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108 lines (67 loc) · 3.44 KB

File metadata and controls

108 lines (67 loc) · 3.44 KB


  • Started using tmc-langs for processing exercises. NOTE: for maven projects this requires installation of maven3 and having $M3_HOME set properly.


  • Added support for students to generate certificates for accomplished courses. Note, this requires installation of wkhtmltopdf use the first option to install (for ubuntu 10.04 lts version from apt is too old).


  • Added option to disable code review request action from clients.
  • Added option to disable run tests locally action from clients.


  • Upgraded Rails to 4.1.
  • Enabled asset pipeline (see app/assets/ and vendor/assets/).
  • Code style improvements: converted HashStyle from hash rocket to JSON-style, removed trailing whitespaces, extra blank lines, added trailing blank lines and made other small improvements.
  • Upgraded jquery-rails to 3.1 and database_cleaner to 1.3.
  • Removed act_as_api (#197).


  • [SECURITY] Fixed vulnerability where symlinks in zips could be used to read any file on the server where the server had read access.


  • Upgraded FactoryGirl to 4.5 and converted to new syntax.


  • Upgraded RSpec to 3.1 and converted existing specs from should-syntax to new expectation-syntax.
  • Switched Selenium to Poltergeist (PhantomJS) for headless browser testing. You need to install PhantomJS (at least version 1.8.1) to your path, see
  • Upgraded Capybara to 2.4.
  • Switched CanCan to CanCanCan for Rails 4 support.


  • Removed pg_comment for Rails 4 support.


  • Cleaned up how stats are aggregated, admin or test users are no longer includes to stats. Thus making stats more realistic.


  • Extra student files also shown in the submitted files view


  • Added pghero to get stats from database

    Add following lines to postgresql.conf to enable

    shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
    pg_stat_statements.track = all

    Requires postgresql 9.2 or newer

    pghero stats can be accessed from /pghero

  • Made valgrind fails configurable with valgrind_strategy in metadata.yml


  • Made it possible to set course-specific options in metadata.yml and course_options.yml, enabling running multiple courses with different configs from the same repo.


  • Added API courses/:coursename/exercise_status/:username.json to get individual details for course completion status.


  • metadata.yml now accepts a runtime_params option that allows setting arbitrary JVM parameters. These are served to the NB plugin and used in the sandbox.


  • Added option to download submissions with test/ and nbproject/ folders thus making debugging submitted code easier for TAs.


  • Optimized course refresher. Unlock conditions are now only calculated on demand, so the course refreshed doesn't spend any time on them any more. Course refresh should now take just a few minutes.
  • Optimized Course#show.


  • Started to support real HTTP Basic auth


  • Added support for running Checkstyle for Java submissions

  • Refactored Submission#show

    Now we have tabbed view for Logs, Files, Stderr and Stdout instead of having those stacked or on separate pages.


  • Pastes expire by default in a few hours