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Releases: withastro/adapters

@astrojs/[email protected]

24 Apr 12:21
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Patch Changes

@astrojs/[email protected]

23 Apr 05:11
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Patch Changes

@astrojs/[email protected]

22 Apr 07:03
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Patch Changes

@astrojs/[email protected]

22 Apr 06:08
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Patch Changes

  • #238 1927f94 Thanks @alexanderniebuhr! - Fixes astro build which throws an error if it can't clean up dynamic imports for prerendered pages.

@astrojs/[email protected]

18 Apr 05:56
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Minor Changes

  • #222 8f312da Thanks @Fryuni! - Fixes an issue, where unused code was not removed from the output, which led to issues with large projects with a lot of prerendered pages.

@astrojs/[email protected]

10 Apr 08:58
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Minor Changes

  • #229 1f4e40b Thanks @FlorianFlatscher! - Adds a new option for the Image service to the Cloudflare adapter. imageService: 'custom' does use the user defined settings, without applying any modification to it. You need to make sure that the configured settings are compatible with Cloudflare's workerd runtime yourself.

@astrojs/[email protected]

08 Apr 21:14
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Patch Changes

@astrojs/[email protected]

01 Apr 14:20
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Patch Changes

  • #217 0349bd4 Thanks @alexanderniebuhr! - fixes an issue where the automatic _routes.json generation was not working as expected for some projects, which had a dynamic route as the first segment

  • #217 0349bd4 Thanks @alexanderniebuhr! - fixes an issue where the automatic _routes.json generation was not limited correctly, which had manual extend patterns

@astrojs/[email protected]

29 Mar 11:46
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Patch Changes

  • #212 c22bb21 Thanks @alexanderniebuhr! - fixes an issue where projects using @astrojs/solid-js were unusable, due to wrong vite config

  • #210 317bd95 Thanks @alexanderniebuhr! - fixes an issue where projects using @astrojs/vue were unusable, due to marking dependencies as external

@astrojs/[email protected]

28 Mar 11:59
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Major Changes

  • #159 adb8bf2a4caeead9a1a255740c7abe8666a6f852 Thanks @alexanderniebuhr! - Updates and prepares the adapter to be more flexibile, stable and composable for the future. Includes several breaking changes.

    Upgrade Guide

    We are commited to provide a smooth upgrade path for our users. This guide will describe what has changed from v9.x to v10 to help you to migrate your existing projects to the latest version of the adapter. For complete documentation of all v10 configuration settings and usage, please see the current, updated Cloudflare adapter documentation.

    We will provide at least 4 weeks of limited maintanance support for the previous version 9 of the adapter. Please plan to upgrade your project within this time frame, using the instructions below.

    Adapter's mode option & Cloudflare Functions

    The mode option has been removed from the adapter. The adapter now defaults to the previous advanced mode and this is the only official supported option moving forward.

    If you are already using mode: 'advanced' in your astro.config.mjs file, you can safely remove it.

    import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    	adapter: cloudflare({
    -		mode: 'advanced',

    If you are using mode: 'directory', and don't have any custom Cloudflare functions in the /function folder, you should be able to remove the mode option, without any issues.

    import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    	adapter: cloudflare({
    -		mode: 'directory',

    If you are using mode: 'directory', and you have custom Cloudflare functions in the /function folder, you will need to manually migrate them to Astro Server Endpoints (API Routes). If you need to access Cloudflare Bindings, you can use ctx.locals. For further reference, please check the Adapters Documentation on Cloudflare Runtime Usage.

    Adapter's functionPerRoute option

    The functionPerRoute option has been removed from the adapter. The adapter now defaults to the previous false value. If you are using functionPerRoute: true in your astro.config.mjs file, you can safely remove it. This change will not break any existing projects, but you will no longer be generating a single function for each route.

    import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    	adapter: cloudflare({
    -		functionPerRoute: true,

    Local Runtime

    The adapter replaces the runtime options with a new set of platformProxy options to enable local runtime support when using astro dev.

    If you are already using a wrangler.toml file, you can safely replace your existing runtime options with the appropriate platformProxy options.

    import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    	adapter: cloudflare({
    -		runtime: {
    -			mode: 'local',
    -			type: 'workers',
    -		},
    +		platformProxy: {
    +			enabled: true,
    +		},

    If you define your bindings in the astro.config.mjs file, you need to first migrate your project to use a wrangler.toml configuration file for defining your bindings. You can find more information on how to do this in the Cloudflare docs about wrangler. Then, replace runtime options with the new corresponding platformProxy options as above.

    import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    	adapter: cloudflare({
    -		runtime: {
    -			mode: 'local',
    -			type: 'pages',
    -			bindings: {
    -				// ...
    -			},
    -		},
    +		platformProxy: {
    +			enabled: true,
    +		},

    If you have typed locals in your ./src/env.d.ts file, you need to run wrangler types in your project and update the file.

    /// <reference types="astro/client" />
    - type KVNamespace = import('@cloudflare/workers-types/experimental').KVNamespace;
    - type ENV = {
    -   SERVER_URL: string;
    -   KV_BINDING: KVNamespace;
    - };
    - type Runtime = import('@astrojs/cloudflare').AdvancedRuntime<ENV>;
    + type Runtime = import('@astrojs/cloudflare').Runtime<Env>;
    declare namespace App {
      interface Locals extends Runtime {
          name: string;
          surname: string;


    The routes.strategy option has been removed as you will no longer have the option to choose a strategy in v10 of this adpater.

    If you are using routes.strategy, you can remove it. You might observe a different dist/_routes.json file, but it should not affect your project's behavior.

    import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    	adapter: cloudflare({
    -		routes: {
    -			strategy: 'include',
    -		},

    Additionally the routes.include & routes.exclude options have changed their name and type. If you were previously using them, move these to the new routes.extend property and update their types:

    import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    	adapter: cloudflare({
    		routes: {
    -			include: ['/api/*'],
    -			exclude: ['/fonts/*'],
    +			extend: {
    +				include: [{ pattern: '/api/*' }],
    +				exclude: [{ pattern: '/fonts/*' }],
    +			},


    In the old version of the adapter we used to expose all the environment variables to process.env. This is no longer the case, as it was unsafe. If you need to use environment variables, you need to use either Astro.locals.runtime.env or context.locals.runtime.env. There is no way to access the environment variables directly from process.env or in the global scope.

    If you need to access the environment variables in global scope, you should refactor your code to pass the environment variables as arguments to your function or file.

    If you rely on any third library that uses process.env, please open an issue and we can investigate what the best way to handle this is.

    Node.js APIs compatibility

    The adapter still supports the same Node.js APIs as Cloudflare does, but you need to adapt your vite configuration and enable the Cloudflare nodejs_compat flag.

    import {defineConfig} from "astro/config";
    import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
    export default defineConfig({
      adapter: cloudflare({}),
      output: 'server',
    +  vite: {
    +    ssr: {
    +      external: ['node:buffer'],
    +    },
    +  },