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Releases: salesforce/design-system-react


16 Jul 07:07
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Release 0.10.8

Major Features

  • WelcomeMat: Add new component
  • Colorpicker: Add right to left language support
  • Datepicker: Add right to left language support
  • Dropdown: Add right to left language support
  • Icon: Add right to left language support

Minor Features

  • Icon: Add background theme colors
  • PageHeader: Update markup
  • PageHeader: Add support for custom icons
  • PageHeader: Add support for Breadcrumbs
  • PageHeader: Support joined styling with DataTable


  • ProgressRing: Fix for layout issue in IE11
  • Dialog: Fix for "invalid prop direction of value [object Object] supplied
  • BuilderHeader: Fix typo
  • Remove unneeded imports (fixing DeepScan issues)
  • Update jest config to include all snapshots


  • Update
  • Update readme to new Jest script process
  • Update readme


  • Add Storybook stories to DOM, image, and a11y tests by default unless excluded
  • Limit use of root ~ babel alias to example files
  • Divide image snapshots into chunks, then remove them from standard tests (for now)
  • @salesforce-ux/design-system update from 2.8.3 to 2.9.3 (SLDS)
  • @salesforce-ux/icons update from 7.34.0 to 9.27.0
  • webpack-dev-middleware update from 1.12.2 to 2.0.6
  • babel-loader update from 8.0.0-beta.3 to 8.0.6
  • react-test-renderer update from 16.4.2 to 16.8.6
  • warning update from 3.0.0 to 4.0.3
  • eslint-loader update from 1.9.0 to 2.1.2
  • enzyme-adapter-react-16 update from 1.12.1 to 1.14.0
  • karma-cli update from 1.0.1 to 2.0.0
  • object.entries update from 1.0.4 to 1.1.0
  • babel-eslint update from 8.2.3 to 10.0.2
  • babel-plugin-instabul update from 4.1.6 to 5.1.4
  • mocha update from 3.5.3 to 6.1.4
  • react-onclickoutside update from 6.7.1 to 6.8.0
  • react-highlighter update from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3
  • express update from 4.16.2 to 4.17.1


25 Jun 20:49
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Release 0.10.7

Major Features

  • VisualPicker: Add new component
  • TrialBar: Add new component
  • ProgressBar: Add "vertical" orientation option

Minor Features

  • Add snapshot testing to Dropdown, Pill, ProgressRing, RadioGroup, RadioButtonGroup, Search, Slider, SplitView, Tabs, Textarea, Toast, and VerticalNavigation components


  • Button: Pass form props to button DOM node
  • Carousel: Alter styling to better match designs
  • Combobox: ARIA attribute fixes
  • SetupAssistant: Active theme now shown for ProgressRing at appropriate times
  • EditDialogPopover: Now defined on site
  • ExpandableSection: Add to site-stories.js
  • Checkbox and Radio: Fix typo in labels prop
  • Fixed issue with component paths that was causing build errors in some projects


  • DatePicker: Fix prop description typo
  • BuilderHeader: Fix typo for PropType comment


  • @babel/parser update from 7.4.4 to 7.4.5
  • enzyme update from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0
  • react-text-truncate update from 0.12.1 to 0.14.1
  • react-modal update from 3.4.4 to 3.8.1
  • @babel/preset-env update from 7.4.4 to 7.4.5
  • karma-coverage update from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2
  • webpack-hot-middleware update from 2.21.0 to 2.25.0
  • eslint-plugin-import update from 2.17.2 to 2.17.3
  • eslint-plugin-json update from 1.2.0 to 1.4.0
  • shortid update from 2.2.8 to 2.2.14
  • concurrently update from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0
  • lint-staged update from 3.6.1 to 8.2.0
  • sinon update from 2.4.1 to 4.5.0
  • compression update from 1.7.1 to 1.7.4
  • tar update from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 (security)
  • extend update from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (security)
  • sshpk update from 1.13.0 to 1.16.1 (security)
  • stringstream update from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 (security)
  • tough-cookie update from 2.3.2 to 2.3.4 (security)
  • is-my-json-valid update from 2.17.1 to 2.20.0 (security)
  • macaddress update from 0.2.8 to 0.2.9 (security)
  • merge update from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (security)
  • react-dev-utils update from 5.0.1 to 5.0.3 (security)


24 Jun 23:41
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Release 0.10.6

Please use 0.10.7 instead as there was a bug in this release causing build errors in some projects


12 Jun 22:29
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Release 0.10.5

Major Features

  • SetupAssistant: Add Component

Minor Features

  • ProgressRing: Add active theme
  • ButtonGroup: Adds list variant
  • Modal: Add small size support


  • RadioGroup: Update labels from props after instance construction. Label and error label did not update after component is initialzied.
  • SetupAssistant: Design review and red-lining of component such as padding, spacing, and borders.
  • ColorPicker: Removes some differences between SLDS ColorPicker pattern and this library


  • Codebase: Add default prop change warning
  • Accordion: 3 dropdowns in base whereas only 2 in base-open
  • Combobox: Dialog variant documation site example fix


  • Merge RadioButtonGroup and RadioGroup, so that one is composed over the other.


21 May 23:08
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Release 0.10.4

Major Features

  • BuilderHeader: Add component
  • Expandable Section: Add component

Minor Features

  • ProgressRing: Added flowDirection prop
  • Carousel: Add Mocha tests
  • Carousel: Add props to allow controlled component. assistiveText.autoPlayButton was changed to assistiveText.autoplayButton
  • Carousel: Align design closer to SLDS and update non-SLDS design
  • ProgressIndicator: Adds setup-assistant variant
  • Modal: Refactor border-radius render logic based on header and footer
  • GlobalNavigation: Align closer to SLDS
  • AppLauncher: Align closer to SLDS


  • Carousel: Prevent focus grab when slide changes
  • DataTable: Fixed header scrolling bugfix when tab is used
  • Illustration: Minor bugfix for style object


  • Add a Gitter chat badge to
  • Fix accessibility issues in doc site examples
  • GlobalNavigation: Add a11y exception to region
  • Sync up the package-lock.json file


04 May 04:43
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Release 0.10.3

Major Features

  • ProgressBar: Add Component
  • ScopedNotification: Add Component
  • DynamicIcon: Add Component
  • Popover: Add edit-dialog variant

Minor Features

  • Dropdown: Add menu width prop
  • DatePicker: Triggers a console warning on using default parser
  • PageHeader: Remove all caps heading


  • Modal: fix error with dismissModalOnClickOutside
  • Tree Buttons: Adds aria-hidden=true to align with SLDS
  • Accordion: Add event parameter in example code
  • Update Popover to use section tag


  • Rename prop title to heading in Modal
  • Update PageHeader prop variant to accept kebab-case and otherwise show deprecation warning
  • Button Stateful: Changes background color to make the text more legible
  • Alert: Adds padding to story container to prevent overlap
  • AppLauncher: Changes icon text in tile to be consistent with heading
  • Progress Indicator: Adds vertical variant to docsite examples
  • Button: Add outline-brand variant to doc site examples
  • Deprecate custom content for Dropdown component
  • Add Icon Container assistive text in example


22 Apr 22:18
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Release 0.10.2


  • Carousel: Button import path was incorrect. Resulting in a Error: Can't resolve '../../../../components/button' message


22 Apr 21:00
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Release 0.10.1


  • Carousel: Button import path was incorrect. Resulting in a Error: Can't resolve '../../../../components/button' message


  • Carousel: Add isPrototype warning
  • Dropdown: Add sunsetProperty for tooltip prop


19 Apr 18:07
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Release 0.10.0

It has been more than a year since the release of React 16. With the release of v0.10, React 16.3 or later is required to consume this library. Features are present in the library now that are React v16 only.

Major Features

  • Carousel: In addition, to the SLDS one-panel blueprint. This component adds a non-SLDS three-item panel option for use on product home pages to aid in user on-boarding.
  • Combobox: Adds Dialog variant. This allows “custom menus” such as checkboxes and other form elements to determine the input value.
  • Popover: Walkthrough and Walkthrough Action variants were added. Along with this, Popover now allows custom targets which is helpful in feature highlighting and other user engagement stories. Use onRequestTargetElement to set a custom target.
  • GlobalHeader: Align markup and latest UX pattern to SLDS
  • Remove all caps text from all components
  • ProgressIndicator: Add vertical orientation

Minor Features

  • Tooltip: Add dialog className prop
  • Button: Add outline-brand variant
  • Avatar: Add inverse variant
  • Card: Add hasNoHeader prop to remove header
  • PillContainer: Return null if options is empty
  • Spinner: Adds isDelayed prop to component


  • Combobox: Cancel mouseDown bubble from listbox div tag in order to help not trigger onBlur when uses clicks menu scrollbar
  • Popover: Change ARIA role to dialog
  • ButtonStateful: Use prevState to update state in component
  • Input: Remove always true condition, 'props.hasSpinner'
  • Input: Update error icon from warning icon to error icon
  • Tree: Adds unneeded aria-hidden=true to closer align with SLDS markup
  • Popover: Change ARIA role to dialog
  • ProgressRing: Fix examples page
  • AppLauncher: Fixes arrow direction in Sections


  • Require React >16.3
  • Add snapshot update npm command
  • Toast: Use role='status'
  • Add instructions to set up LDSR with Create React App 2.x
  • Removed propTypes which are not used from different components
  • Modal: Replace dismissible with disableClose in
  • Button: Fix assistive text in small icon hint inverse example
  • Alert: Add ability for example to close
  • Combobox: Update menuItem to onRenderMenuItem
  • Vertical Navigation: Remove shade variant
  • Move storyshot DOM snapshots to individual files
  • Remove unused variables from tests
  • Support React fragment syntax
  • Update to SLDS 2.8.x
  • Improve docs for and
  • Button Examples: Update function call for "Outline brand button" story
  • GlobalNavigationBar: Remove overlapping items from example
  • Lookup: Add visual deprecation heading to component


08 Mar 05:26
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Minor Features

  • Popover: Add error and warning variants
  • DataTable: Add isDefaultSortDescending prop to allow descending as first time sort direction
  • Combobox: Add disabled prop to readonly and inline-listbox variants
  • PillContainer: Return null if options is empty
  • Input: Add autoComplete prop. (Newer versions of Chrome browser ignore autocomplete="off").
  • Combobox: Add Input prop on in order to expose all Input props within Combobox


  • BrandBand: Lightning Theme Fix - Styles were intermittently applied before
  • DataTable: Add missing top gray border to fixed header tables
  • IconSettings: Add additional inheritance of context for overflowBoundaryElement Dialog position which uses portals.
  • Input: Update error icon from warning icon to error icon
  • Input: Prevent PropTypes warning in forms/private/label when label prop contains a React node


  • Update Brand Band documentation: Depending on your server settings, you may get this error due to stye injection and may want to directly add styles to your CSS file.
  • Update to run install command in right directory
  • Datepicker: Clarify MomentJS usage in props/docs
  • Add ESLINT skipBlankLines/skipComments max lines rule
  • Combobox: Give each Storybook example a unique ID
  • Define pull request expectations in more detail
  • Document how to release a tag on a fork
  • Add how to release a tag to 1st time PR bot
  • Correct Typos in Contributor's Guidelines
  • Improve docs for and
  • Remove non-breaking text from Tooltip Storybook examples
  • Contributing docs: Add mention of adding new components to package.json