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Issue reporting

Ricky Curtice edited this page Sep 23, 2015 · 1 revision

Thanks for the feedback! Please include the application version, operating system information, and reproduction steps when reporting an issue. This will help us triage and diagnose the problem. Thanks!

Effective reports

Simon Tatham's excellent essay on How to Report Bugs Effectively is a very good read. It has helped many, many people communicate issues with software much more effectively for many years - no matter whether you're an old hand or new I'd still recommend going over it.

For those who choose to forgo the above advice, please read the last two short sections of his essay anyway. Go on, it's both a fun and an informative read!

Optional form

The following form layout is one method of being very clear about what you saw and what you expected. Please use it as a communication aid, but we understand that the form doesn't always fit all situations.


Steps to reproduce:

Frequency: Always, Sometimes or Once.

Expected behavior:

Actual behavior: