (Not initial version)