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SkyKings Translations

Translations for the SkyKings Discord bot.

Translating the bot

You must have a GitHub account to submit translations. Create one here.

Before translating the bot, we ask that you:

  • Are fluent in the English language.
  • Are fluent in whatever language you are translating to.

To start, first pick a language.

Because of how Discord works, we are limited to the languages listed here.

Once you have picked a language, click the Fork button in the top right to make a copy of this repository.


After you have forked the repository, you will be brought to your copy, or 'fork', of it.

Create a file under the translations directory titled locale.json, locale being the locale of the language you chose. (e.g. en-US)

Now, in that same directory, copy en-US.json into your new file and translate the text in it.

When translating, DO NOT translate:

  • The JSON keys.
    • Only translate strings after the colon (:).
  • Things surrounded in curly brackets ({}).
    • These are variables the bot uses to format the text it sends.
  • Things that aren't translated in Hypixel (e.g. if a skill name isn't translated on Hypixel, don't translate it here).
  • Markdown.
    • Typically things surrounded in arrows (<>) or special characters for formatting the output, such as *, `, and _.

Submitting the translation

To submit the translation, navigate to the Pull Requests tab and click New Pull Request.


Fill out the template, and then click Create Pull Request.