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File metadata and controls

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User Guide

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This describes the information about how to write configuration files and authentication when using Gatling Commander.
Please refer to the Quick Start Guide for information on how to install this tool, set up the Gatling Operator, and prepare and run the load test scenario.

About configuration file

Gatling Commander requires the following two types of YAML files as configuration files.

  • config.yaml
  • base_manifest.yaml

Configuration values for the load test are written in config/config.yaml.

The base_manifest.yaml describes the common values for each load test in the Kubernetes manifest of the Gatling Resource.

Fields marked <config.yaml overrides this field> in base_manifest.yaml are overwritten by config.yaml value for each load test. Therefore, multiple loadtests can be run consecutively without changing the value of base_manifest.yaml.

* Gatling Commander once loads base_manifest.yaml value to Gatling struct object before it replaces the value by config.yaml. So the type of base_manifest.yaml field value must be matched to Gatling struct field one. If type not match, an error like following occur.

json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field TestScenarioSpec.spec.testScenarioSpec.parallelism of type int32

The location and file name of config.yaml and base_manifest.yaml can be any value.
For the config.yaml path, specify the value of the --config option when executing the command.
For the base_manifest.yaml path, set path value to baseManifest in config.yaml.

Configuration of load test (config.yaml)

This describes about each field in config.yaml

Hierarchy of config.yaml

The config.yaml has a hierarchical structure.

In Gatling Commander, a service is defined as a group of load test.
A service has one or more load test scenarios for the same target.
The results of the load test for the same service are recorded in Google Sheets specified by services[].spreadsheetID in config.yaml.

The individual load test scenario settings are defined in the testScenarioSpec in config.yaml. This is the same as the value of testScenarioSpec of the Gatling Object, which is required for a load test with the Gatling Operator.

The top-level field in config.yaml specifies common configuration values for the entire load test, and the services in config.yaml specify configuration values for each service.
Also, the services[].testScenarioSpec in config.yaml specifies the setting values for each load test.

Thus, config.yaml consists of a nested hierarchical structure of configuration values: configuration values common to the entire load test -> configuration values for each service -> scenario for each load test.

Configuration values common to the entire load test

This section describes the configuration values in the config.yaml that are common to the entire load test.

Field Description
gatlingContextName string (Required) Context name of Kubernetes cluster which Gatling Pod running in.
imageRepository string (Required) Container image repository url in which Gatling image is stored.
imagePrefix string (Required) String which is used to add built Gatling image name prefix.
imageURL string (Optional) Container image URL. When you run exec subcommand with --skip-build arguments, you must fill this field to specify Gatling image.
baseManifest string (Required) Path of Gatling Kubernetes manifest.
gatlingDockerfileDir string (Required) Path of directory in which Dockerfile for Gatling image is stored.
startupTimeoutSec integer (Required) Timeout seconds threshold about each Gatling Job startup.
execTimeoutSec integer (Required) Timeout seconds threshold about each Gatling Job running.
slackConfig.webhookURL string (Optional) Slack webhook url for notification. If set this value, finished CLI will be notified.
slackConfig.mentionText string (Optional) Slack mention target. If set member_id to this field, CLI notification mention user who has the member_id. The webhookURL field must be specified with this field value.
services []object (Required) This field has some services setting values.

Configuration values for each service

This section describes the configuration values for each service in config.yaml.

Field Description
name string (Required) Service name. Please specify any value. Used in Gatling object metadata name and so on.
spreadsheetID string (Required) Google Sheets ID to which load test result will be written.
failFast boolean (Required) The flag determining whether to start next load test or not when current load test result failed item count exceeds 0.
targetPercentile integer (Optional) Threshold of latency percentile, specify this field value from [50, 75, 95, 99]. If this field value is set, CLI check current load test result specified percentile value and decide whether to start next load test or not. The targetLatency field must be specified with this field value.
targetLatency integer (Optional) Threshold of latency milliseconds, this field must be specified with targetPercentile.
targetPodConfig.contextName string (Required) Context name of Kubernetes cluster in which loadtest target Pod running.
targetPodConfig.namespace string (Required) Kubernetes namespace in which load test target Pod is running.
targetPodConfig.labelKey string (Required) Metadata Labels key of load test target Pod.
targetPodConfig.labelValue string (Required) Metadata Labels value of load test target Pod.
targetPodConfig.containerName string (Required) Name of load test target container name which is running in load test target Pod.
scenarioSpecs []object (Required) This field has some scenarioSpecs setting values.

Configuration values for each load test scenario

This section describes the configuration values in config.yaml for each individual load test scenario.

Field Description
name string (Required) Load test name which is used as Google Sheets name and so on.
subName string (Required) Load test sub name which is used in load test result row subName column.
testScenarioSpec object (Required) Gatling object testScenarioSpec field. Please refer gatling-operator document TestScenarioSpec.

Manifest of Gatling Resource

The base_manifest.yaml describes the fields in the Kubernetes manifest of the Gatling Resource that set common values for each load test.
For more information about the fields in the Kubernetes manifest of the Gatling Resource, see Gatling Operator API Reference.

Fields marked <config.yaml overrides this field> in base_manifest.yaml are overwritten by config.yaml value for each load test. Therefore, the values of these fields don't need to be changed in base_manifest.yaml.

This section describes the fields in base_manifest.yaml that are replaced by values in config.yaml.

Field Description string Overwritten by service name loaded from services[].name field value in config.yaml
spec.podSpec.gatlingImage string Overwritten by built Gatling image URL or image URL loaded from imageURL field value in config.yaml
spec.testScenarioSpec.parallelism interger Overwritten by services[].scenarioSpecs[].testScenarioSpec.parallelism field value in config.yaml
spec.testScenarioSpec.simulationClass string Overwritten by services[].scenarioSpecs[].testScenarioSpec.simulationClass field value in config.yaml
spec.testScenarioSpec.env[] []dict Overwritten by services[].scenarioSpecs[].testScenarioSpec.env[] field value in config.yaml

Required Role and Authentication

The following roles are required to run Gatling Commander.

  • Roles to pull and push docker images
  • Roles to get, create, and delete objects in a Kubernetes cluster
  • Roles to read from Cloud Storage
  • Roles to read, write Google Sheets

Roles to pull and push docker images

If you do not specify imageURL in config.yaml, it will build a new Gatling Image and push it to the specified Image Repository.
Gatling Commander currently supports use with Google Cloud only, Google Artifact Registry and Google Container Registry are available.

For building and pushing Gatling Image, please grant the account that is necessary roles to push the Image to an account that is used in the Gatling Commander execution environment.

Roles to get, create, and delete objects in a Kubernetes cluster

Gatling Commander creates, gets, and deletes Gatling Objects on the specified cluster and fetches metrics for the pods under load test.

Gatling Commander obtains Kubernetes authentication by referring to $HOME/.kube/config.
The account used in the execution environment of Gatling Commander must be authorized to get, create and delete Kubernetes objects.

Roles to read from Cloud Storage

Gatling Operator creates and uploads a Gatling Report to a provider bucket specified place which are set in the cloudStorageSpec of Gatling manifest.
Gatling Commander gets the Gatling Report uploaded to the configured bucket, reads the target items, and records them in Google Sheets.

Gatling Commander currently supports use with Google Cloud only and reads load test results from Gatling Reports uploaded to Google Cloud Storage.

Please grant the necessary roles to get the Gatling Reports file to the account that is used in the execution environment of Gatling Commander.

Roles to read, write Google Sheets

Gatling Commander records the load test results in the specified Google Sheets.
Please grant the editor privilege of the target Google Sheets to the account used in the execution environment of Gatling Commander.

Authentication of Google Sheets API

Gatling Commander use Google Sheets API for manipulating Google Sheets. If you do not have a Google Cloud Project, create one and activate the Google Sheets API.
After creating a Google Sheets sheet, grant the role to edit the sheet to the account used in the execution environment of Gatling Commander.

Please execute the following command to authenticate Google Sheets.

gcloud auth application-default login --scopes=,