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Releases: marionettejs/backbone.marionette

v1.8.6 fixes

21 May 22:26
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  • Regions
    • now returns the region instance to allow for region operation chaining.
    • triggers the view's native triggerMethod if it exists. This is to handle the case that triggerMethod is wrapped by a Marionette.Behavior.
  • General
    • Update jquery 2.x upper bound dependency restrictions.
    • The grunt test command will now complain if you do not have bower components installed.
    • Readme cleanups.

v2.0.0-pre.1 - First Glimpse

14 May 01:17
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The changelog is quite large, please refer to the google doc for a summary

For a more in-depth look at the changelog do check out the changelog detail

If you are interested in upgrading an existing app it is quite simple using this tool

Please reach out with questions and or feedback here

Updated Docs can also be found here

v1.8.5 Unwrap UMD's for bundled babysitter and wreqr

08 May 02:45
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  • Fixes
    • Update the UMD build to be inline with the 2.x branch UMD implementation. Details here #1301

v1.8.3 Minor changes

24 Apr 02:41
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  • Fixes
    • Behaviors now have access to the views options and events during their initialize.

bug fixes

18 Apr 01:21
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  • Fixes
    • Behaviors now calls stopListening on close.
    • Behaviors now undelegate modelEvents and collectionEvents when the parent view calls undelegateEvents.

V1.8.0 - The Road

12 Apr 02:05
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  • General

    • Update Gruntfile.
    • The default task (grunt) now runs tests.
    • $ grunt dev watch for watching.
    • $ grunt build runs the tests and compiles.
    • Add better inline documentation for module implementation.
    • Add better inline behavior documentation.
  • Fixes

    • Behaviors now correctly lookup methods for modelEvents and collectionEvents.
    • The CollectionView now triggers close on its children in the correct order.
  • Features

    • Add onRoute to the appRouter.
        onRoute: function(route, params) {
    • now takes an option to prevent closing the previous view in the region. By default a region will automatically close the previous view, however you can prevent this behavior by passing {preventDestroy: true} in the options parameter., { preventDestroy: true })
    • Add a getRegion method to Layout. This is in line with the eventual goal of not attaching regions to the root layout object.
    • Behavior instances now extend from Backbone.Events, allowing you to use .listenTo and .on.
    • Allow Behaviors to have a functional hash lookup.
        behaviors: function() {
          // “this” will refer to the view instance
          return : {
            BehaviorA: {}
    • RegionManagers now calls stopListening on a regions on removal.
  • Refactors

    • Abstract underscore collection method mixin into a generic helper.
    • Use built in marionette extend for behaviors.
  • Tests

    • Add a whitespace linter to the text coverage. Trailing whitespace now causes to fail.
    • Add test coverage for bindEntitiyEvents and unbindEntityEvents.
    • Test public API for the regionManager.
    • Improve view trigger tests for better control when testing.

v1.7.4 fixes

01 Apr 21:04
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  • General
    • Update bower dependencies to take advantage of the fact that marionette repos follow semver.
    • Fixes
      • Behaviors events no longer collide with each other.
    • Revert stopListening call on stop for modules. While this was a "fix", the docs were quite vague leading to breaking changes for many people.
    • startWithParent is now respected when using a moduleClass property.

v1.7.3 Behavior Improvements

27 Mar 17:13
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  • Behaviors
    • Adds the ability to use @ui interpolation within the events hash on a behavior.
  • Fixes
    • Corrects broken view $el proxy in behaviors.

v1.7.2 Behavior Event Context

25 Mar 21:33
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  • Fixes
    • Binds behavior events to the behavior instance, as compared to the view.

Minor Fix

24 Mar 15:45
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There was a bug in string based behavior events when using a string instead of a method.

The problem was caused by backbone's delegateEvents. It expects if
the method is not a function that the named function is a property of
the view.