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2023 12 13 Eclipse Velocitas Developer Meetup

Andy Riexinger edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 4 revisions

Eclipse Velocitas Developer Meetup

Date: 2023-12-13

Time: 13:00 CET



  • Bjoern
  • Dennis
  • Aric
  • Mladen
  • Andy
  • Kishore Bhadra Reddy
  • Badi Ennouri
  • Sri Palacharla (GM)

Agenda / Meeting Minutes

  1. General: Introduction to the meeting, agenda ..., 5 mins
  2. General: Are there other agenda points?, 2 mins
  3. What's new?
    • Nothing new (current focus is on CES)
  4. What's up?
    • Working on uProtocol CLI package
      • work in progress, more focus on the topic after CES
      • dev environment for uProtocol, but not fully integrated due to different transport protocols
  5. Upcoming events:
    • X-mas, therefore next meetup will take place on January 10th 2024!
    • CES 2024, Jan. 9-12
  6. Q&A: Feature Requests / Feedback / Bug Reports *
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