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Hosting on Heroku

Celso Dantas edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 7 revisions

It is possible to host shipit on Heroku using a free tier setup.


  • Heroku Postgres :: Database
  • Papertrail
  • Redis Cloud

Environment Variables

Make sure to set the environment variables that you set during the initial setup of shipit.


Additionally you will need

  • HEROKU_API_KEY if you are planning on deploying to Heroku
  • SHIPIT_HOST set to the url where Shipit is hosted
  • REDIS_URL set to the value of REDISCLOUD_URL. There is an underlying gem that does not support using the variable REDIS_PROVIDER.


heroku buildpacks:add
heroku buildpacks:add

The second buildpack will allow you to set a private ssh key of your choosing on the dynos, and set up the known hosts.

Set the ssh keys and known hosts

heroku config:set SSH_KEY="$(cat /path/to/id_rsa)" > /dev/null
heroku config:set SSH_KEY_PUB="$(cat /path/to/"
heroku config:set SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS=""
  • the SSH keys used here should not required password, otherwise it will be prompted during a deployment. We suggest creating a dedicated SSH KEY only to be used by Ship it.


Managing a Heroku app while Shipit is deployed to Heroku is a little bit more complicated because you must use the platform-api since the toolbelt is not installed. By setting HEROKU_API_KEY you will be able to use that in the Shipit tasks to manage the stack.

Note from fellow user: You may consider using a toolbelt buildpack to give yourself access to a toolbelt. In particular, can use your API Key to auth with the toolbelt, and use normal CLI commands. The executable is located at ~/vendor/heroku-buildpack/bin/heroku.

First Run

To get the application running on Heroku for the first time, remember to:

  • Complete the above configuration before pushing up your code
  • git push heroku master
  • Enable the worker dyno


  • If you need to change your SSH keys, make sure to re-deploy the application since keys are set during the buildpack compile step.
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