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map / 2.0.0-a1-dev13.gffd813e

map 2.0.0-a1-dev13.gffd813e

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @wq/map@2.0.0-a1-dev13.gffd813e
Install via package.json:
"@wq/map": "2.0.0-a1-dev13.gffd813e"

About this version


@wq/map is a plugin for @wq/app that adds mapping capabilities. @wq/map can leverage the wq configuration object to generate interactive maps for pages rendered via @wq/app. The generated maps can automatically download and display GeoJSON data rendered by wq.db's REST API or any third party service.

@wq/map is meant to be used with @wq/map-gl or @wq/leaflet, which respectively provide integration with Mapbox GL JS and Leaflet mapping APIs.



  • map
  • @wq wq
  • about 2 years ago
  • MIT
  • 7 dependencies


  • map-2.0.0-a1-dev13.gffd813e.tgz

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