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box.lsp box.lsp logo

Experimental* custom language server parser hook for {box} modules.


This package is an attempt to provide {box}-compatibility for {languageserver} used in VS Code.

The code is based on initial work by Pavel Demin.

What Works

box::use() Code completion Param completion Tooltip help As of version Notes
pkg[...] 0.1.0 Full support
pkg[attach_list] 0.1.0 Link to documentation
prefix/mod[...] 0.1.0 No documentation
prefix/mod[attach_list] 0.1.0 No documentation
alias = pkg
alias = prefix/mod
pkg[alias = fun] 0.1.0 No documentation
prefix/mod[alias = fun] 0.1.0 No documentation

How to use

  1. Install box.lsp and langaugeserver (languageserver is not going to be installed by default!).

NOTE: In Rhino, install box.lsp with rhino::pkg_install("box.lsp") and languageserver with renv::install("languageserver"). box.lsp needs to be added to dependencies.R and stored in renv.lock, as it will be used in .Rprofile. On the other hand, installing languageserver makes sense only if one uses VSCode or Vim, and should be used on the level of the developer's environment.

  1. box.lsp::use_box_lsp() to configure your project's .Rprofile file.
  2. Restart the R session to load .Rprofile.

How to develop

  1. Ensure all Imports and Suggests packages are installed.
  2. Set R_LANGSVR_LOG=./lsp.log in .Renviron to start logging
  3. Restart R session to load .Rprofile and .Renviron.
  4. devtools::load_all() to load all development functions.

Development work on box_use_parser()

action <- list(
  assign = function(symbol, value) {
    cat(paste("ASSIGN: ", symbol, value, "\n"))
  update = function(packages) {
    cat(paste("Packages: ", packages, "\n"))
  parse = function(expr) {
    cat(paste("Parse: ", expr, "\n"))

content <- c("box::use(stringr, dplyr[alias = filter, mutate], xml2[...])", "filt", "stringr$str_c")
expr <- parse(text = content, keep.source = TRUE)
box_use_parser(expr[[1]], action)

Dev work on completion

Lines and characters are index zero.

client <- language_client()

temp_file <- withr::local_tempfile(fileext = ".R")

client %>% did_save(temp_file)

client %>% respond_completion(
  temp_file, c(1, 5))

Development and Debugging using TCP LSP Client

Install tcplspclient

An interactive client for {languageserver}.


On Instance A

client <- TCPLanguageClient$new(host = "localhost", port = 8888)

On Instance B with {languageserver} package repo open


source(".Rprofile")  # custom parsers, custom lsp config
# Add `browser()` statements inside `{languageserver}` functions, or
# Add debug breakpoints in the RStudio editor.
# Run `debugonce()`/`debug()` if needed.
run(port = 8888)

On Instance A

# tcp_test.R


some_list <- list(
  aaa = "A",
  bbb = "B"

# Check connection

doc_path <- "tcp_test.R"

# With every change made to the test document:
  method = "textDocument/didSave",
  params = list(
    textDocument = list(uri = languageserver:::path_to_uri(doc_path)),
    text = paste0(stringi::stri_read_lines(doc_path), collapse = "\n")

# To trigger a completion request:
# line and character are index 0
  method = "textDocument/completion",
  params = list(
    textDocument = list(
      uri = languageserver:::path_to_uri(doc_path)
    position = list(line = 2, character = 5)

The interactive debugger runs in Instance B.


If you want to contribute to this project, please submit a regular PR, once you're done with the new feature or bug fix.

Reporting a bug is also helpful - please use Github issues and describe your problem as detailed as possible.


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