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shing00 edited this page Sep 11, 2014 · 1 revision

##Release Notes

0.9.0 (Sep. 10, 2014)

  • Follow Facebook API v2
  • Facebook SDK is required

###0.8.6 (Apr. 28. 2014)

###0.8.5 (Mar. 7. 2014)

  • Fixed some bugs

###0.8.4 (Jan. 23. 2014)

###0.8.3 (Dec. 12, 2013)

  • Supported arm64 and x86_64 architectures.
  • Fixed a bug related twitter share in iOS7.
  • Fixed a bug for Trackable UIActivity.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.

###0.8.2 (Nov. 30, 2013)

  • Fixed minor bugs.

###0.8.1 (Oct. 4, 2013)

  • Supported iOS7 in the Mail Compose View.
  • Fixed the Trackable Activity sample.

###0.8.0 (Oct. 4, 2013)

####What's new

  • Supported iOS7 in the SMS Compose View.
  • Enabled shareInfo properties and arguments in share related functions
    • See also "API differences" of ASSharer.
  • Added APIs to create Landing Pages.
    • See also "API differences" of ASSharer and ASInviter.
  • Added a sample function into ShareSample project.
    • This indicates how create a landing page and share with FacebookSDK's share dialog.

####API differences

  • ASSharer:

    • shareInfoWithMessage:contentUrl: (Added)
    • setShareItems:forShareType: (Removed. Use setStringToShare:urlToShare:imageToShare:forShareType: instead.)
    • setStringToShare:urlToShare:imageToShare:forShareType: (Added)
    • shareWithType:shareItems:completion: (Removed. Use shareWithType:shareInfo:urlToShare:imageToShare:completion: instead.)
    • shareWithType:shareItems:contentUrl:completion: (Removed. Use shareWithType:shareInfo:urlToShare:imageToShare:completion: instead.)
    • shareWithType:shareInfo:urlToShare:imageToShare:completion: (Added)
    • createPageFrom:to:shareInfo:via:completionHandler: (Added)
  • ASShareComposeViewControllre

    • imageAsThumbnail (Added)
    • contentUrl (Removed. Set into shareInfo instead with kDataPropertyContentURL key.)
    • shareInfo (Added)
  • ASInviter:

    • createPageFrom:to:inviteInfo:via:completionHandler: (Added)
    • createPagesFrom:to:inviteInfo:via:completionHandler: (Added)
  • ASConstants.h

    • kDataPropertyMessage (Added)
    • kDataPropertyContentURL (Added)
  • Class name changes

    • ASTrackableFacebookActivity -> ASFacebookActivity
    • ASTrackableTwitterActivity -> ASTwitterActivity
    • ASTrackableMailActivity -> ASMailActivity
    • ASTrackableSMSActivity -> ASSMSActivity

    Each class is now the subclass of ASActivity, and it can be set shareInfo.

###0.7.3 (Sep. 19, 2013)

  • Bug fixes for iOS7

###0.7.2 (Sep. 12, 2013)

  • iOS7 suport
  • Bug fixes

###0.7.1 (Sep. 2, 2013)

  • Fixed a bug for the invite function via Email.
  • Updated README

###0.7.0 (Aug. 27, 2013)

  • New functions

    • Invite via LINE
  • Updated sample projects

    • Default AppSocially API Key and Facebook App ID
  • Renamed file names

    • Growth.frameworks -> AppSocially.framework
    • Growth.bundle -> AppSocially.bundle
    • GrowthSDK.strings -> AppSociallySDK.strings
  • Renamed class names

    • Growth -> AppSocially
    • GRXxxx -> ASXxxx
  • Moved showInviteSheetInView: method to ASInviter

[ASInviter showInviteSheetInView:self.view];
  • Moved setSenderAccount: method to ASInviter
[ASInviter setSenderAccount:account type:ASInviteTypeTwitterDM];
  • Changed share related methods
[ASSharer shareWithType:ASShareTypeTwitter
  • Removed shareWithSenderName:contentURL:presetMessage:completion: method from GRMailSharer

See also AppSocially SDK 0.7.0 Transition Guide

###0.6.0 (Aug. 14, 2013)

  • New functions

    • Bulk Invitation
    • Twitter support in GRFriendsPickerController.
    • Aggregated Share ViewController (See "Examples/03_ShareSample")
    • iOS 5.x compatibility (CANNOT use Facebook / Twitter related functions on iOS 5.x)
  • Updated sample projects.

###0.5.0 (Jul. 18, 2013)

  • Reduced dependent Frameworks.

    • Dependencies for CoreData.framework, CoreLocation.framework, libsqlite3.dylib were reduced.
  • Reduced binary size.

  • Added localization files for Spanish & Portuguese.

    • Localize/es.lproj/GrowthSDK.strings
    • Localize/pt.lproj/GrowthSDK.strings

###0.4.0 (Jul. 12, 2013)

  • New functions:
    • Aggregated friend picker ( See "Examples/05_AggregatedPickerSample")
    • Share via Facebook, Twitter (See "Examples/03_ShareSample")
    • Customization and Localization of texts (See "Localize")
  • Shortend some APIs.

(Older version)

[[Growth sharedInstance] showInviteSheetInView:self.view];

(New version)

[Growth showInviteSheetInView:self.view];
  • Fixed some bugs.