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Tired of navigating for dozens of AWS Web Consoles to check your accounts status? Join the DevOps revolution.

Trusted Overlord is a tool aimed to aggregate AWS Trusted Advisor alarms, AWS Health notifications and AWS Support cases from several AWS accounts and build a brief summary with the results.

In the future we want to provide the ability to operate those accounts from a single web dashboard in a seamless way.


Build Trusted Overlord using Maven with

mvn clean compile package

Run Trusted Overlord passing your profile names as arguments. (Inside reporter/target/) execute:

java -jar trustedoverlord-reporter-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar profileName1 profileName2...

Please note that you must configure permissions using the standard AWS Credentials management method


  • Java 8+
  • Maven 3.X+


 _____              _           _   _____                _               _
|_   _|            | |         | | |  _  |              | |             | |
  | |_ __ _   _ ___| |_ ___  __| | | | | |_   _____ _ __| | ___  _ __ __| |
  | | '__| | | / __| __/ _ \/ _` | | | | \ \ / / _ \ '__| |/ _ \| '__/ _` |
  | | |  | |_| \__ \ ||  __/ (_| | \ \_/ /\ V /  __/ |  | | (_) | |  |(_| |
  \_/_|   \__,_|___/\__\___|\__,_|  \___/  \_/ \___|_|  |_|\___/|_|  \__,_|

2017-02-08T10:27:35,262 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlord: ...will now check 1 AWS accounts.

Checking Health for profile 'profileName1'
2017-02-08T10:27:36,283 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  # Open Issues: 0
2017-02-08T10:27:36,283 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  # Schedules Changes: 0
2017-02-08T10:27:36,283 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  # Other Notifications: 1
2017-02-08T10:27:36,283 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:
2017-02-08T10:27:36,283 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Other Notification: AWS_ECS_OPERATIONAL_NOTIFICATION

Checking Trusted Advisor for profile 'profileName1'
2017-02-08T10:27:47,737 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  # Errors: 2
2017-02-08T10:27:47,737 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  # Warnings: 14
2017-02-08T10:27:47,737 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 ERROR [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Error: Amazon EBS Snapshots
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 ERROR [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Error: Amazon EC2 Availability Zone Balance
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: Low Utilization Amazon EC2 Instances
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: Underutilized Amazon EBS Volumes
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: Unassociated Elastic IP Addresses
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: MFA on Root Account
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: IAM Password Policy
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: Load Balancer Optimization
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: Service Limits
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: Amazon S3 Bucket Logging
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: ELB Listener Security
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: ELB Security Groups
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: ELB Cross-Zone Load Balancing
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: ELB Connection Draining
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: IAM Access Key Rotation
2017-02-08T10:27:47,738 WARN  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  + Warning: Amazon S3 Bucket Versioning

Checking AWS Support Cases for profile 'profileName1'
2017-02-08T10:27:48,740 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:  # Open Cases: 0
2017-02-08T10:27:48,740 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain:

Checking Health for profile 'profileName2'

2017-02-08T10:27:47,746 INFO  [main] c.b.t.TrustedOverlordMain: markdown file generated