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433 lines (308 loc) · 22.3 KB

File metadata and controls

433 lines (308 loc) · 22.3 KB

0.2.1 "Jittery Lynx"


  • Added new case_insensitive flag to the order filter (#101)
  • A new highlighter.line_numbers configuration file option has been added to render line numbers in markup code blocks (#105, #112)
  • Added ability to highlight specific lines in markup code blocks (#105, #112)
  • Add new global redirects Twig variable to keep track of all redirects used in a site (#113)
  • Collection items can now have assets tied to them either automatically by linking images or using the assets directive in FrontMatter (#116)
  • Introduce new anchors Twig filter (#120) to let you add anchors to HTML headings


  • Added PHP 7.4 support where Parsedown threw deprecation warnings (#111)


  • Improve the Sass compilation time by using scssphp's new built-in cache capabilities instead of our custom workaround


  • The core filesystem classes have been updated to have a unified way of handling paths, files, and directories (#115)

0.2.0 "Guilty Ocelot"

The next major release of stakx is ready and has been battle tested with the redesign of the website.

Here are the changes since the last beta release:


  • The serve command has been marked as experimental due to some known bugs that are not easy to fix
  • The minimum version of PHP required is now 5.6
  • Our SCSS library has been updated with bug fixes and speed improvements


  • Unicode characters are now preserved in the summary and toc Twig filters

0.2.0 Beta 2


  • The MIME list used in the development web server has been extended to use Symfony's list


  • Highlighting code in PHP 7.3 no longer causes an infinite loop
  • Fix the summary and toc Twig filters failing under rare conditions when a <body> tag existed in the HTML given to it
  • "File aware" exceptions display more helpful messages when running under the serve command
  • Redirects now work correctly when using the serve command
  • Fix support for extra /s added to permalinks via Front Matter variables (#99)


  • Updated Twig to use namespaces after a breaking change caused stakx to fail with an updated version of Twig
  • The development web server now uses Symfony's router instead of nikic's FastRoute

0.2.0 Beta 1


  • The url() Twig filter can now link to Repeater PageViews (#78)
  • Twig now has a new global template called repeaters to access all of the Repeater PageViews; these PageViews are indexed based on the title FrontMatter value just like Static PageViews.
  • Added new slug Twig filter
  • The 500 error page in the serve command now shows more useful information about the exception that was thrown
  • Sass Asset Engine now caches the Sass AST it builds inside of .stakx-cache/. Using the --use-cache flag will enable stakx to read this cache and only rebuild the updated Sass (#91)
  • The url() Twig filter can now handle external URLs without breaking them (#95)


  • Passing a JailedDocument into the Twig dump() filter will now output useful information; such as, all of the accessible FrontMatter and whitelisted methods.
  • Heading IDs inside of the markdown engine now use the same algorithm as the Twig slug() filter
  • Underscore folders inside of themes are now automatically ignored (#87)
  • The Sass compiler has been updated to better handle AST caching especially during serve and --use-cache
  • The where() Twig filter logic has been simplified and no longer works recursively, which was "undefined behavior" to begin with


  • Feeding JailedDocuments into the Twig dump() filter will no longer cause an infinite loop
  • Sass is correctly updated and compiled during the serve command; you no longer need to restart the server to get your Sass to recompile (#86)
  • FrontMatter from Dynamic PageViews are now accessible through children DataItems (#93); information from the DataItem will override PageView FrontMatter
  • DataItems part of Datasets now have the filePath variable to match ContentItems
  • Accidentally treating a JailedDocument as a string in Twig no longer crashes the compiler; it now throws a hidden warning instead
  • Fixed possible route shadowing caused by permalinks being registered in the wrong order


  • The ReadableDocument object now has support for getting and setting metadata available to stakx internals
  • The serve infrastructure has been refactored and has had a lot of renaming to have more intuitive names
  • CompileProcess events have been renamed and split up into separate events for each PageView type and now contain more useful information
  • highlight.php has been updated to use 9.13.1 language definitions

0.2.0 Alpha 2


  • Add new serve command to take the place of the defunct watch command
  • Your *.scss.twig files now support the @theme directive to import partials relative to your theme's _sass folder


  • Nested folders inside of _sass no longer throw errors

0.2.0 Alpha 1

The first alpha tag of the next major release of stakx with a rebuilt core, Scss support, and Twig improvements.


  • The watch command has been removed
  • The --no-conf flag has been removed; all sites now need a configuration file


  • FrontMatter now has "complex variables," meaning you can inject variables from your site's configuration file into any FM block
  • The select, order, where, and group Twig filters have support for dot notation to access nested data in arrays
  • Make use Symfony's Event Dispatcher throughout our core to dispatch events for core and possibly third-party plugins
  • Add Scss and source map support in a _sass folder


  • The "working directory" of websites is now relative to the given configuration file
  • Dynamic PageViews are no longer accessible through Twig


  • Twig files through {% include %} are now treated as dependencies for the watch functionality
  • The summary and toc Twig filters now better support HTML5 and are more robust
  • The basename and filename variables are available in FrontMatter


  • A lot of restructuring and moving of namespaces
  • All references to files are now handled by a dedicated File object
  • Add Symfony container, which will autowrite classes and support dependency injection
  • Use the official highlight.php library again, which is now maintained again
  • Templating has been abstracted out into interfaces; a new Twig to stakx bridge has been created
  • Updated to Symfony 3.4.x components
  • Abstracted out data transformers into separate classes with an interface for DataItems
  • Twig filters and functions are now handled through the container
  • Improved cross-platform support for file paths used internally
  • Markup engines have been abstracted out into interfaces and separate classes
  • Standardized filesystem reads and writes throughout core
  • The internal Service singleton uses bitwise flags instead of an array of arbitrary keys

0.1.3 "Pacifist Tasmanian Devil"

A maintenance release with small bug fixes.


  • Added new toc filter that will pick out headings from given HTML and make them into an unordered list


  • All HTML headings now have IDs generated for them in markdown content


  • Parsing HTML isn't the same as XML, so filters like summary have been made more robust and knowledgable about HTML
  • ContentItems not being a part of a collection no longer crashes the watch command
  • DataItems now correctly have access to basename, permalink, targetFile, and redirects for when they are in Datasets

0.1.2 "Watchful Bandicoot"

For this release, all effort was focused on stabilizing the watch command and getting it out of its experimental phase.

Here's the changelog since the beta 1 release:


  • Add new build.preserveCase option to the configuration file which allows you to preserve the case of a permalink path. This option defaults to false meaning all permalinks are still converted to lower case. (#55)
  • ContentItems now support a redirect_from option in the FrontMatter to have custom redirects on a per ContentItem basis (#26)


  • Watching a folder with spaces in any part of the path works as intended
  • The target folder is automatically excluded and will no longer have a nested version of itself (#54)
  • The basename attribute is now available in ContentItems that don't have a parent PageView set (#53)

0.1.2 Beta 1


  • You can define custom syntax highlighting definitions for your own languages (#51)
  • Added new zip Twig filter
  • Added new ignore_null option to the select Twig filter
  • Added new sha1 and md5 Twig filters


  • Improve Twig dependency detection in PageViews
    • Collections and datasets with an underscore in the name are now handled correctly
  • Add more languages to our syntax highlighter (#50)
  • More helpful error messages are now outputted during the watch command
  • The url Twig filter has received a new absolute boolean
    • When set to true, the generated URL takes url from your _config.yml and prepends it to the URL


  • The where Twig filter correctly checks against ArrayAccess objects
  • Correctly handle file paths in Twig's {% extends %} during watch while on Windows
  • Fix asset tracking on Windows during the watch command
  • Files that were {% import %}'d in Twig templates now rebuild during watch
  • Empty files created during watch no longer through an error. Errors are only thrown now after you're editing the file
  • Markdown headings created with === or --- now have IDs rendered in the HTML


  • Internal interfaces have been renamed
    • JailedDocumentInterface -> JailableDocument
    • TwigDocumentInterface -> TwigDocument

0.1.1 "Eccentric Wallaby"


  • Introduced new import keyword, which allows you to import other configuration files for different dev environments (#42)
  • Introduce new --use-drafts option to the build command, which looks for draft: true in the FrontMatter of ContentItems. Any "draft" will not have a file written to the build folder and will not appear in the collections array in Twig (#45)
  • The watch function now supports more external tools in addition to polling the file system
    • watchmedo (Cross platform pything shell utility)
    • fswatch (Cross-platform file change monitor with multiple backends)
    • inotifywait (Linux shell utility)
    • inotify (Php PECL extension)
  • Add new --profile option to show stats on time spent on each Twig template
  • Two new default FrontMatter keys have been added to all FrontMatter documents
    • filename - the full name of the file
    • basename - the name of the file without the extension
  • All data is now housed in DataItem objects that can be used for more information about the data file (#48)
  • Dynamic PageViews now support a new dataset FrontMatter key that will allow you to use DataItems in a DataSet the same way as ContentItems in a Collection (#48)
  • Introduce new select() Twig filter that will extract the values from the respective keys of an array of elements and flatten the items in addition to removing duplicate values
  • In addition to DataItem folders, ContentItem and PageView folders can now use the .example extension (#33)


  • The name on Packagist has been changed to stakx/stakx. Since there wasn't any usage, the previous stakx-io/stakx package has been deleted.
  • JailObject have been renamed to JailedDocument
  • Generic Twig runtime errors have been improved to provide more user-friendly information


  • Permalinks with several periods or FrontMatter variables containing periods would fail to build
  • stakx now sets exit values greater than 0 when a website fails to build
  • Using watch will now compile changes to parent templates now
  • Line numbers shown in Twig errors have been corrected to be accurate
  • Assets are now copied correctly during the watch process; a notice of an undefined index of 'prefix' has been silenced
  • PageViews accessing either data or collections directly are now recompiled when the respective content is updated (#16)


  • Restructured the project to be PSR-4 complaint
  • Change visibility of tracking class functions
  • Always use realpath() in FileExplorer
  • The menu Twig variable is now handled by its own class
  • All file writing has been moved to a dedicated Compiler class
  • PageManager class has been refactored to solely handle PageViews and nothing else
  • Explicit file locks aren't used for writing files anymore
  • A lot of namespaces for internal classes have been changed
  • Build settings have begun to be moved to Service singleton for global access to settings

0.1.0 "Immortal Wombat"


  • Added new pages variable which provides access to all static pages a stakx website has
  • The url() Twig function now accepts any PageView or CollectionItem for generating URLs
  • Data files with a .example extension are ignored (#35)
  • Errors occurring due to a file's syntax now display the path to the file to the console (#34)
  • Add Markdown Extra support
  • All generated code blocks now have the hljs class added to it


  • Ensure only JailObjects are given to Twig
  • Children of hidden parents in the menu variable are no longer accessible
  • All FrontMatter objects implement ArrayAccess
  • License file has been changed to MIT
  • The group Twig filter has been improved with several crash bugs fixed
    • If a value is not set in the Front Matter, it will be discarded in the group result
    • Grouping by booleans is now possible; a 'true' or 'false' literal will be used
  • All FrontMatter objects no longer make use of magic methods (this should have no affect on websites)
  • The menu variable only contains pages with a title FrontMatter key
  • More errors thrown contain information regarding the path of the file that triggered the error instead of just the error


  • Fix calls to jailed functions in JailObjects
  • Parsing FrontMatter files has improved cross-platform support
  • The where Twig filter works better with null values
  • Don't crash when using watch and no theme is present
  • Nested siblings in the menu variable no longer override each other
  • An error is now thrown when an unknown collection is referenced in a dynamic PageView instead of crashing

0.1.0 Beta 3 "Repeat Stuff, Repeat Stuff, Gotta Repeat Stuff"

Bug fixes, improved Windows support, and repeaters!


  • Introduction of a new Repeater PageView
    • Repeater PageViews can also support automatic redirects to the permalink
  • Added support for redirecting to PageViews or ContentItems
    • By making the permalink Front Matter attribute an array of URLs instead of a single one, you will enable automatic redirects. The first element in that list will be the permalink while all the others will redirect automatically to the first link
    • Redirects can be special templates you define in your _config.yml or a generic will be used
  • Percent signs can be escaped in Front Matter now by using \ to escape it
  • Unit tests are now tested on AppVeyor in addition to Travis to test Windows


  • The menu Twig variable is now an array of PageViews instead of an array with limited information
  • FrontMatter evaluation has evolved into its own parser with supported for "expanded values"
  • All objects passed to Twig as this are now JailObjects which restrict the functions that can be called from Twig; this will prevent undefined behavior
  • Improved messages thrown by exceptions


  • Fix broken Watch command where nothing would rebuild
  • The order Twig filter now works with PageViews
  • Fixed fenced code blocks wouldn't render as escaped HTML
  • RST include vulnerability has been fixed; everything is now jailed to the current working directory while building the website
  • Fix composer build functionality on Windows
  • Fix file paths used internally to be Windows friendly
  • Fix automatic permalink generation based on relative paths
  • this in Twig will always refer to an object now, instead of just FrontMatter (which PageView was an offender of and didn't allow functions to be called)
  • Twig error line numbers now take into account the offset of the FrontMatter in the document
  • Twig errors now show the correct relative file path instead of just the filename
  • The where Twig filter now works with any PageView type in addition to ContentItems
  • Declaring both baseurl and base in the site's configuration leads to baseurl taking precedence
  • Dates or timestamps evaluated from the date field (and the respective year, month, and day fields) in Front Matter are evaluated with respect to the timezone set in php.ini
  • Fix issue of cache creation when running from a PHAR

0.1.0 Beta 2 "The Flash"

The compile time of a website and watch command startup time has been improved drastically.


  • Add new summary Twig filter
  • Twig in ContentItems is now evaluated
  • The where Twig filter has a new ~= comparison for strings and arrays.
    • For strings, it will return true if the string (left) contains the needle (right)
    • For arrays, it will return true if the needle exists inside of the array
  • The where filter can now check against null
  • Markdown headers (h1, h2, h3, etc.) automatically have an ID in the rendered HTML
  • All internal manager classes now support tracking files for the watch command
  • New --no-clean option has been added to not clean the _site (target) folder on build
  • Verbose messages now show timestamps
  • Using the exclude option in configuration files now ignores files or directories instead of filtering them out
    • e.g. node_modules is ignored by default; now, node_modules will be skipped entirely instead of being scanned and later ignored during the compile process


  • Themes are now under the theme namespace for Twig templates
    • In order to extend a theme template in Twig, it must be accessed with @theme prefixed to it
  • The watch command has been marked as experimental and has been rewritten from scratch
  • Collection items are now stored by file name instead of counter-intuitive hashes
  • Permalinks are now always lowercase
  • Twig errors now display file paths instead of random hashes


  • Don't fail when an invalid configuration file is parsed
  • The where Twig filter no longer fails with ContentItems
  • Don't crash when a theme file doesn't have either the exclude or include section

0.1.0 Beta 1


  • The base configuration file option has been superseded by baseurl and will be removed in version 1.0.0.


  • An error message now appears with SimpleXML isn't installed; e.g. PHP 7
  • Having a base URL in the configuration file now outputs that website into that specified folder. For example, a website with a base URL of super-site will now create the website at: _site/super-site/
  • The target directory where the compiled website is now cleared at every build
  • The url() Twig function correctly outputs the base URL
  • Exceptions no longer cause the program to die
  • Errors or exception during the watch command no longer cause the program to stop watching and dying

0.1.0 Alpha 2


  • Add partial support for rendering reStructuredText
  • Content Items with unknown file extensions are rendered as-is


  • Front Matter variable names can only be alphabetic characters
  • The Finder Twig function now requires a parameter of where to look at


  • Pemalinks are now sanitized and have invalid characters removed
  • Files without an explicit permalink in the Front Matter get their permalink based on their location
  • Invalid Yaml in Front Matter now stops execution
  • Front Matter special values are now re-evaluated when a dynamic page is built
    • e.g. The date field creates the %year, %month, and %day fields automatically
  • The Finder Twig function now works

0.1.0 Alpha 1


  • New finder Twig filter gives access to Symfony's Finder component
  • New DataItems and DataSets have been introduced
  • Add a --safe option to disable filesystem access from Twig
  • New markdown Twig filter and tag
  • Add new url Twig function to generate a URL with the base prepended
  • Add new group Twig function to group array contents based on its contents
  • Add new --no-conf option to build a website without a configuration
  • Add extremely primitive watch command to rebuild the entire website every time there's a change
  • Add new file Twig function access a file content's


  • FrontMatter variables now begin with a % instead of :
    • e.g. permalink: /blog/%year/%title/
  • Remove Laravel dependencies


  • Looping through empty collections no longer crashes
  • PHAR archives now work with the current working directory
  • Don't crash when no PageView folders are specified

0.0.0 "It builds!"

A very early tag of stakx with only the build command mostly functional