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Fusl edited this page Nov 22, 2014 · 27 revisions


  • A screen
  • A speaker system.
  • A x86 compatible PC/Notebook. (Though there is some basic support for ARM - see: Hacking)
  • An external storage device with at least 1024MB. (e.g. a USB stick or SD card)

Install the pre-built image

There is a pre built image that you can simply write to an external storage devices as is. It should work out of the box for most systems since it includes all available kernel modules as well as xorg graphics drivers.


Open a Terminal. And use wget to download the latest image.


Change to root user and write the image to the storage device. You need xz-utils to decompress the image.

xzcat screeninvader_0.9.dd.xz > /dev/sdX


  • First, extract the .xz image, if you don't have any software to do so, you can use ''7-zip for Windows''.
  • Download 7-zip from here.
  • Install 7-zip
  • The extracted image file will have no extension, but the program we use to write the image doesn't associate with this extension, so right click the file and choose rename, and add .img to the end of the filename.
  • Download the image writer from here.
  • Extract the contents of the .zip to a known directory.
  • Run the .exe labled 'W32DiskImager.exe'
  • Select the ScreenInvader Image file
  • Select the drive letter/mount point for the storage device (please verify this is the correct device)
  • Click 'Write' to begin writing the image to the storage device.

Boot it

On first boot you are presented with a configuration menu. You need to connect a screen and a keyboard for initial configuration


Connect the PC/Notebook to your network and insert the storage device. When you power it on it will automatically be assigned a network address according to the first boot configuration. That address is displayed on screen.

Open the web interface in your browser



Click the admin button. The default user is root and the password is lounge.


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