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Season Shift
A japanese bullethell game made by a bunch of students

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Gameplay Overview

          This game is a 2D barrage shooter centered around survival mechanics with a strong emphasis on pattern recognition, evasive play, and quick reactions.

Story Synopsis

           "A young girl named Makoto has been invaded by sinister seasonal beings. These beings have destroyed her home and she is the last person to stand against them. In order to defeat these beings, she must take to the skies fighting them the best way she knows how to - with bullets. She knows it will take her a full year to overcome these seasonal creatures due to their nature, and has prepared to fight her nightmares in the sky until her planet is saved."


          There are 3 main functional sections of this game. The splash screen, the menu screen, and the gameplay area. The splash screen just shows a couple splashes for things like Unity and our team. The menu screen allows you to enter the game through a level selector, change global settings, or fast quit the application. The game screen is where all the magic happens. Here you will actually get to experience the gameplay and story elements crafted by our team, first hand. Below is a crude diagram of the programs structure.

  • Splash
  • Menu
    • New Game
    • Load Game
      • Spring
      • Summer (Unlocked after Spring)
      • Fall (Unlocked after Summer)
      • Winter (Unlocked after Fall)
    • Settings
      • Profile Selector
      • Display Settings
      • Control Settings
    • Game Stats
    • Exit

Default Controls

  • Movement
    • Up (W or ↑)
    • Down (S or ↓)
    • Left (A or ←)
    • Right (D or →)
    • Slow Time (LShift)
  • Special
    • Shoot (Space or Enter)
    • Switch Power-up (Q)
    • Use Power-up (E)
    • Pause Game (Escape)

About the Team


Faunsce (Project Lead)
Erollsia (Team Bridge)
AinzOolGown (Original Concept)

Technical Team

Faunsce (Team Lead)
AinzOolGown Abedromerostudent

Art Team

Erollsia (Team Lead)

Sound Team

ExplorerOfTime (Team Lead)

Design Team

JordanBooz (Team Lead)