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HTML & CSS Customization

picandocodigo edited this page Jan 19, 2013 · 13 revisions

You can customize what HTML tags different elements will be sorrounded with and a CSS class for this element. The customizable elements are: author, catlink (category link), comments, date, excerpt, morelink ("Read More" link), thumbnail and title (post title).

The parameters are:

autor_tag, author_class, catlink_tag, catlink_class, comments_tag, comments_class, date_tag, date_class, 
excerpt_tag, excerpt_class, morelink_class, thumbnail_class, title_tag, title_class

So for example, let's say you want to wrap the displayed comments count with the p tag and a "lcp_comments" class, you would do: [catlist id=7 comments=yes comments_tag=p comments_class=lcp_comments]

This would produce the following code: <p class="lcp_comments"> (3)</p>

Or you just want to style the displayed date, you could wrap it with a span tag: [catlist name=blog date=yes date_tag=span date_class=lcp_date]

This would produce the following code: <span class="lcp_date">March 21, 2011</span>

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