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Releases: netscaler/netscaler-helm-charts

Helm chart release notes for NetScaler Ingress Controller version 1.36.5

11 Oct 09:25
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This release note contains information about the Helm chart-related changes for the NetScaler ingress controller version 1.36.5.

What's new

  • NetScaler ingress controller now supports directly exporting metrics from NetScaler to Prometheus.
  • The following new parameters are added for both NetScaler ingress controller, and NetScaler CPX with ingress controller Helm charts:
    analyticsConfig.timeseries.metrics.schemaFile: Specifies the name of the schema file with the required set of counters for exporting.
    analyticsConfig.timeseries.metrics.exportFrequency: Specifies the time interval for exporting time-series data. Possible values range from 30 to 300 seconds.
    • analyticsConfig.timeseries.metrics.enableNativeScrape: Enables direct export of metrics from NetScaler to Prometheus. Set this value to true for directly exporting metrics to Prometheus.
  • The following new parameter is added for NetScaler CPX with ingress controller Helm charts:
    nsic.prometheusCredentialSecret: Specifies the Kubernetes secret name for creating the read only user for native Prometheus support.

Fixed issues

  • When you modify the Ingress or service class of an Ingress resource or a load balancer service from a supported to an unsupported class, NetScaler ingress controller now automatically clears stale VIP addresses on the respective Ingress and service resources.
  • Multiple NetScaler ingress controllers in the same cluster were causing a loop of creating and deleting VIPs. Now, this issue is fixed.

Helm Chart Release Notes

04 Oct 10:35
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Citrix and Tibco recently merged into a new organizational entity Cloud Software Group (CSG). As part of this transition, we are pleased to announce that NetScaler is back and now functioning as an independent business unit within CSG, resulting in several adjustments to our product portfolio.
The primary focus of this release is the renaming of "citrix" repositories to "netscaler" within our helm charts. Please take note of the following key modifications:

  • Helm Repository Renaming: The helm repository previously known as "citrix" has been officially renamed to "netscaler."
    The "helm repo" command will be having netscaler in place of citrix.
    helm repo add netscaler

  • Repository URL Changes: All links previously associated with should now be accessed via

  • Helm Charts Repository: The helm charts repository is now known as "netscaler-helm-charts." Users attempting to access the citrix-helm-charts will be automatically redirected to the "netscaler-helm-charts."

  • New Helm Charts: We are introducing new helm charts to replace the existing Citrix ADC-related ones. Notable changes include "netscaler-cpx-with-ingress-controller" replacing "citrix-cpx-with-ingress-controller" and "netscaler-gslb-controller" replacing
    "citrix-gslb-controller." Similar changes apply to other components such as the ingress controller, IPAM controller, node controller, and observability exporter.

  • Deprecation of "Citrix" Helm Charts: Please be aware that helm charts beginning with the name "citrix" will continue to function. However, we plan to phase out their use by Q1-2024. Subsequently, all changes and updates will be implemented exclusively within the "netscaler-*" helm charts.

  • Argument Name Changes: In the newly introduced "netscaler-*" helm charts, certain argument names have been modified.
    For example, "cncPbr" is now "nsncPbr" in the "netscaler-ingress-controller," "cic" is renamed to "nsic" in the "netcaler-with-cpx-ingress-controller".
    In "netscaler-node-controller",
    "cncConfigMap" is renamed to "nsncConfigMap"
    "cncRouterImage" is renamed to "nsncRouterImage"
    "cncRouterName" is renamed to "nsncRouterName"
    Other similar changes have been made for consistency.

  • Image Repository Change: The image repository for all charts beginning with "netscaler" has been updated to

These changes are aimed at streamlining our product offerings, enhancing clarity, and ensuring a smooth transition for our users. We understand that transitions like these can raise questions, and we are here to provide any support or assistance you may require during this process.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us on GitHub.

Helm chart release notes for NetScaler ADM Agent version 141.10.28

19 Sep 09:37
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This release note contains information about the Helm chart related changes for the NetScaler ADM Agent version 141.10.28. This is the very first version of Helm chart of ADM Agent and this version 141.10.28 is associated with ADM Service version 14.1-10.28.

Please refer README for installation of container based ADM Agent.

Helm chart release notes for Citrix ingress controller version 1.35.6

11 Sep 05:19
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This release note contains information about the Helm chart-related changes for the Citrix ingress controller version 1.35.6.

What's new

  • The existing Multi-cluster ingress controller is now renamed to GSLB controller for applications deployed in distributed Kubernetes clusters.
  • The following new parameters are added for the NetScaler CPX Helm chart:
    • cpx.cpxCommands: Accepts user-provided bootup NetScaler configuration and the configuration is applied as soon as the NetScaler CPX is instantiated.
    • cpx.cpxShellCommands: Accepts user-provided bootup configuration. This configuration is also applied as soon as the CPX is instantiated.
  • In this release, CIC, CPX with Ingress controller and GSLB controller can be configured with resource quotas. Please refer Resource Quotas section in respective charts for more detail.


The following enhancements are introduced for NetScaler GSLB controller:

  • Optimized the GSE CRD instance reference handling in global traffic policy (GTP).
  • Improvement in handling of GTP destination fields such as region, and cluster name.

Helm chart release notes for Citrix IPAM Controller v1.1.3

07 Sep 05:28
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This release note contains information about the Helm chart related changes for the Citrix IPAM controller version 1.1.3.

Fixed issues

The IPAM address allocation is enhanced to avoid duplication of IP addresses. Now, when a user deploys a service of type load balancer and statically allocates a static IP address from the address range specified by IPAM, the IP address is considered as part of the IPAM pool allocation.
Previously, statically configured IP address for a service was added back to the IPAM pool when the user deletes the service resulting in duplication of IP addresses.

Helm chart release notes for Citrix Node Controller v2.2.11

07 Sep 05:28
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Release notes for Citrix Node Controller version 2.2.11

This release note contains information about the changes introduced for the Citrix node controller version 2.2.11.

What's new

Toleration support

Citrix node controller now supports providing tolerations for kube-cnc-router and node-controller pods so that you can schedule them on appropriate tainted nodes.
The following new environment variables are added to support tolerations:
deploymentTolerations: You can set tolerations for the node-controller pod using this variable.
cncConfigMap.tolerationsInJson: In the Citrix node controller ConfigMap, you can specify the tolerations for the kube-cnc-router pods in the JSON format using the cncConfigMap.tolerationsInJson variable.

Helm chart release notes for Citrix Ingress Controller version 1.34.16

25 Jul 04:09
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This release note contains information about the Helm chart-related changes for the Citrix ingress controller version 1.34.16.

Fixed issues

  • Citrix ingress controller now supports services with target port names. Earlier, services where the target port name is specified instead of the port number was not supported and service groups were not configured properly. This issue is fixed now.
  • You can now use Citrix ingress controller deployment RBAC Role: kind: IngressClass to associate a particular ingress resource with the ingress controller.
  • When Citrix ingress controller receives multiple unknown exceptions, it might terminate event processing. This issue is fixed now.


  • Support for services of type ExternalName is enhanced to access services across different namespaces in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Added the option for additional custom label exporter.serviceMonitorExtraLabels for service monitor to the Citrix ingress controller Helm chart so that the Prometheus operator can discover the service monitor.

Helm chart release notes for Citrix ADC Observability Exporter 1.7.001

19 Jul 15:07
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This release note contains information about the Helm chart-related changes for the Citrix ADC Observability Exporter version 1.7.001.

What's new


Citrix ADC Observability Exporter image size is reduced to make a lighter version of the image.

Helm chart release notes for Citrix ADC Observability Exporter 1.6.001

22 Jun 04:33
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This release note contains information about the Helm chart-related changes for the Citrix ADC Observability Exporter version 1.6.001.

What's new

Support for exporting transactions in the JSON format from Citrix ADC Observability Exporter to Kafka

You can now export transactions from Citrix ADC Observability Exporter to Kafka in the JSON format apart from the AVRO format.
A new parameter DataFormat is introduced in the Kafka deployment ConfigMap to support transactions in the JSON format.
For more information, see deploy COE with Kafka.


Now, you can run Citrix ADC Observability Exporter with the user id (UID) as nobody under the group id (GID) nogroup on both Kubernetes and OpenShift platforms. The UID nobody and GID nogroup are the least privileged user and group ids within the system.

Fixed issues

  • Earlier, Citrix ADC Observability Exporter was sending out invalid JSONs for fields like srcMetadataJSON, srcLabelsJSON, dstMetadataJSON, and dstLabelsJSON for JSON specific endpoints. This issue is fixed now.
  • Earlier, Citrix ADC Observability Exporter was not logging HTTP response status codes. This issue is fixed now.

Helm chart release notes for Citrix Observability Exporter 1.6.001b

01 Jun 06:55
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This release note contains information about the Helm chart-related changes for the Citrix Observability Exporter 1.6.001b


  • Support to export transactions in JSON format to Apache Kafka
    A new parameter kafka.dataformat is introduced in the configmap (i.e. lstreamd_default.conf).
    It can accept AVRO and JSON values. For allowing JSON based transactions, set this kafka.dataformat to JSON value. Default value of the kafka.dataformat is AVRO.
  • Support spawning COE with OpenShift compliant UID