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NSPi is a work in progress Switch package downloader homebrew. Inspired by the PSVITA PKGi hombrew made by @mmozeiko and PSP/PS3 ports by @bucanero.

The nspi homebrew app allows to download packages directly on your Switch


At this point in development, NSPi is only capable of obtaining a massive listing of titles from a remote archive generated via @blawar's titledb tool and providing a basic interface for browsing the listing.


  1. Download the NSPi.nro file.
  2. Insert your SD card into your computer.
  3. Copy the NSPi.nro file to the switch/ folder on the root of your SD card.
  4. Safely eject the SD card from your computer.
  5. Insert the SD card back into your Nintendo Switch.





  • < Fast up
  • > Fast down
  • ^ Up
  • v Down


  • - Load remote file with available titles. NOTE THAT THIS WILL TAKE SEVERAL SECONDS TO LOAD.
  • + Exit from homebrew.
  • X De/Select entries.
  • B Return to last menu.
  • A Browse basic title info.
  • Y Show hombrew logs.


Build (Switch)

To build this project from source, you'll need to set up the appropriate development environment.


  • devkitPro devkitA64 toolchain
  • switch-curl
  • switch-libz

Option 1: Install devkitPro Toolchain

  1. Follow the devkitPro installation guide to set up the devkitA64 toolchain on your system.
  2. Ensure that the necessary tools (nacptool, elf2nro, etc.) are available in your PATH.

Option 2: Use a devkitPro Docker Image

  1. Pull one of the devkitPro Docker images that comes with all the precompiled tools and toolchains:

    docker pull devkitpro/devkita64
  2. Use the Docker image to build the project

    docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/app" --workdir=/app devkitpro/devkita64:latest bash
    cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    cmake --build build -j$(nproc)
  3. Send built package to switch with nxlink (optional)

    nxlink -a NSPi.nro

Debug (nxlink)

  1. [optional] NOTE: If using docker for building and debugging, you should run container with --network=host, or at least make NXLINK ports accessible.

    // nxlink.h
    #define NXLINK_SERVER_PORT 28280 ///< nxlink TCP server port
    #define NXLINK_CLIENT_PORT 28771 ///< nxlink TCP client port

    Start docker container docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/app" --network=host --workdir=/app devkitpro/devkita64:latest bash

  2. Build with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug flag

  3. Start nxlink server:

    nxlink -s -a NSPi.nro
  4. Then you should start seeing logger output on nxlink server

    # nxlink -s -a NSPi.nro
    Sending NSPi.nro, 5834949 bytes
    2082853 sent (35.70%), 174 blocks
    starting server
    server active ...
    [DEBUG] Successfully established connection with nxlink server
    [DEBUG] Started App::mainLoop()

Note for libnx

In this project, instead of linking the precompiled libnx library provided by devkitPro, I preferred to add libnx compilation to the build process. This means that libnx will be built from source as part of this project's build process, ensuring that you have the latest version and any custom modifications needed for this project.

Build (Linux) (Partially working)

cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd build
make -j$(nproc)


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.