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Register DOIs for new Posts #56980

Register DOIs for new Posts

Register DOIs for new Posts #56980

Workflow file for this run

name: Register DOIs for new Posts
- cron: '*/10 * * * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: setup Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: '>=1.22'
- name: Download most recent unregistered post
run: |
mkdir -p upload
curl > upload/posts.json
- name: Set number of unregistered posts as variable
id: current_number
run: |
echo "NUMBER=$(jq '."total-results"' upload/posts.json)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Install commonmeta
if: ${{ fromJSON(steps.current_number.outputs.NUMBER) > 0 }}
run: |
go install[email protected]
commonmeta version
- name: Set current date as variable
if: ${{ fromJSON(steps.current_number.outputs.NUMBER) > 0 }}
run: |
echo "NOW=$(date +'%s')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
id: current_date
- name: Convert posts to commonmeta and autogenerate dois based on prefix
if: ${{ fromJSON(steps.current_number.outputs.NUMBER) > 0 }}
run: |
commonmeta list upload/posts.json -f jsonfeed > upload/commonmeta.json
- name: Convert posts to crossref xml
if: ${{ fromJSON(steps.current_number.outputs.NUMBER) > 0 }}
run: |
commonmeta list upload/commonmeta.json -f commonmeta --depositor "${{ secrets.CROSSREF_DEPOSITOR_NAME }}" --email "${{ secrets.CROSSREF_DEPOSITOR_EMAIL }}" --registrant "${{ secrets.CROSSREF_REGISTRANT }}" -t crossrefxml > upload/${{ steps.current_date.outputs.NOW }}
- name: Update content via Crossref API
if: ${{ fromJSON(steps.current_number.outputs.NUMBER) > 0 }}
run: |
curl -X POST -F "operation=doMDUpload" -F "login_id=${{ secrets.CROSSREF_USERNAME_WITH_ROLE }}" -F "login_passwd=${{ secrets.CROSSREF_PASSWORD }}" -F "fname=@upload/${{ steps.current_date.outputs.NOW }}"
- name: Set post uuid, doi and blog slug as variables
if: ${{ fromJSON(steps.current_number.outputs.NUMBER) > 0 }}
run: |
echo "UUID=$(jq -r '[.[] | .identifiers | .[1].identifier] | first' upload/commonmeta.json)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "DOI=$(jq -rc '[.[] | .id] | first' upload/commonmeta.json)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "SLUG=$(jq -r '[.[] | .container.identifier] | first' upload/commonmeta.json)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
id: current_post
- name: update Rogue Scholar post
if: ${{ fromJSON(steps.current_number.outputs.NUMBER) > 0 }}
run: |
curl -X PATCH${{ steps.current_post.outputs.UUID }} -H "apikey: ${{ secrets.SUPABASE_KEY }}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.SUPABASE_KEY }}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Prefer: return=minimal" -d '{ "doi": "${{ steps.current_post.outputs.DOI }}", "indexed_at": "${{ steps.current_date.outputs.NOW }}", "indexed": true }'
- name: Update Front Matter blog
if: steps.current_post.outputs.SLUG == '2749-9952'
run: commonmeta update-ghost-post --api-key ${{ secrets.GHOST_ADMIN_API_KEY }} --api-url ${{ secrets.GHOST_ADMIN_API_URL }} ${{ steps.current_post.outputs.UUID }}
- name: Update Upstream blog
if: steps.current_post.outputs.SLUG == ''
run: commonmeta update-ghost-post --api-key ${{ secrets.UPSTREAM_ADMIN_API_KEY }} --api-url ${{ secrets.UPSTREAM_ADMIN_API_URL }} ${{ secrets.UPSTREAM_ADMIN_API_URL }} ${{ steps.current_post.outputs.UUID }}
- name: Update OA.Works blog
if: steps.current_post.outputs.SLUG == ''
run: commonmeta update-ghost-post --api-key ${{ secrets.OA_WORKS_ADMIN_API_KEY }} --api-url ${{ secrets.OA_WORKS_ADMIN_API_URL }} ${{ steps.current_post.outputs.UUID }}