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  • Bootstrap rubygem now depends on SassC instead of Sass.
  • Compass no longer supported.


  • Allows jQuery 3.x in bower.json. #1048
  • Adds the style and sass fields to package.json. #1045
  • Adds Eyeglass support. #1007


  • Bumps Sass dependency to 3.3.4+ to avoid compatibility issues with @at-root.
  • Bumps node-sass dependency to ~3.4.2 for Node.js v5 compatibility. #986
  • Fixes breadcrumb content issues on libsass. #919
  • Fixes a Rails 5 compatibility issue. #965

Framework version: Bootstrap v3.3.6


Fix for standalone Compass extension compatibility. #914

Framework version: Bootstrap v3.3.5


No Sass-specific changes.

Framework version: Bootstrap v3.3.4


This is a re-packaged release of (v3.3.2+1).

Versions are now strictly semver. The PATCH version may be ahead of the upstream.

Framework version: Bootstrap v3.3.2.

  • Fix glyphicons regression (revert 443d5b49eac84aec1cb2f8ea173554327bfc8c14)

  • Autoprefixer is now required, and autoprefixer-rails is now a dependency for the ruby gem. #824
  • Minimum precision reduced from 10 to 8 #821
  • Requiring bootstrap JS from npm now works #812
  • Fix Sass 3.4.x + IE10 compatibility issue #803
  • Provide minified JS bundle #777
  • Bower package is now at bootstrap-sass #813

  • Variables override template at templates/project/_bootstrap-variables.sass
  • Readme: Bower + Rails configuration

  • Fix loading issue with the ruby gem version


  • Improve libsass compatibility
  • Support using Bower package with Rails

Main bootstrap file is now a partial (_bootstrap.scss), for compatibility with Compass 1+.

Fixed a number of bugs. Issues closed in v3.2.0.2.

Fixed a number of bugs: Issues closed in v3.2.0.1.

  • Assets (Sass, JS, fonts) moved from vendor/assets to assets. bootstrap.js now contains concatenated JS.
  • Compass generator now copies JS and fonts, and provides a better default styles.sass.
  • Compass, Sprockets, and Mincer asset path helpers are now provided in pure Sass: bootstrap-compass, bootstrap-sprockets, and bootstrap-mincer. Asset path helpers must be imported before bootstrap, more in Readme.
  • Sprockets / Mincer JS manifest has been moved to bootstrap-sprockets.js. It can be required without adding Bootstrap JS directory to load path, as it now uses relative paths.
  • Sprockets: depend_on_asset (glyphicons.scss) has been changed to depend_on to work around an issue with depend_on_asset. More information.

  • Updated Bower docs

  • #523: Rails 3.2 compatibility
  • Bugfixes from upstream up to 7eb532262fbd1112215b5a547b9285794b5360ab.

  • #518: scale mixin Sass compatibility issue

  • compiles with libsass master

  • fix vendor paths for compass

  • Fully automated (lots of string juggling) LESS -> Sass conversion. - Gleb Mazovetskiy
  • Ported rake task from vwall/compass-twitter-bootstrap to convert Bootstrap upstream - Peter Gumeson
  • Moved javascripts to us bootstrap-component.js to bootstrap/component.js - Peter Gumeson

  • Allow sass-rails >= 3.2 - Thomas McDonald

  • Update to Bootstrap 2.3.2 - Dan Allen

  • Find the correct Sprockets context for the image_path function - Tristan Harward, Gleb Mazovetskiy

  • Fix changes to image url - Gleb Mazovetskiy
  • Copy _variables into project on Compass install - Phil Thompson
  • Add bootstrap-affix to the Compass template file - brief (yanked)

  • Change how image_url is handled internally - Tristan Harward
  • Fix some font variables not having !default - Thomas McDonald

  • [#290] Update to Bootstrap 2.3.0 - Tristan Harward
  • Fix rake:debug with new file locations - Thomas McDonald
  • Add draft contributing document - Thomas McDonald
  • [#260] Add our load path to the global Sass load path - Tristan Harward
  • [#275] Use GitHub notation in Sass head testing gemfile - Timo Schilling
  • [#279, #283] Readme improvements - theverything, Philip Arndt

  • [#270] Update to Bootstrap 2.2.2 - Tristan Harward
  • [#266] Add license to gemspec - Peter Marsh

  • [#258] Use bootstrap prefix for @importing files in bootstrap/bootstrap.scss - Umair Siddique

  • [#246] Update to Bootstrap 2.2.1 - Tristan Harward
  • [#246] Pull Bootstrap updates from jlong/sass-twitter-bootstrap - Tristan Harward

  • Update to Bootstrap 2.1.1
  • [#222] Remove 100% multiplier in vertical-three-colours
  • [#227] Fix IE component animation collapse
  • [#228] Fix variables documentation link
  • [#231] Made .input-block-level a class as well as mixin

  • [#219] Fix expected a color. Got: transparent.
  • [#207] Add missing warning style for table row highlighting
  • [#208] Use grid-input-span for input spans

  • Updated to Bootstrap 2.1
  • Changed some mixin names to be more consistent. Nested mixins in Less are separated by a - when they are flattened in Sass.

  • Fix .row-fluid > spanX nesting
  • Small Javascript fixes for those staying on the 2.0.4 release
  • Add !default to z-index variables.

  • Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.4
  • Switched to Bootstrap 2.0.3+'s method of separating responsive files
  • [#149, #150] Fix off by one error introduced with manual revert of media query breakpoints
  • rake debug and rake test both compile bootstrap & bootstrap-responsive

  • [#145, #146] Fix button alignment in collapsing navbar as a result of an incorrect variable


  • Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.3
  • [#106] Support for Rails < 3.1 through Compass
  • [#132] Add CI testing
  • [#106] Support Rails w/Compass
  • [#134] Fix support for Rails w/Compass


  • [#86] Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.2 Things of note: static navbars now have full width. (to be fixed in 2.0.3) .navbar-inner > .container { width:940px; } seems to work in the meanwhile
  • [#62] Fixed asset compilation taking a very long time.
  • [#69, #79, #80] (Hopefully) clarified README. Now with less cat humour.
  • [#91] Removed doubled up Sass extensions for Rails.
  • [#63, #73] Allow for overriding of image-path
  • [SO] Added makeFluidColumn mixin for defining fluid columns. Fluid rows must use @extend .row-fluid, and any column inside it can use @include makeFluidColumn(num), where num is the number of columns. Unfortunately, there is a rather major limitation to this: margins on first-child elements must be overriden. See the attached Stack Overflow answer for more information.


  • Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.1
  • Modified @mixin opacity() to take an argument 0...1 rather than 0...100 to be consistent with Compass.


  • Updated to Bootstrap 2.0.0

Contributing to bootstrap-sass

Asset Changes

Any changes to bootstrap-sass assets (scss, javascripts, fonts) should be checked against the convert rake task. For usage instructions, see the README.

If something is broken in the converter, it's preferable to update the converter along with the asset itself.


A bug is a demonstrable problem that is caused by the code in the repository. Good bug reports are extremely helpful - thank you!

Guidelines for bug reports:

  1. Does it belong here? — is this a problem with bootstrap-sass, or it an issue with twbs/bootstrap? We only distribute a direct port and will not modify files if they're not changed upstream.

  2. Use the GitHub issue search — check if the issue has already been reported.

  3. Isolate the problem — ideally create a reduced test case and a live example.

A good bug report shouldn't leave others needing to chase you up for more information. Please try to be as detailed as possible in your report. What is your environment? What steps will reproduce the issue? What browser(s) and OS experience the problem? What would you expect to be the outcome? All these details will help people to fix any potential bugs.


Short and descriptive example bug report title

A summary of the issue and the browser/OS environment in which it occurs. If suitable, include the steps required to reproduce the bug.

  1. This is the first step
  2. This is the second step
  3. Further steps, etc.

<url> (a link to the reduced test case)

Any other information you want to share that is relevant to the issue being reported. This might include the lines of code that you have identified as causing the bug, and potential solutions (and your opinions on their merits).

File a bug report

Pull requests

We will not accept pull requests that modify the SCSS beyond fixing bugs caused by our code!

We use a converter script to automatically convert upstream bootstrap, written in LESS, to Sass.

Issues related to styles or javascript but unrelated to the conversion process should go to twbs/bootstrap.

Pull requests that fix bugs caused by our code should not modify the SCSS directly, but should patch the converter instead.

Good pull requests - patches, improvements, new features - are a fantastic help. They should remain focused in scope and avoid containing unrelated commits. If your contribution involves a significant amount of work or substantial changes to any part of the project, please open an issue to discuss it first.

Make sure to adhere to the coding conventions used throughout a project (indentation, accurate comments, etc.). Please update any documentation that is relevant to the change you're making.

Do not…

Please do not use the issue tracker for personal support requests (use Stack Overflow).

Please do not derail or troll issues. Keep the discussion on topic and respect the opinions of others.

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