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A set of facial detection, recognition, and transformation utilities for images and video streams. Use the CLI to get started, or import the modules into a project.


Requires python3.x and OpenCV >= 3.4

  1. Setup and activate a virtualenv.
  2. Install project requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install OpenCV 4 from source or, install OpenCV 3.4 using pip install opencv-contrib-python.



Use a camera to detect faces and perform various operations in a live feed.

Only one operation can run at a time.

Operations take precedence in the following order:

  1. -r Recognizing faces
  2. -b Blurring faces
  3. -l Drawing landmarks
  4. -x Removing faces
  5. default Drawing faces


  • -s, --src

    Video input source. Defaults to 0 for built in webcam. Provide 1 for a usb camera source.

  • -c, --conf

    Minimum confidence for detecting a face. Defaults to 0.5. Accepts values (0, 1).

  • -w, --width

    Width to resize stream to. Defaults to 600px. Pass 0 to not resize.

  • -r, --recognize

    Recognize faces in the video stream. Requires a pre-trained model. Use with the following two flags.

    • -rp, --recognizer-path

    Path to the trained recognizer. Defaults to facewash/recognizer/pickle/recognizer.pickle

    • -lp, --label-path

    Path to the corresponding labels. Defaults to facewash/recognizer/pickle/le.pickle

  • -b, --blur

    Blur detected faces in the video stream.

  • -l, --landmarks

    Draw 5 point facial landmarks and display angle of the head.

    • -se, --sixty-eight

    Use the 68-point facial landmarks instead of the 5-point.

  • -x, --remove

    Remove faces found in the video stream. Each frame without detected faces gets set as the background image.

    Use with the following 3 flags to refine.

    • -ff, --first-frame

      When removing faces, use the first frame as the replacement image.

    • -bg, --background

      When removing faces, provide the path to an image to use as the replacement image.

    • -p, --padding

      When removing faces, add extra padding around the ROI for better coverage.


Train a Recognizer to recognize faces in a video or image.

By default, the script will extract facial embeddings and and train a model. You can override this behavior and do just one or the other by providing the appropriate flag. You can also use the webcam to take pictures for training.

Operations take precedence in the following order:

  1. -g Use the webcam to get face screen shots
  2. -t Train the model on a preexisting set of embeddings
  3. -x Extract facial embeddings from a set of images
  4. default Extract facial embeddings and train a model


  • -g, --get-faces

    Use a camera to take pictures for training a model.

    Use with the following 4 flags to refine.

    • -s, --src

    Video input source. Defaults to 0 for built in webcam. Provide 1 for a usb camera source.

    • -p, --num-pics

    The number of images to capture. Defaults to 10.

    • -o, --image-output-path

    Directory to save the files. The directory will be created if it does not exist. The directory should end in the name of the person in the photos, as this is used for labeling.

    If omitted it will default to facewash/recognizer/data/img/<uuid>.

    • -n, --name

    Name of the person in the photos. Ignored if an image-output-path is provided. Otherwise, will save photos to the directory facewash/recognizer/data/img/<name>

  • -x, --extract

    Extract facial embeddings from a directory containing directories containing images of people's faces.

    Use with the following 5 flags to refine.

    • -i, --training-images-path

      Path to a directory of directories containing training images. Each directory in the path should be the name of the person in the photos inside the directory. The photos should only contain the person of interest.

      You may train on as many different people as you want. Each person will be trained on the minimum number of photos across the directories.

      A category of unknown will automatically be trained from a random subset of person images. You can see these images in facewash/recognizer/data/unknown.

      Defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/img/

    • -e, --embedding-path

      Location and name for saving the pickle file containing the facial embedding information. This is one of the two files needed for training a model. Filename should end in .pickle.

      Defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/embeddings.pickle

    • -l, --le-path

      Location and name for saving the pickle file containing the label information. This is one of the two files needed for training a model. Filename should end in .pickle.

      Defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/le.pickle

    • -c, --conf

      Minimum confidence for detecting a face in the training images. Defaults to 0.5. Accepts values (0, 1).

    • -w, --width

      Width to train the model on. Defaults to 600px. Best to leave this as is.

  • -t, --train

    Use a set of extracted features and labels to train a SVM.

    Use with the following 3 flags to refine.

    • -r, --recognizer-path

      Location and name for saving the pickle file containing the recognizer model. Filename should end in .pickle. This is the file that will ultimately be passed to the Recognizer and used for identifying persons if interest.

      Defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/recognizer.pickle

    • -e, --embedding-path

      Path to the pickle file containing the facial embedding information obtained during extraction.

      Defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/embeddings.pickle

    • -l, --le-path

      Path to the pickle file containing the label information obtained during extraction.

      Defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/le.pickle

  • Extract and Train

    By omitting -g, -x, and -t flags it is assumed that you are extracting facial embeddings from an existing image set. Provide all of the necessary flags required for both extracting and training.




Basic facial detection and transformations. Uses the res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel for detection.

Optional Arguments

  • min_conf=0.5

    Confidence threshold for classifying a region as a face.

  • with_landmarks=False

    Initialize the facial landmark model. Automatically initialized if a landmark transformation is applied.

  • with_transformer=False

    Initialize the facial transformation model. Automatically initialized if a facial transformation is applied.

  • colors=None

    An array of colors of the form [(0, 255, 0), (145, 145, 145), ...] to be used for the first n detections. Randomly generated if omitted.


from detector import Detector

detector = Detector(min_conf=0.3)



Requires a cv2 image and returns the raw facial detections including the confidences and localizations.

img = cv2.imread('people.jpg')

detections = detector.detect_faces_raw(img)
detector.get_box_and_conf(image, detections, index)

Requires a cv2 image, raw facial detections, and an index of interest, returning a tuple including the coordinates of the facial box and the confidence. Returns (None, None) if the face is below the min_conf provided at initialization.

box, conf = detector.get_box_and_conf(img, detections, 0)

# returns the info for the first face detected in the image
# box => (x0, y0, x1, y1)
# conf => float (0, 1)
detector.get_box(image, detections, index)

As above, but only returns the bounding box coordinates.

detector.get_boxes_and_confs(image, detections)

Calls get_box_and_conf for all detections. Returns an array of tuples in the form (box, conf) where box is a tuple containing (x0, y0, x1, y1).

boxes_and_confs = detector.get_boxes_and_confs(img, detections)

A convenience method if you don't need the raw detections.

boxes_and_confs = detector.get_boxes_and_confs_from_image(img)

As above, but only returns the bounding boxes.


Returns an array of tuples containing (boxes, confs, landmarks, angles).

detector.draw_boxes(image, colors=None, conf_label=False, thickness=2)

Detect faces and draw the bounding boxes.

This mutates the original image. If this is not desired, make a copy first with img.copy().

If colors are provided to the method they will be used in lieu of colors passed when instantiating the Detector. If there are not enough colors provided, a random set of colors will be generated.

If conf_label is True the confidence values will be written to the screen above the ROI.

thickness is the thickness of the font and should be an int.

As a convenience, the boxes_and_confs will be returned.


cv2.imshow('Faces', img)
detector.draw_boxes_angles_and_landmarks(image, colors=None, show_angle=False, sixty_eight=False)

Draws the 5 point facial landmarks to the image.

colors as described above.

If sixty_eight is True, then 68-point facial landmark detections will be used.

If show_angle is True the angle of the face will be printed to the screen.

This is a convenience method that accesses the Landmarker class.

detector.draw_boxes_angles_and_landmarks(img, show_angle=True)

cv2.imshow('Landmarks', img)
detector.remove_faces(image, background=None, padding=None)

Remove the detected faces from the image, replacing them with a splice from the background image supplied.

padding increases the size of the rectangular splice in both dimensions.

This is a convenience method that accesses the Transformer class.

detector.remove_faces(img, background='bkg.jpg', padding=15)

cv2.imshow('Headless', img)
detector.blur_faces(image, kernal_size=50, padding=None)

Blur the oval region over the detected faces in the image.

kernal_size affects the blurriness. Higher values are more blurred.

padding increases the area of the blurred region in each direction.

This is a convenience method that accesses the Transformer class.


cv2.imshow('Blurry', img)



Extract the 5 point facial landmarks from a facial ROI. Uses shape_predictor_5_face_landmarks.dat for landmark detection.

The methods require the boxes returned from the Detector class, so while you can use this class directly, it makes more sense to access it through a Detector instance.


Accessing directly:

from detector import Detector
from detector.landmarks import Landmarker

detector = Detector()
landmarker = Landmarker()

Accessing through a detector:

from detector import Detector

detector = Detector(with_landmarks=True)
landmarker = detector.landmarker

Note If you do not supply with_landmarks=True you will not be able to directly access the Landmarker inside of the Detector.


landmarker.get_facial_landmarks(image, boxes, sixty_eight=False)

Requires a cv2 image and array of bounding boxes. Returns an array including facial landmarks for each face. By default each set of facial landmarks is an array of xy-coordinates marking a point on the 2 corners of each eye and a point below the nose. If sixty_eight is True, then the 68-point detection will be used instead of the 5-point detection.

img = cv2.imread('people.jpg')

boxes = detector.get_boxes_from_image(img)
facial_landmarks = landmarker.get_facial_landmarks(img, boxes)
# => [
    (x, y),
    (x, y),
    (x, y),
    (x, y),
    (x, y),
landmarker.draw_landmarks(image, landmarks, color=(0, 255, 0))

Draw a single set of landmarks on an image.

landmarker.draw_landmarks(img, facial_landmarks[0], (0, 0, 0))
landmarker.draw_landmarks_and_boxes(image, boxes, colors=None, show_angle=False, sixty_eight=False)

Draw all landmarks and bounding boxes. If using the detector, it is a good idea to pass detector.colors to maintain consistent colors.

If sixty_eight is true the 68-point landmark will be drawn, otherwise the 5-point will be drawn.

If show_angle is true the angle of the head is crudely calculated and displayed on screen.

landmarker.draw_landmarks_and_boxes(img, boxes, detector.colors, True)
landmarker.get_angles_from_boxes(image, boxes)

Returns an array of face angles for a given image.

angles = landmarker.get_angles_from_boxes(img, boxes)



Apply transformations to the faces in an image. The Transofrmer class relies on a Detector, and can be instantiated at the same time. As with the Landmarker, it makes the most sense to use this through the detector.

In fact, both transformations can be accessed in a simpler fashion directly off of the detector. See Detector.remove_faces() and Detector.blur_faces() above.

Optional Arguments

  • background=None

    A background image to use when removing faces. Superceded by passing a background image directly to the method.


Accessing directly:

from detector import Detector
from detector.transformer import Transformer

detector = Detector()
transformer = Transformer()

Accessing through a detector:

from detector import Detector

detector = Detector(with_transformer=True)
transformer = detector.transformer

Note If you do not supply with_transformer=True you will not be able to directly access the Transformer inside of the Detector.


transformer.remove_faces(image, boxes, background=None, padding=None)

Requires a cv2 image, array of bounding boxes, background image, and optionally padding. For each bounding box, the image inside the bounding box is replaced with the corresponding image contained in the background image.

The background should be the same shape as the original image. If boxes has a length of zero, background gets set as self.background.

background is mostly required. The exception being if you are using this method in a video loop.

padding allows you to increase the size of the rectangle around the face in all directions.

img = cv2.imread('people.jpg')
bkg = cv2.imread('people-bkg.jpg')

boxes = detector.get_boxes_from_image(img)
transformer.remove_faces(img, boxes, bkg, 10)

cv2.imshow('Faceless', img)

Or, more succinctly accessed through the detector instance:

img = cv2.imread('people.jpg')
bkg = cv2.imread('people-bkg.jpg')

detector.remove_faces(img, bkg, 10):

cv2.imshow('Faceless', img)
transformer.blur_faces(image, boxes, angles, kernal_size=50, padding=None)

For each box, blur the image with an ellipse that fills the box. Bigger kernal_size means blurrier. padding increases the area of the blurred image.

from detector.landmarks import Landmarker

landmarker = Landmarker()
angles = landmarker.get_angles_from_boxes(img, boxes)
transformer.blur_faces(img, boxes, angles)

cv2.imshow('Blurry', img)

Or, more succinctly accessed through the detector instance:


cv2.imshow('Blurry', img)



Recognize faces in images after extracting facial embeddings and training models.

Optional Arguments

  • recognizer_path

    Path to the trained model for recognizing faces. Defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/recognizer.pickle

  • le_path

    Path to the labels corresponding to the loaded recognizer. Defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/le.pickle

  • width=600

    The width for training the models and for adjusting the coordinates after recognizing. Best to leave this at the default.

  • min_conf=0.5

    Confidence used to reject bad training images.

  • min_dim=10

    Minimum side length for a detected face. Rejected if smaller.

  • embedding_path=None

    Embedding path used for extracting and training. Defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/embeddings.pickle


from recognizer import Recognizer

recognizer = Recognizer()



You would really only need to use this if you trained a model and wanted to recognize in the same script. Otherwise, this method is called on instantiation.

It loads the recognizer and labels into the neural net.

recognizer.recognize(image, draw=False, with_prob=False, colors=None)

Models must be loaded in memory for this to work. Returns None otherwise.

If draw is True then boxes and names are drawn on screen.

with_prob will draw the probabilities too.

It is typically ok to leave colors as None, as they will be pulled internally from the colors generated by the Detector.

The image is scanned and faces are detected. For each face, the Extractor is used to extract 128-d facial embeddings, which are used to detect the most likely face from the recognizer model.

The highest probability match is used to determine the appropriate label.

Detections are scaled to the image size based off of self.width, so it is crucial that self.width matches the width that the images were trained on.

img = cv2.imread('people.jpg')
recognizer.recognize(img, True, True)

cv2.imshow('Detected', img)
`recognizer.recognize_and_draw(image, colors=None)

Same as above, but draw boxes and confidences by default.


Convenience method for accessing Extractor and Trainer methods.

If an embedding_path was passed during instantiation, it will be used for extracting and training. Otherwise the default path of facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/embeddings.pickle will be used.

If training_images_path is provided, it will be passed to the extractor. Otherwise, the default path of facewash/recognizer/data/img will be used. This path needs to contain directories named by person including training images — photos containing only that person. The more the better.

As this is a convenience method, it calls extractor.extract_and_write_embeddings() and then train_model() for you.

The result is a recognizer file and label encoder file saved to the paths passed during instantiation, or the defaults otherwise.

After the model has been trained, load_models is called, so you could theoretically start recognizing faces immediately.



Extract 128-dimensional facial embeddings from a set of training images.

Optional Arguments

  • width=600

    The width to resize training images to. This value needs to match the value of recognizer.width when recognizing faces. Best to leave this at the default.

  • min_conf=0.5

    Confidence used to reject bad training images.

  • min_dim=10

    Minimum side length for a detected face. Rejected if smaller.


from recognizer.extractor import Extractor

extractor = Extractor()



Given a cv2 image, detect faces, returning the bounding boxes and extracted embeddings for each face. Returned as two arrays.

extractor.extract_and_write_embeddings(training_images_path, embedding_path)

Take the training images and extract the facial embeddings, writing the results to embedding_path. If no path is given, defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/embeddings.pickle.

If training_images_path is not provided, it will default to facewash/recognizer/data/img. This path needs to contain directories named by person including training images — photos containing only that person. The more the better.

Don't forget that after you extract the facial embeddings, you still need to train a model before you can recognize images. Consider using recognizer.extract_and_train(...) instead.



Not a class, merely a library providing two training functions.


from recognizer import trainer


trainer.train_model(embedding_path, recognizer_path, le_path)

Requires a pickle file (embedding_path) containing embeddings and names, extracted using extractor.extract_and_write_embeddings(...).

embedding_path defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/embeddings.pickle.

recognizer_path is the output for the trained recognizer. It defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/recognizer.pickle. This is used in the Recognizer class to recognize faces.

le_path is the output for the label encoder. It defaults to facewash/recognizer/data/pickle/le.pickle. This is used in the Recognizer class to identify the recognized faces.

trainer.generate_training_images(src=0, output, num_pics=10, name=None)

Starts the webcam and grabs num_pics images from the camera. Every 10 frames a picture is taken (as long as a single face has been detected in the frame).

The default output is facewash/recognizer/data/img/<uuid>, or if you provide a name it will be facewash/recognizer/data/img/<name>. Or, provide your own path to a folder to dump images by providing output.

Since these images will be used to train the model, it is important to provide a variety of different facial expressions and angles. The more pictures you use, the better the model will be (theoretically).



Python OpenCV Face Detection and Manipulation






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