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2502 lines (1661 loc) · 88 KB

File metadata and controls

2502 lines (1661 loc) · 88 KB

11.0.0 (2024-??-??)

The major version bump is due to upping the required PHP version from 8.1 to 8.3 and a several breaking changes. Most applications built using Mako 10 should run on Mako 11 with just a few simple adjustments.


  • Mako applications are now better suited to run on application servers like FrankenPHP.
  • The development error view now displays the Mako environment name.
  • Added Connection::blob() method that allows you to easily fetch a blob column as a stream.
  • Added Query::blob() method that allows you to easily fetch a blob column as a stream.
  • The ManyToMany::unlink() and ManyToMany::synchronize() methods now support junction attributes.
  • Enums are now also supported when writing "raw" SQL.
  • The Time::createFromTimestamp() and TimeImmutable::createFromTimestamp() methods now support microtime precision.
  • The Time::createFromFormat() and TimeImmutable::createFromFormat() methods now support microtime precision.
  • It is now possible to customize how JSON request bodies are decoded using the following methods:
    • Body::setJsonMaxDepth() to set the maximum JSON nesting level.
    • Body::setJsonFlags() to set the JSON decoding options.
  • Added Deprecated middleware that allows you to easily set the Deprecation and Sunset HTTP headers.
  • The database library will use the new PDO driver specific sub-classes when running on PHP 8.4+.


  • The UUID::sequential() method has been renamed to UUID::v4Sequential().


  • Various improvements and optimizations.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 10.0.*.

10.0.10 (2024-08-25)


  • Fixed issue with the stty check (#321).
  • Fixed issue with ETag caching (#322).

9.1.6, 10.0.9 (2024-07-21)


  • Ensuring compatibility with future PHP versions.

10.0.8 (2024-01-25)


  • The app:routes command no longer fails when there is registered middleware.
  • The Environment::getWidth() method now works as expected.
  • The Environment::hasAnsiSupport() method now works as expected.

10.0.7 (2024-01-19)


  • Query builder update queries can now have joins.

10.0.6 (2024-01-07)


  • Fixed request bug that would occur if PATH_INFO was set but empty.


  • The framework now uses mako\env instead of getenv.

10.0.5 (2023-12-07)


  • Fixed an issue where an uninitialized connection name in migration would throw an exception.

10.0.4 (2023-12-03)


  • Fixed an issue where an uninitialized response body causes problems.

10.0.3 (2023-11-27)


  • The validation factory $container constructor parameter no longer accepts null.

10.0.2 (2023-11-25)


  • Sensitive parameters will be redacted if present in a stack trace when running on PHP 8.2+

9.1.5 (2023-11-24)


  • Ensure closing of connection when using the ConnectionManager::executeAndClose() method.

10.0.0 (2023-11-23)

The major version bump is due to dropped support for PHP 8.0 and a several breaking changes. Most applications built using Mako 9 should run on Mako 10 with just a few simple adjustments.


  • Added the Session::disableAutoCommit() method.
  • Added the Session::enableAutoCommit() method.
  • Made the Session::gc() method public and added a $force parameter.
  • The following Request properties are now public readonly:
    • Request::$query
    • Request::$post
    • Request::$cookies
    • Request::$files
    • Request::$server
    • Request::$headers
  • The following Response properties are now public readonly:
    • Response::$cookies
    • Response::$headers
  • The following methods now accept both an int and the mako\http\response\Status enum as a parameter value:
    • Response::setStatus()
    • JSON::setStatus()
    • Redirect::setStatus()
  • Added the HttpStatusException::getStatus() method.
  • Simplified middleware and constraint registration.
  • Global middleware and constraints can now be registered with parameters.
    • Added the Dispatcher::registerGlobalMiddleware() method.
    • Added the Router::registerGlobalConstraint() method.
  • Added APCu session store.
  • Added the $validateEmptyFields parameter to the validator to allow forced validation of empty fields.


  • Removed the NuoDB query compiler.
  • Removed the deprecated event library (use the bus library instead).
  • Removed the deprecated command bus library (use the bus library instead).
  • Removed the deprecated TimeInterface::formatLocalized() method.
  • All class properties are now typed.
  • The mako\http\response\Status class has been converted to an enum.
  • The following methods now return an mako\http\response\Status instance instead of an int:
    • Response::getStatus()
    • JSON::getStatus()
    • Redirect::getStatus()
  • Removed the Dispatcher::registerMiddleware() method.
  • Removed the Dispatcher::setMiddlewareAsGlobal() method.
  • Changed the Dispatcher::setMiddlewarePriority() method signature.
  • Removed the Router::registerConstraint() method.
  • Removed the Router::setConstraintAsGlobal() method.
  • Application controllers and routing have been moved to the app/http namespace.


  • Various improvements and optimizations.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 9.1.*.

9.1.4 (2023-11-16)


  • The not_empty validation rule is now available.

9.1.3 (2023-11-09)


  • The logger service will no longer start the session unnecessarily if the gatekeeper service is enabled.

9.1.2 (2023-09-12)


  • The mako\env() function now works as expected with the falsy boolean value defined as "0".

9.1.1 (2023-06-23)


  • Added Arr::append() method.

9.1.0 (2023-04-15)


  • Added the following methods to the mako\file\FileSystem class:
    • FileSystem::isLink()
    • FileSystem::getLinkTarget()
    • FileSystem::createSymbolicLink()
    • FileSystem::createHardLink()
  • Added HTTPService::getRoutingPath() method to make it easier to reorganize the application structure.
  • Added the following methods to the mako\utility\Arr class:
    • Arr::toObject()
  • Added mako\http\exceptions\UnauthorizedException exception.
  • Exceptions handled by the Mako exception handlers will be assigned a unique id that makes it easier to find the corresponding log entry.
  • Added a new bus library with command, event and query buses.
  • New and improved output for the app:routes command.
  • The Query::insertAndGetId() method now allows inserting empty rows just like the Query::insert() method.
  • Added mako\env() helper function.


  • Deprecated the mako\chrono\TimeInterface::formatLocalized() method.
  • Deprecated the old command bus library (see the new command and query buses).
  • Deprecated the old event library (see the new event bus).

8.1.5, 9.0.3 (2023-01-21)


  • Fixed migration rollbacks.

9.0.2 (2023-01-12)


  • Fixed autoloading of the RangeNotSatisfiableException exception.

9.0.1 (2022-12-26)


  • The CommandInterface::handle() and SelfHandlingCommandInterface::handle() methods no longer enforce a mixed return type.

9.0.0 (2022-12-22)

The major version bump is due to dropped support for PHP 7.4 and a several breaking changes. Most applications built using Mako 8 should run on Mako 9 with just a few simple adjustments.


  • The name of CLI arguments with aliases can now be defined using an array instead of a string.
  • The preloader generator will now attempt to preload typed properties, method arguments and return types.
  • Route middleware can now be registered using only the class name.
  • Route constraints can now be registered using only the class name.
  • Added the following methods to the query builder:
    • Query::rightJoin()
    • Query::rightJoinRaw()
    • Query::crossJoin()
    • Query::lateralJoin()
    • Query::insertMultiple()
  • Added the mako\f "function builder" helper function.


  • Removed the Validator::rule() helper method in favor of the new mako\f helper function.
  • Removed the following deprecated methods from the Str class:
    • Str::camel2underscored()
    • Str::underscored2camel()
  • Renamed the following classes:
    • mako\http\routing\traits\InputValidationTrait to mako\validator\input\http\routing\traits\InputValidationTrait.
    • mako\validator\input\HttpInput to mako\validator\input\http\Input.
    • mako\validator\input\HttpInputInterface to mako\validator\input\http\InputInterface.
    • mako\http\routing\traits\AuthorizationTrait to mako\gatekeeper\authorization\http\routing\traits\AuthorizationTrait.
  • The following class constants have been made protected:
    • mako\application\cli\commands\server\Server::MAX_PORTS_TO_TRY
    • mako\classes\ClassFinder::PHP_FILENAME_PATTERN
    • mako\cli\input\arguments\Argument::NAME_REGEX
    • mako\cli\input\arguments\Argument::ALIAS_REGEX
    • mako\cli\input\arguments\ArgvParser::INT_REGEX
    • mako\cli\input\arguments\ArgvParser::FLOAT_REGEX
    • mako\cli\output\formatter\Formatter::TAG_REGEX
    • mako\cli\output\formatter\Formatter::ESCAPED_TAG_REGEX
    • mako\cli\output\formatter\Formatter::ANSI_SGR_SEQUENCE_REGEX
    • mako\cli\output\helpers\Alert::PADDING
    • mako\cli\output\helpers\Countdown::SLEEP_TIME
    • mako\commander\CommandBus::COMMAND_SUFFIX
    • mako\commander\CommandBus::HANDLER_SUFFIX
    • mako\database\midgard\ORM::PRIMARY_KEY_TYPE_INCREMENTING
    • mako\database\midgard\ORM::PRIMARY_KEY_TYPE_UUID
    • mako\database\midgard\ORM::PRIMARY_KEY_TYPE_CUSTOM
    • mako\database\midgard\ORM::PRIMARY_KEY_TYPE_NONE
    • mako\database\midgard\relations\Relation::EAGER_LOAD_CHUNK_SIZE
    • mako\database\query\compilers\Compiler::JSON_PATH_SEPARATOR
    • mako\error\handlers\web\DevelopmentHandler::SOURCE_PADDING
    • mako\i18n\I18n::PLURALIZATION_TAG_REGEX
    • mako\i18n\I18n::NUMBER_TAG_REGEX
    • mako\redis\Redis::CRLF
    • mako\redis\Redis::CRLF_LENGTH
    • mako\redis\Redis::VERBATIM_PREFIX_LENGTH
    • mako\redis\Redis::END
    • mako\security\crypto\encrypters\Encrypter::DERIVATION_HASH
    • mako\security\crypto\encrypters\Encrypter::DERIVATION_ITERATIONS
    • mako\security\Signer::MAC_LENGTH
    • mako\session\Session::MAX_TOKENS
    • mako\view\compilers\Template::VERBATIM_PLACEHOLDER


  • Various improvements and optimizations.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 8.1.*.

8.1.4 (2022-12-07)


  • Don't set the Content-Encoding header when sending a chunked data stream.

8.1.3 (2022-10-13)


  • PHP 8.1 compatibility:
    • Creating a migration without a description will no longer fail.

8.1.2 (2022-10-12)


  • Junction tables will now be named correctly even when table names are prefixed by the database name.

7.3.9, 8.0.6, 8.1.1 (2022-06-12)


  • Fixed issue caused by breaking changes in Monolog.

8.1.0 (2022-04-26)


  • It is now possible to use custom validation rules without registering them first.
  • Added Str::camelToSnake() method.
  • Added Str::snakeToCamel() method.
  • Added CamelCasedTrait ORM trait that enables camel cased interaction with ORM objects.
  • The protect and expose methods of the ORM ResultSet class are now chainable.
  • Eager loaded relations can now be aliased.
  • Route middleware can now be registered using the new Middleware attribute (PHP 8.0+).
  • Route constraints can now be registered using the new Constraint attribute (PHP 8.0+).
  • The ORM $protected property and protect method now supports nested fields.


  • Deprecated the Str::camel2underscored method.
  • Deprecated the Str::underscored2camel method.

7.3.8, 8.0.5 (2022-02-19)


  • PHP 8.1 compatibility.

7.3.7, 8.0.4 (2022-02-10)


  • Eager loading will now work as expected with ORM::getOrThrow() and Query::getOrThrow().

7.3.6, 8.0.3 (2022-02-08)


  • PHP 8.2 compatibility.
  • Prevent errors with malformed request paths.

8.0.2 (2021-12-02)


  • Fixed issue with subqueries when using the ORM (#291).

6.3.20, 7.0.10, 7.1.5, 7.2.3, 7.3.5, 8.0.1 (2021-11-30)


  • PHP 8.1 compatibility.

8.0.0 (2021-11-30)

The major version bump is due to dropped support for PHP 7.3 and a several breaking changes. Most applications built using Mako 7.3.0 should run on Mako 8.0.0 with just a few simple adjustments.


  • Views can now be rendered by casting them to strings.
  • Added WriterInterface::setStream() method.
  • The query builder now supports enums (PHP 8.1+).
  • The ORM can now cast values to enums (PHP 8.1+).
  • Added boolean:false validation rule.
  • Added boolean:true validation rule.
  • Added boolean validation rule.
  • Added enum validation rule (PHP 8.1+).
  • Added not_empty validation rule.
  • Added number:float validation rule.
  • Added number:int validation rule.
  • Added number:natural_non_zero validation rule.
  • Added number:natural validation rule.
  • Added number validation rule.
  • Added numeric validation rule.
  • Added string validation rule.
  • Middleware will now be executed even when routing throws NotFoundException and MethodNotAllowed exceptions.


  • The Str::alternator() method now returns an Alternator instance instead of a closure.
  • Removed the deprecated AdapterManager::instance() method.
  • Removed the deprecated ConnectionManager::instance() method.
  • Removed the following deprecated methods from the Connection class:
    • Connection::builder()
    • Connection::table()
  • Removed the deprecated ORM::builder() method.
  • Removed the deprecated Route::namespace() method.
  • Removed support for defining method controller actions as strings.
  • Removed the deprecated AccessControlAllowOrigin middleware.
  • The following validation rules have been renamed:
    • float to numeric:float
    • integer to numeric:int
    • natural_non_zero to numeric:natural_non_zero
    • natural to numeric:natural
  • The following commands have been renamed:
    • app.generate_preloader to app:generate-preloader
    • app.generate_secret to app:generate-secret
    • app.generate-key to app:generate-key
    • app.routes to app:routes
    • cache.clear to cache:clear
    • cache.remove to cache:remove
    • migrate.create to migration:create
    • migrate.down to migration:down
    • migrate.reset to migration:reset
    • migrate.status to migration:status
    • migrate.up to migration:up
    • server to app:server
  • The following exceptions have been renamed:
    • mako\cli\output\formatter\FormatterException to mako\cli\output\formatter\exceptions\FormatterException
    • mako\config\loaders\LoaderException to mako\config\loaders\exceptions\LoaderException
    • mako\gatekeeper\authorization\AuthorizerException to mako\gatekeeper\authorization\exceptions\AuthorizerException
    • mako\http\exceptions\HttpException to mako\http\exceptions\HttpStatusException
    • mako\i18n\I18nException to mako\i18n\exceptions\I18nException
    • mako\i18n\loaders\LoaderException to mako\i18n\loaders\exceptions\LoaderException
    • mako\onion\OnionException to mako\onion\exceptions\OnionException
    • mako\redis\RedisException to mako\redis\exceptions\RedisException
    • mako\security\crypto\CryptoException to mako\security\crypto\exceptions\CryptoException
    • mako\security\password\HasherException to mako\security\password\exceptions\HasherException
    • mako\validator\ValidationException to mako\validator\exceptions\ValidationException
    • mako\view\ViewException to mako\view\exceptions\ViewException
  • Added $field parameter to the RuleInterface::validate() method.


  • Various improvements and optimizations.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 7.3.*.

6.3.19, 7.0.9, 7.1.4, 7.2.2, 7.3.4 (2021-11-28)


  • PHP 8.1 compatibility.

7.3.3 (2021-11-22)


  • The InputValidation middleware will now keep access control headers when clearing the response.

7.3.2 (2021-11-05)


  • The app.routes command now works with route actions defined as arrays.

7.3.1 (2021-10-25)


  • Added protected AccessControl::getAllowedDomains() method.

7.3.0 (2021-10-19)


  • Added abstract AccessControl middleware.
  • Added new and cleaner way of registering class methods as route actions.
  • Added Cookies::clearExcept() method.
  • Added Headers::clearExcept() method.
  • Added Response::clearExcept() method.
  • Added Response::resetExcept() method.
  • It is now possible to define a whitelist of cookies and headers to keep when an exception has been handled.
  • Added Connection::firstOrThrow() method to the database connection class.
  • Added Query::firstOrThrow() method to the base query builder class.
  • Added Query::getOrThrow() method to the ORM query builder class.
  • Added Query::firstOrThrow() method to the ORM query builder class.
  • Added ORM::getOrThrow() method.
  • The database library will now throw mako\database\exceptions\DatabaseException exceptions that extend the previously thrown RuntimeException exceptions.
  • Added ConnectionManager::getConnection() method.
  • Added Connection::getQuery() method.
  • Added ORM::getQuery() method.
  • Added FileSystem::copy() method.
  • Added CacheManager::getInstance() method.
  • Added CacheManager::getStore() method.
  • Added CryptoManager::getInstance() method.
  • Added CryptoManager::getEncrypter() method.
  • Added Headers::getBearerToken() method.


  • Deprecated the AccessControlAllowOrigin middleware.
  • Deprecated the Route::namespace() method.
  • Deprecated the ConnectionManager::connection() method.
  • Deprecated the Connection::builder() method.
  • Deprecated the Connection::table() method.
  • Deprecated the ORM::builder() method.
  • Deprecated CacheManager::instance() method.
  • Deprecated CryptoManager::instance() method.


  • Better autocompletion when calling methods proxied by __call methods.

All deprecated features will be removed in Mako 8.0.

6.3.18, 7.0.8, 7.1.3, 7.2.1 (2021-10-12)


  • PHP 8.1 compatibility.

7.2.0 (2021-03-02)


  • The default production error handler now has "dark mode" support.
  • New and improved development error handler with "dark mode" support.
  • Added setMetadata and getMetadata methods to the HttpException class.
    • The HttpException metadata array is available in the production error views as $_metadata_.
    • The HttpException metadata array will also be avaiable in the JSON and XML representation of the errors.
  • Template block names can now be surrounded by single quotes for consistency.


  • The language cache has been removed as OPcache will cache the language files in memory and load them faster than any other cache solution.

7.0.7, 7.1.2 (2021-01-28)


  • The ORM will now throw an exception when attempting to access related records on non-persisted models instead of loading random records.

6.3.17, 7.0.6, 7.1.1 (2021-01-12)


  • Fixed bug that could occur when building "non-clean" URLs in the command line.

7.1.0 (2020-12-31)


  • It is now possible to register contextual dependencies for class methods in the container.
  • Added a HTTP status code helper class.
  • Added missing status codes to Response class.
  • Added a Retry helper class that allows you to retry a callable a set number of times.
  • Added Application::getStoragePath() method.
  • Added a Finder class.
  • Added a ClassFinder class.
  • Added app.generate_preloader command that generates an opcache preloder script for improved production performance (only available on PHP 7.4 and greater).
  • It is now possible for reactor commands to automatically register themselves.
  • Added getCommand method to the CommandInterface interface.


  • Cloned database connections will now get a new PDO instance and have their query log and transaction nesting level reset.
  • The ClassInspector class has been moved from the mako\syringe namespace to the mako\classes namespace.

6.3.16, 7.0.5 (2020-11-26)


  • Fixed error that could occur when restoring GD snapshots on PHP 8.0.

6.3.15, 7.0.4 (2020-11-23)


  • Connection managers will now close connections before removing configurations when calling the removeConfiguration method.

6.3.14, 7.0.3 (2020-10-26)


  • Fixed an issue where the path to the reactor executable would fail. (#283).

6.3.13, 7.0.2 (2020-10-22)


  • Fixed an issue where the path to the application could prevent the development server from starting (#282).

7.0.1 (2020-09-15)


  • Fixes an issue where ORM::toArray() would fail when a related record is null (#279).

7.0.0 (2020-09-14)

The major version bump is due to dropped support for PHP 7.2 and a several breaking changes. Most applications built using Mako 6.3.0 should run on Mako 7.0.0 with just a few simple adjustments.


  • Added Collection::first() method.
  • Added Collection::last() method.
  • Added support for the samesite cookie option (defaults to Lax).
  • Added Query::withCountOf() method to the ORM query builder.
  • Added abstract AccessControlAllowOrigin middleware.
  • Added Cookies::addRaw() method.
  • Added Cookies::addRawSigned() method.
  • Added a InputValidationTrait for use in a controller context.
  • The Redis client now supports Redis 6 ACL as well as the new RESP3 protocol.
  • The following "raw" query builder methods now support bound query parameters:
    • Join::onRaw()
    • Join::orOnRaw()
    • Query::selectRaw()
    • Query::orderByRaw()
    • Query::ascendingRaw()
    • Query::descendingRaw()


  • The cache StoreInterface::get() method will now return null instead of false when the item does not exist in the cache.
  • The following methods in the database library will now return null instead of false when no matching record is found:
    • Connection::first()
    • Connection::column()
    • Query::first()
    • Query::column()
    • Query::get()
    • ORM::get()
  • The following methods in the Gatekeeper library will now return null instead of false when unable to retrieve data:
    • GroupRepositoryInterface::getByIdentifier()
    • GroupRepository::getById()
    • GroupRepository::getByName()
    • UserRepositoryInterface::getByIdentifier()
    • UserRepository::getByAccessToken()
    • UserRepository::getByActionToken()
    • UserRepository::getByEmail()
    • UserRepository::getById()
    • UserRepository::getByUsername()
  • Passing a Query instance to the Subquery constructor is no longer supported.
  • Passing a Closure or Query instance to represent a subquery to the following methods is no longer supported:
    • Query::table()
    • Query::from()
    • Query::into()
    • Query::in()
    • Query::notIn()
    • Query::orIn()
    • Query::orNotIn()
    • Query::exists()
    • Query::orExists()
    • Query::notExists()
    • Query::orNotExists()
    • Query::with()
    • Query::withRecursive()
  • Dropped support for DB2 databases.
  • Removed the following deprecated methods from the UploadedFile class:
    • UploadedFile::getName()
    • UploadedFile::getReportedType()
  • Removed the following deprecated constants from the Redirect class:
    • Redirect::MULTIPLE_CHOICES
    • Redirect::NOT_MODIFIED
    • Redirect::USE_PROXY
  • Removed the following deprecated methods from the Redirect class:
    • Redirect::multipleChoices()
    • Redirect::notModified()
    • Redirect::useProxy()
  • Removed the following deprecated methods from the ErrorHandler class:
    • ErrorHandler::disableLoggingFor()
  • Removed the following deprecated validation rule aliases:
    • max_filesize
    • mimetype
  • Removed the deprecated commandInformation property from the Command class.
  • Removed the following deprecated cache stores:
    • ZendDisk
    • ZendMemory
  • Removed support for the deprecated "empty else" template syntax.
  • Class aliases will no longer be registered during the application boot process.
  • The Gatekeeper Adapter::activateUser() method will now always return a boolean value as described in the documentation.
  • Renamed the InputValidationTrait::validate() method to InputValidationTrait::getValidatedInput().
  • Removed the undocumented recursive configuration file merging.
  • Renamed Validator::validate() to Validator::getValidatedInput().


  • Various improvements and optimizations.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 6.3.*.

6.3.12 (2020-08-19)


  • PHP 8.0 compatibility.

6.3.11 (2020-07-15)


  • PHP 8.0 compatibility.

6.3.10 (2020-07-09)


  • PHP 8.0 compatibility.

6.2.5, 6.3.9 (2020-06-04)


  • Fixed issue that occurred when cloning queries that have set operations.
  • Query pagination now works with queries that have set operations.

6.3.8 (2020-01-12)


  • ManyToMany::unlink() and ManyToMany::updateLink() now supports wheres.

6.3.7 (2019-11-26)


  • The error handler will now attempt to log logger exceptions using PHP's system logger.

6.3.6 (2019-11-12)


  • The old input from the InputValidation middleware will no longer be cast to an object before being assigned to views.

6.3.5 (2019-11-07)


  • The ProgressBar::advance() method will now throw a LogicException when trying to advance past 100%.

6.3.4 (2019-11-04)


  • The $ruleSets parameter of the ValidatorFactory and Validator constructors is now optional.

6.3.3 (2019-10-23)


  • Refactored the InputValidation middleware and added the HttpInputInterface interface.

6.3.2 (2019-10-21)


  • Request::isSecure() will no longer fail if REMOTE_ADDR isn't set.

6.3.1 (2019-10-21)


  • Request::getIp() will no longer fail if REMOTE_ADDR isn't set.

6.3.0 (2019-10-20)


  • Added TimeImmutable class.
  • Added Time::copy() method.
  • Added Time::getImmutable() method.
  • Added Redis::subscribeTo() method.
  • Added Redis::subscribeToPattern() method.
  • Added Redis::monitor() method.
  • Added UploadedFile::getReportedFilename() method.
  • Added UploadedFile::getReportedMimeType() method.
  • Added max_file_size validation rule.
  • Added mime_type validation rule.
  • Added max_filename_length validation rule.
  • Added SecurityHeaders middleware.
  • Added ContentSecurityPolicy middleware.
  • Added InputValidation middleware.
  • Added InputValidationTrait trait that reduces the need for validation boilerplate.
  • Added FileSystem::getDiskSize() method.
  • Added FileSystem::getFreeSpaceOnDisk() method.
  • Added JSON::getStatus() method.
  • Added JSON::getCharset() method.
  • Added Redirect::getStatus() method.
  • Added Stream::getType() method.
  • Added Stream::getCharset() method.
  • Added Response::getRequest() method.


  • The following methods have been deprecated and will be removed in 7.0:
    • UploadedFile::getName() (replaced by UploadedFile::getReportedFilename())
    • UploadedFile::getReportedType() (replaced by UploadedFile::getReportedMimeType())
    • Redirect::multipleChoices()
    • Redirect::notModified()
    • Redirect::useProxy()
  • The following validation rules have been deprecated and will be removed in 7.0:
    • max_filesize (replaced by max_file_size)
    • mimetype (replaced by mime_type)


  • Massive speed improvements when sending large values to Redis.
  • Reduced number of method calls when hydrating models.

5.7.8, 6.0.7, 6.1.6, 6.2.4 (2019-09-27)


  • The correct field name will now be displayed when using wildcard validation rules.

5.7.7, 6.0.6, 6.1.5, 6.2.3 (2019-09-09)


  • Fixed breaking change introduced in 5.7.6, 6.0.5, 6.1.4 and 6.2.2.

5.7.6, 6.0.5, 6.1.4, 6.2.2 (2019-09-05)


  • Fixed bug that could cause the production error handler to fail when using the view auto assign feature.

6.2.1 (2019-08-27)


  • Fixed breaking change introduced in 6.2.0.

6.2.0 (2019-08-26)


  • New and improved command line argument parser.
  • Added Request::isCacheable() method.
  • Added Request::isIdempotent() method.
  • Added Response::isCacheable() method.
  • Added ValidationException::getMessageWithErrors() method.
  • The query builder now supports multiple tables in the FROM clause.


  • Commands are now required to define their arguments.
  • The Command::$isStrict property doesn't do anything as all commands are required to define their arguments.
  • The OPTIONS and TRACE request methods are now also considdered safe by the Request::isSafe() method.


  • The Command::$commandInformation property is deprecated and will be removed in 7.0.
  • The application.class_aliases config key is deprecated and will be removed in 7.0.
  • The ZendDisk cache store is deprecated and will be removed in 7.0.
  • The ZendMemory cache store is deprecated and will be removed in 7.0.
  • Passing a Closure or Query instance to represent a subquery to the following methods is deprecated and will stop working in 7.0:
    • Query::table()
    • Query::from()
    • Query::into()
    • Query::in()
    • Query::notIn()
    • Query::orIn()
    • Query::orNotIn()
    • Query::exists()
    • Query::orExists()
    • Query::notExists()
    • Query::orNotExists()
    • Query::with()
    • Query::withRecursive()
  • Passing a Closure, Query or Subquery instance to the following methods is deprecated and will stop working in 7.0:
    • Query::union()
    • Query::unionAll()
    • Query::intersect()
    • Query::intersectAll()
    • Query::except()
    • Query::exceptAll()
  • Support for DB2 databases is deprecated and will be removed in 7.0.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 6.1.*.

5.7.5, 6.0.4, 6.1.3 (2019-08-10)


  • Fixed breaking change introduced in 5.7.4, 6.0.4 and 6.1.2.

5.7.4, 6.0.3, 6.1.2 (2019-08-10)


  • PHP 7.4 compatibility.

5.7.3, 6.0.2, 6.1.1 (2019-08-08)


  • Package validation rule i18n messages will now work as expected.

6.1.0 (2019-08-02)


  • The server command will make up to 10 attempts to find an available port if the default one is in use.
  • Added Container::hasInstanceOf() method.
  • It is now possible to send additional arguments to authorization policy methods.
  • Added bitonal filter to the image library (#258).
  • Added new collection methods:
    • Collection::with()
    • Collection::without()
  • The following Collection methods are now chainable:
    • clear
    • each
    • put
    • remove
    • resetKeys
    • shuffle
    • sort
  • Added support for common table expressions to the query builder.
    • Query::with()
    • Query::withRecursive()
  • Added Query::forCompiler() method that can be used to add dialect specific SQL to queries.
  • Added Query::selectRaw() method.
  • Added Query::whereColumn() method.
  • Added query builder date helpers:
    • Query::whereDate()
    • Query::orWhereDate()
    • Query::betweenDate()
    • Query::orBetweenDate()
    • Query::notBetweenDate()
    • Query::orNotBetweenDate()
  • MySQL and SQLite query builder queries now support offsets without limits.
  • The query builder now supports select queries without a table.
  • Added new syntax for default values in templates.
  • The production web error handler no longer requires a view factory instance.
  • It is now easier to override the storage path of compiled templates and log files using the new application.storage_path config key.
  • Added ErrorHandler::dontLog() method.
  • It is now possible to disable logging of specific exceptions types using the new application.error_handler.dont_log config key.


  • The {{$foo || 'Default}} and {{$foo or 'Default}} template syntax has been deprecated and will be removed in 7.0 use the {{$foo, default: 'Default'}} syntax instead.

  • The ErrorHandler::disableLoggingFor() method has been deprecated and will be removed in 7.0. Use the new ErrorHandler::dontLog() method instead.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 6.0.*.

5.7.2, 6.0.1 (2019-05-21)


  • Images will now be rotated in the same direction when using ImageMagick and GD.

6.0.0 (2019-03-30)

The major version bump is due to dropped support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1 and a several breaking changes. Most applications built using Mako 5.7.0 should run on Mako 6.0.0 with just a few simple adjustments.


  • Added optional validation rule.
  • Added time_zone validation rule.
  • Added Validator::validate() method that returns the validated input on success and throws an ValidationException on failure.
  • The container will now inject null when unable to resolve a nullable or optional class dependency.
  • Added Logger class that extends the monolog logger with functionality to set global log context parameters (the gatekeeper user id will automatically be added if possible).
  • Added the mako\cli\Environment class with the following methods:
    • Environment::getDimensions()
    • Environment::getWidth()
    • Environment::getHeight()
    • Environment::hasAnsiSupport()
  • Added Output::getEnvironment() method.
  • Added JSON::setCharset() method.
  • Added Stream::setType() method.
  • Added Stream::setCharset() method.
  • Added scope method to the ORM query builder.
  • Added UUID::toBinary() method.
  • Added UUID::toHexadecimal() method.
  • Added UUID::sequential() method.
  • Added Output::dump() method.
  • Added authorization to the gatekeeper library.


  • Removed the deprecated FileSystem::mime() method.
  • Removed the deprecated FileSystem::hash() method.
  • Removed the deprecated FileSystem::hmac() method.
  • The ORM query builder no longer supports "magic" scope methods. Use the scope method instead.
  • The RequestException class has been renamed to HttpException.
  • Removed the Constraint base class. Constraints should implement the ConstraintInterface instead.
  • Constraints parameters are now injected through the constructor.
  • Removed the Middleware base class. Middleware should implement the MiddlewareInterface instead.
  • Middleware parameters are now injected through the constructor.
  • Validator rule parameters are now injected via the constructor.
  • Removed the Output::hasAnsiSupport() method.
  • The mako\gatekeeper\Authentication class has been renamed to mako\gatekeeper\Gatekeeper.
  • Several of the mako\http\Request methods have been renamed for consistency:
    • The Request::contentType() method has been renamed to Request::getContentType().
    • The Request::scriptName() method has been renamed to Request::getScriptName().
    • The Request::ip() method has been renamed to Request::getIp().
    • The Request::basePath() method has been renamed to Request::getBasePath().
    • The Request::baseURL() method has been renamed to Request::getBaseURL().
    • The Request::path() method has been renamed to Request::getPath().
    • The Request::language() method has been renamed to Request::getLanguage().
    • The Request::languagePrefix() method has been renamed to Request::getLanguagePrefix().
    • The Request::method() method has been renamed to Request::getMethod().
    • The Request::realMethod() method has been renamed to Request::getRealMethod().
    • The Request::username() method has been renamed to Request::getUsername().
    • The Request::password() method has been renamed to Request::getPassword().
    • The Request::referer() method has been renamed to Request::getReferrer().
  • Several of the mako\http\request\Headers methods have been renamed for consistency:
    • The Headers::acceptableContentTypes() method has been renamed to Headers::getAcceptableContentTypes().
    • The Headers::acceptableLanguages() method has been renamed to Headers::getAcceptableLanguages().
    • The Headers::acceptableCharsets() method has been renamed to Headers::getAcceptableCharsets().
    • The Headers::acceptableEncodings() method has been renamed to Headers::getAcceptableEncodings().
  • Several of the mako\http\Response methods have been renamed for consistency:
    • The Response::body() method has been renamed to Response::setBody().
    • The Response::charset() method has been renamed to Response::setCharset().
    • The Response::status() method has been renamed to Response::setStatus().
    • The Response::type() method has been renamed to Response::setType().
    • The Response::cache() method has been renamed to Response::enableCaching().
    • The Response::compress() method has been renamed to Response::enableCompression().
    • The JSON::status() method has been renamed to JSON::setStatus().
    • The Redirect::status() method has been renamed to Redirect::setStatus().
  • The ExtendableTrait::extend() method has been renamed to ExtendableTrait::addMethod().

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 5.7.*.

5.7.1 (2019-01-05)


  • Added optional --exit-code option to migrate.status command.

5.7.0 (2018-12-06)


  • It is now possible to eager load relations on a loaded model using the ORM::include() method.
  • It is now possible to eager load relations on a result set using the ResultSet::include() method.
  • Added ORM::includes() method that returns true if a relation has been loaded and false if not.
  • Added PaginationInterface::toArray() method.
  • Added PaginationInterface::toJSON() method.
  • The PaginationInterface interface now extends the JsonSerializable interface.
  • The query builder now supports basic tuple comparisons.
  • It is now possible to provide a list of superglobal keys to blacklist from the Whoops error view
  • It is now possible to set raw cookies.
  • Added FileInfo class that extends SplFileInfo with the following methods:
    • FileInfo::getMimeType().
    • FileInfo::getMimeEncoding().
    • FileInfo::getHash().
    • FileInfo::validateHash().
    • FileInfo::getHmac().
    • FileInfo::validateHmac().
  • Added FileSystem::info() method that returns a FileInfo object.
  • Added new validation rules:
    • Added hash rule.
    • Added hmacrule.
    • Added aspect_ratio rule.
    • Added exact_dimensions rule.
    • Added max_dimensions rule.
    • Added min_dimensions rule.


  • Removed the deprecated mako\security\Password class.
  • Removed the deprecated ORM::$exists property.
  • Removed the deprecated ORM::exists() method.
  • The gatekeeper forceLogin method now returns true if the login is successful and a status code if not.
  • The JSON representation of a result set returned by the Query::paginate() method will now be an object where the results are available as data and pagination information will be available as pagination ({"data":[...], "pagination":{...}}).
  • An exception will be thrown when trying to set a secure session or gatekeeper cookie over a non-secure connection.
  • The URL builder will now separate query string parameters with & instead of &.
  • The URL builder will now encode query string parameters using PHP_QUERY_RFC3986.


  • Deprecated the FileSystem::mime() method.
  • Deprecated the FileSystem::hash() method.
  • Deprecated the FileSystem::hmac() method.


  • Various improvements and optimizations.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 5.6.*.

5.6.0 (2018-10-15)


  • Added Request::basePath() method.
  • Added BelongsToPolymorphic relation.
  • Added ORM::$isPersisted property.
  • Added ORM::isPersisted() method.
  • Added Query::sharedLock() convenience method.
  • It is now possible to use aggregate methods (count, min, max, etc...) in a subquery context.
  • Migrations are now executed in a transaction if possible (Postgres, SQLite).
  • Added multi database support to migrations.
  • Added an option to opt out of atomic getOrElse for APCU caching. Use the atomic_get_or_else key.
  • Added ConnectionManager::close() method.
  • Added ConnectionManager::executeAndClose() method.
  • Added Connection::close() method (to the database base connection class).
  • Added new json validation rule.
  • Added new array validation rule.
  • You can now specify which IP version you're validating when using the ip validation rule.
  • Added FileSystem::rename() method.
  • It is now possible to set a custom timeout for Redis connections.
  • Added new password hashing library:
    • Added new Bcrypt hasher class.
    • Added new Argon2i hasher class.
    • Added new Argon2id hasher class.


  • Removed the global --database reactor option.


  • Deprecated the ORM::$exists property.
  • Deprecated the ORM::exists() method.
  • Deprecated the mako\security\Password class.


  • Various improvements and optimizations.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 5.5.*.

5.5.7 (2018-06-14)


  • The Str::slug() method no longer strips dashes from the input string.
  • Added hardware, software and furniture to the list of irregular words used by Str::pluralize().

5.5.6 (2018-05-23)


  • Improved handling of invalid i18n keys.

5.5.5 (2018-05-11)


  • Fixed issue where the unique rule would fail when used with case-insensitive databases.

5.5.4 (2018-04-07)


  • You can now use or in addition to || when printing template variables.
  • You can now prefix variable names with a $ in template capture blocks.

5.5.3 (2018-03-22)


  • The pagination factory no longer requires the view and http services.

5.5.2 (2018-03-21)


  • Added Validator::rule() helper method.

5.0.25, 5.1.4, 5.2.12, 5.3.3, 5.4.1, 5.5.1 (2018-03-20)


  • Migrations will no longer fail with empty description.

5.5.0 (2018-03-20)


  • Added Validator::extend() method.
  • Added Validator::addRules() method.
  • Added Validator::addRulesIf() method.
  • Added ValidatorFactory::extend() method.
  • Added new validation rules:
    • Added mimetype rule.
    • Added max_filesize rule.
    • Added is_uploaded rule.


  • Removed Response methods that where deprecated in 5.4:
    • Removed the Response::header() method.
    • Removed the Response::hasHeader() method.
    • Removed the Response::removeHeader() method.
    • Removed the Response::clearHeaders() method.
    • Removed the Response::cookie() method.
    • Removed the Response::signedCookie() method.
    • Removed the Response::deleteCookie() method.
    • Removed the Response::hasCookie() method.
    • Removed the Response::removeCookie() method.
    • Removed the Response::clearCookies() method.
  • Removed Validator::registerPlugin() method.
  • Removed ValidatorFactory::registerPlugin() method.


  • New and improved input validation with support for nested arrays and file validation.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 5.4.*.

5.4.0 (2018-03-05)


  • Added Application::startTime() method.
  • The container now supports replacing previously registered/resolved items:
    • Added Container::replace() method.
    • Added Container::replaceSingleton() method.
    • Added Container::replaceInstance() method.
    • Added Container::onReplace() method.
  • Added Request::contentType() method.
  • Added Response::reset() method.
  • Added mako\cli\output\Output::hasAnsiSupport() method.
  • Added mako\cli\output\Output::clearLine() method.
  • Added mako\cli\output\Output::clearLines() method.
  • Added mako\cli\output\formatter\Formatter::stripSGR() method.
  • Added mako\cli\output\formatter\FormatterInterface::stripTags() method.
  • Added mako\cli\output\helpers\ProgressBar::remove() method.
  • Added mako\cli\output\helpers\ProgressBar::setPrefix() method.
    • Added optional $prefix parameter to the Command::progressBar() method.
  • Added optional $priority parameter to the mako\http\routing\Dispatcher::registerMiddleware() method.


  • The Container::factory() method is now public.
  • The Request::getBody() method now returns an instance of mako\http\request\Body.
  • Removed Request methods that where deprecated in 5.3:
    • Removed the Request::get() method.
    • Removed the Request::post() method.
    • Removed the Request::put() method.
    • Removed the Request::patch() method.
    • Removed the Request::delete() method.
    • Removed the Request::cookie() method.
    • Removed the Request::signedCookie() method.
    • Removed the Request::file() method.
    • Removed the Request::server() method.
    • Removed the Request::has() method.
    • Removed the Request::data() method.
    • Removed the Request::whitelisted() method.
    • Removed the Request::blacklisted() method.
    • Removed the Request::header() method.
    • Removed the Request::acceptableContentTypes() method.
    • Removed the Request::acceptableLanguages() method.
    • Removed the Request::acceptableCharsets() method.
    • Removed the Request::acceptableEncodings() method.
  • Removed Response filters:
    • Removed the Response::filter() method.
    • Removed the Response::getFilters() method.
    • Removed the Response::clearFilters() method.
  • The Response::getHeaders() method now returns a response header collection.
  • The Response::getCookies() method now returns a response cookie collection.
  • Removed the mako\cli\output\formatter\Formatter::hasAnsiSupport() method.
  • Removed the mako\cli\output\formatter\FormatterInterface::strip() method.
  • Arguments are now converted to camel case before being passed to the execute method of reactor commands.


  • Deprecated the Response::header() method.
  • Deprecated the Response::hasHeader() method.
  • Deprecated the Response::removeHeader() method.
  • Deprecated the Response::clearHeaders() method.
  • Deprecated the Response::cookie() method.
  • Deprecated the Response::signedCookie() method.
  • Deprecated the Response::deleteCookie() method.
  • Deprecated the Response::hasCookie() method.
  • Deprecated the Response::removeCookie() method.
  • Deprecated the Response::clearCookies() method.


  • Unit tests now run using PHPUnit 6.
  • Removed unnecessary function calls in Redis client.
  • Various improvements and optimizations.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 5.3.*.

5.3.2 (2018-03-01)


  • The Request::getData() method will now return the parsed body for POST requests that do not contain form data.

5.3.1 (2018-01-24)


  • The GD image processor will no longer fail when using uppercase file extensions when saving.


  • The GD image processor now uses imagecopyresampled instead of imagecopyresized when resizing images.


  • Columns with null values will no longer be updated unnecessarily when using ORM::save().

5.3.0 (2018-01-10)


  • Added Connection::pairs() method.
  • Added Query::pairs() method.
  • Added Collection::merge() method.
  • Collection::map() callables can now accept the item key as a second argument.
  • Collection::filter() callables can now accept the item key as a second argument.
  • It is now possible to auto assign variables to views using the ViewFactory::autoAssign() method.
  • JSON responses can now set the response status code.
  • It is now possible to capture output in a template using the new {% capture:name %}...{% endcapture %} blocks.
  • Added {% nospace %}...{% endnospace %} blocks to template syntax that will remove all whitespace between HTML tags.
  • Added PaginationInterface::isValidPage() method.
  • Mako is now using Whoops for displaying exception details.
  • It is now possible to register route constraints with the router.
  • It is now possible to set and update junction attributes.
  • Added Request::getQuery() method.
  • Added Request::getPost() method.
  • Added Request::getHeaders() method.
  • Added Request::getCookies() method.
  • Added Request::getBody() method.
  • Added Request::getData() method.
  • Added Request::getFiles() method.
  • Added Request::getServer() method.
  • Added Parameters::whitelisted() method.
  • Added Parameters::blacklisted() method.


  • Moved the ContainerAwareTrait trait to the mako\syringe\traits namespace.
  • Moved the ControllerHelperTrait trait to the mako\http\routing\traits namespace.
  • Moved the ConfigurableTrait trait to the mako\common\traits namespace.
  • Moved the ExtendableTrait trait to the mako\common\traits namespace.
  • Moved the FunctionParserTrait trait to the mako\common\traits namespace.
  • Moved the NamespacedFileLoaderTrait trait to the mako\common\traits namespace.
  • The Str::slug() method now uses rawurlencode instead of urlencode.
  • All HTTP middleware must now implement the mako\http\routing\middleware\MiddlewareInterface.
  • HTTP middleware is now registered with the route dispatcher.
  • The Route::when() method has been renamed to patterns.
  • Renamed the Request::body() method to getRawBody.
  • Renamed the Request::bodyAsStream method getRawBodyAsStream.


  • Deprecated the Request::get() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::post() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::put() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::patch() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::delete() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::cookie() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::signedCookie() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::file() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::server() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::has() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::data() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::whitelisted() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::blacklisted() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::header() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::acceptableContentTypes() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::acceptableLanguages() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::acceptableCharsets() method.
  • Deprecated the Request::acceptableEncodings() method.

Deprecated methods will be removed in 5.4.0.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 5.2.*.

5.2.11 (2017-11-30)


  • Fixes issue that prevents accidental login after logout. The issue would occur if the mako\gatekeeper\adapters\Session::getUser() method got called after the mako\gatekeeper\adapters\Session::logout() method if the user had a "remember me" cookie.

5.2.10 (2017-11-18)


  • The Memcache::putIfNotexists() and Memcached::putIfNotexists() methods will now support TTLs longer than 30 days.

5.2.9 (2017-10-26)


  • Errors will now be logged even if the default error handler isn't called.

5.2.8 (2017-10-13)


  • ManyToMany::synchronize() will no longer execute unnecessary and invalid queries that cause exceptions.

5.2.7 (2017-10-12)


  • Package config overrides will now merge properly with original config.

5.2.6 (2017-10-11)


  • Package config overrides now merges with original config.

5.2.5 (2017-10-07)


  • Now possible to insert databases rows with only default values.

5.2.4 (2017-09-21)


  • Added ManyToMany::alongWith() method.

5.2.3 (2017-08-22)


  • Batch queries will no longer fail when having criteria.

5.2.2 (2017-08-16)


  • Will now automatically unlock locked used accounts when the lock time has expired.

5.2.1 (2017-06-06)


  • Fixed language cache bug that was introduced in 5.2.0.

5.2.0 (2017-05-08)


  • Added putIfNotexists() method to all cache adapters.
  • The apcu, memcached, memory, null and redis cache stores now implement the new mako\cache\stores\IncrementDecrementInterface interface.
  • Added Collection::getValues() method.
  • Added Collection::each() method.
  • Added Collection::map() method.
  • Added Collection::filter() method.
  • It is now possible to pass custom PDO options to a connection.
  • It is now possible to format numbers in i18n strings using the <number> tag.


  • The Gatekeeper library has been rewritten. It is now possible to implement custom authentication adapters.
  • The Gatekeeper::basicAuth() method will now always return a boolean value.
  • Headers will now be set with the case that they where defined with.
  • The CacheManager::instance() method now returns a mako\cache\stores\StoreInterface instance instead of a mako\cache\Cache instance.


  • The reactor --env flag now works as expected.


  • The ORM will now use fully qualified column names in the relation query criterion.
  • Various improvements and optimizations.

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 5.1.*.

5.1.3 (2017-02-17)


  • Request::getParsed() no longer fails if the content type header contains a character set.

5.1.2 (2017-01-25)


  • The function parser is now less strict when it comes to function names.

5.1.1 (2017-01-17)


  • JSONP responses are now handled by the JSON response builder.

5.1.0 (2017-01-16)


  • Added a optional NullableTrait to the ORM.
  • Added Command::STATUS_SUCCESS constant.
  • Added Command::STATUS_ERROR constant.
  • Added cache.remove command.
  • Added cache.clear command.
  • Added application.base_url config key.
  • Now possible to set middleware priority.
  • The ORM now allows you to configure the foreign key name using the $foreignKeyName property.


  • The response class will no longer auto render views. Views should be rendered in the controller.
  • Removed the query convenience trait.
  • Removed support for "piped" validation rules.
  • New syntax for passing parameters to middleware.
  • New syntax for passing parameters to validation rules.


  • ORM::getForeignKey() now uses Str::camel2underscored() instead of strtolower().

Check out the upgrade guide for details on how to upgrade from 5.0.*.

5.0.23 (2017-01-01)


  • Query compiler will now properly escape JSON path segments.
  • MySQL query compiler will now unquote extracted JSON values.

5.0.22 (2016-12-28)


  • The query builder now supports set operations.
  • Now possible to customize the width of progressbars.


  • Deprecated the query convenience trait. It will be removed in Mako 5.1.0.


  • The image library will now show an error when trying to open a unsupported image type.


  • Various optimizations.

5.0.21 (2016-12-15)


  • Now possible to return a status/exit code from reactor commands.

5.0.20 (2016-12-12)


  • Reverted breaking changes to compiled templates that were introduced in 5.0.17.

5.0.19 (2016-12-10)


  • CLI error handler will no longer fail when displaying a generic error message.

5.0.18 (2016-12-07)


  • Now possible to update JSON values using the unified JSON query syntax.
  • Now possible to bind parameters to raw SQL when using the query builder.


  • Various optimizations.

5.0.17 (2016-12-01)


  • Now possible to access route parameters outside route actions.


  • Migration rollback now works as expected.


  • Various optimizations.

5.0.16 (2016-11-24)


  • Don't resolve singletons multiple times when using the container aware trait.

5.0.15 (2016-11-17)


  • Fixed an issue where strict reactor commands would fail when called with a "global" option.

5.0.14 (2016-11-08)


  • Fixed issue with Gatekeeper::forceLogin().


  • Error handler now supports xdebug.overload_var_dump.

5.0.13 (2016-11-02)


  • ORM::toArray() will no longer try to convert false to an array.

5.0.12 (2016-11-01)


  • Corrected the return type of the View::assign() method.

5.0.11 (2016-10-14)


  • The $shouldTouchOnInsert, $shouldTouchOnUpdate and $shouldTouchOnDelete properties of the TimestampedTrait now work as expected.


  • The redis client now supports dash-separated commands.
  • Checking a ORM relation with isset() will now lazy load it if it hasn't already been loaded.

5.0.10 (2016-10-11)


  • The redis client will no longer assume that it has recieved the data it asked for.

5.0.9 (2016-10-11)


  • The Redis client now reads data in 4096 byte chunks to avoid issues with large values.

5.0.8 (2016-10-11)


  • Request::file() now returns UploadedFile objects.


  • Redis cache store is now instantiated with the configured class whitelist.

5.0.7 (2016-10-08)


  • Added Connection::yield() and Query::yield() methods that allow you to iterate over result sets using a generator.

5.0.6 (2016-10-06)


  • Fixed Query::first() fetch mode bug.

5.0.5 (2016-10-06)


  • Query pagination now works as expected with distinct selections.


  • Query::countDistinct() now supports an array of columns names.

5.0.4 (2016-10-05)


  • Simplified stack trace for JSON error responses.

5.0.3 (2016-10-05)


  • Query pagination now works as expected with grouping.

5.0.2 (2016-10-05)


  • The output escaper now accepts null values.

5.0.1 (2016-10-05)


  • Fixed validation bug.

5.0.0 (2016-10-04)


  • The query builder now supports row-level locking.
  • The query builder now has a unified syntax for querying JSON fields.
  • New and simplified pagination functionality when using the query builder.
  • Added Query::havingRaw() method.
  • Added Query::orHavingRaw() method.
  • Added Query::columns() method.
  • Added Query::countDistinct() method.
  • Added support for transaction savepoints.
  • Added Collection::extend() method.
  • Added cluster support to the Redis client.
  • Added IPv6 support to the Redis client.
  • Added support for persistent connections to the Redis client.
  • Now possible to define verbatim template blocks.
  • Now possible to pass extra variables to included templates.
  • Custom cache stores can be added using the CacheManager::extend() method.
  • Custom encrypters can be added using the CryptoManager::extend() method.
  • Added IPv4 and IPv6 utilities.
  • You can now set a subnet when setting the IP adresses of trusted proxies.
  • The character set will automatically be added to RSS and ATOM content-type headers.
  • Added support for contextual dependency injection.
  • You now have to whitelist the classes you want the framework to deserialize (cache and session stores).
  • Added FileSystem::hash() method.
  • Added FileSystem::hmac() method.
  • Added app.generate_key command that can be used to generate secure encryption keys.
  • Added unordered list CLI output helper.
  • Added ordered list CLI output helper.
  • Added Output::clear() method.
  • Reactor will now suggest a task or option name if an invalid one is used.
  • Added support for strict commands.
  • Added FireTrait that makes it easier to call a command from within a command.


  • Query::null() has been renamed to Query::isNull().
  • Query::orNull() has been renamed to Query::orIsNull().
  • Query::notNull() has been renamed to Query::isNotNull().
  • Query::orNotNull() has been renamed to Query::orIsNotNull().
  • Query::all() now returns a result set instead of an array.
  • ORM read-only functionality is now handled using a trait.
  • The ORM::isReadOnly() method has been removed.
  • ORM records will no longer be made read-only when using joins.
  • ORM values can now be casted to intergers using int instead of integer.
  • ORM values can now be casted to booleans using bool instead of boolean.
  • An exception will be thrown when trying to get a non-existing item from collection.
  • The HTML::registerTag() method has been removed. Use HTML::extend() instead.
  • Routing middleware replaces route filters.
  • The Routes::methods() method has been renamed to Routes::register().
  • The Route::setNamespace() method has been renamed to Route::namespace().
  • The Controller::beforeFilter() has been renamed to Controller::beforeAction().
  • The Controller::afterFilter() has been renamed to Controller::afterAction().
  • Custom view renderers must now be added using the ViewFactory::extend() method.
  • Removed the APC and XCache cache stores.
  • Removed the Response::file() method.
  • Removed the Response::stream() method.
  • Removed the Response::redirect() method .
  • Removed the Response::back() method.
  • Added a ControllerHelperTrait with the following methods: fileResponse, streamResponse, redirectResponse, jsonResponse and jsonpReponse.
  • Removed the MCRYPT encrypter.
  • Removed the Crypto::encryptAndSign() and Crypto::validateAndDecrypt() methods. All encrypted data is now signed and validated by default.
  • Renamed FileSystem::includeFile() to FileSystem::include().
  • Renamed FileSystem::requireFile() to FileSystem::require().
  • Renamed FileSystem::includeFileOnce() to FileSystem::includeOnce().
  • Renamed FileSystem::requireFileOnce() to FileSystem::requireOnce().
  • Renamed FileSystem::isDirectoryEmpty() to FileSystem::isEmpty().
  • Renamed FileSystem::exists() to FileSystem::has().
  • Renamed FileSystem::delete() to FileSystem::remove().
  • Renamed FileSystem::getContents() to FileSystem::get().
  • Renamed FileSystem::putContents() to FileSystem::put().
  • Renamed FileSystem::prependContents() to FileSystem::prepend().
  • Renamed FileSystem::appendContents() to FileSystem::append().
  • Renamed FileSystem::truncateContents() to FileSystem::truncate().


  • Miscellaneous improvements and optimizations.

Mako 5.0 is a major version update that contains a few minor breaking changes. Make sure to read the upgrade instructions!

4.5.14 (2016-08-30)


  • Fixed the docblock return type for CacheManager::instance().

4.5.13 (2016-08-09)


  • Container::call() now supports function calls in addition to closure and method calls.

4.5.12 (2016-08-02)


  • URLBuilder::toRoute() will now allow falsy parameters (0, 0.0, '0').

4.5.11 (2016-06-29)


  • Fixed a leap year related bug in the Time class.


  • Less restrictive version requirements of third party libraries.

4.5.10 (2016-02-03)


  • Cache will now throw an exception if the store is unavailable.

4.5.9 (2015-11-26)


  • ETag caching will now work as expected when using mod_deflate with Apache > 2.4.0.


  • Better support for routes containing multibyte characters.

4.5.8 (2015-11-17)


  • PHP7 compatibility.

4.5.7 (2015-11-04)


  • The query builder can now generate working SQLite queries with an IN clause where the values come from a subquery.
  • The before and after validation filters will now work as expected.


  • The query builder now supports joins with nested conditions.

4.3.5, 4.4.6 (2015-11-04)


  • The before and after validation filters will now work as expected.

4.5.6 (2015-09-11)


  • Only include pages array in pagination data when max_page_links > 0.

4.5.5 (2015-07-08)


  • Clean URLs should now work as expected when using the local development server.

4.5.4 (2015-06-17)


  • The progress bar will no longer fail when 0 is passed as the item count.


  • Better parameter binding for prepared statements.

This update requires you to change the data type of the users.banned and users.activated fields from SET to BOOL (or TINYINT(1)).

4.5.3 (2015-05-07)


  • The Pagination::paginate() method is now public.

4.5.2 (2015-04-24)


  • Eager loading criteria now work as expected when eager loading in chunks.

4.5.1 (2015-04-20)


  • Now possible to eager load more than 1000 unique ids when using SQLite and Oracle (#151).

4.5.0 (2015-04-15)


  • Now possible to send multiple headers with the same field-name.
  • Added Request::getRoute() method.
  • Added Response::hasHeader() method.
  • Added Response::hasCookie() method.
  • Added Response::removeCookie() method.
  • Added Image::getHeight() method.
  • Added Image::getWidth() method.
  • Added Image::getDimensions() method.
  • Added brute force throttling to the Gatekeeper library.
  • Added a command bus library #138.
  • New and improved event handler.


  • Str::slug() will now encode non-ascii characters as recommened by RFC-3986.
  • Minor changes in the application and package directory structures.
  • Added brute force throttling settings to the app/config/gatekeeper.php configuration file.
  • Added 3 new fields to the gatekeeper users table.


  • Now possible to select a custom set of columns through a many-to-many relation.
  • Various optimizations.

This release comes with a few minor breaking changes. Check out the migration guide here.

4.4.5 (2015-03-06)


  • Fixed bug in app.routes command.

4.3.4, 4.4.4 (2015-02-19)


  • Fixed language cache issue.

4.4.3 (2015-02-04)


  • Query::column() and Query::first() will now generate a more optimized query.

4.4.2 (2015-02-03)


  • The command line error handler will now include the error location in the output.

4.4.1 (2015-02-02)


  • Added Output::setFormatter() method.
  • Added Output::isMuted() method.


  • The redis client will no longer try to authenticate when no password is provided.


  • Controllers no longer need to extend the Mako base controller.
  • Global reactor options are now sorted alphabetically.
  • You can now separate package booting into core, web and cli.

This update requires a small change to the app/config/application.php configuration file.

4.4.0 (2015-01-26)


  • Brand new reactor command line tool.
  • Added optional $column parameter to the Query::column() method.
  • Added Mako core class.
  • Added Password::needsRehash() method.
  • Added Request::isSafe() method.
  • Added Session::getToken() method.
  • Added Session::regenerateToken() method.
  • Added Session::validateToken() method.
  • Added token validation rule.
  • Gatekeeper will automatically rehash passwords if needed.
  • Added attribute, css, url and js escaping filters.
  • Escape filters are now also available in plain PHP views.


  • Moved init.php file from the framework core to the application.
  • Removed the MAKO_VERSION constant (use Mako::VERSION instead).
  • Removed the Password::isLegacyHash() method.
  • Removed the $legacyCheck parameter from the Password::validate() method.
  • Renamed Session::generateToken() method to Session::generateOneTimeToken.
  • Renamed Session::validateToken() method to Session::validateOneTimeToken.
  • Renamed token validation rule to one_time_token.

This release comes with a few minor breaking changes. Check out the migration guide here.

4.0.11, 4.1.5, 4.2.3, 4.3.3 (2015-01-19)


  • Gatekeeper will use the provided "auth_key" configuration value.

4.3.2 (2014-12-07)


  • Fixed validation bug.

4.3.1 (2014-12-02)


  • Fixed routing bug.

4.3.0 (2014-11-27)


  • Added ViewFactory::exists() method.
  • Views are now cascading. This means that you can override package views in your application.
  • Language files are now cascading. This means that you can override package language files in your application.
  • Mako now includes default 403, 404, 405 error views that can easily be overriden.
  • The ORM will now also forward non-static calls to the query builder.
  • Added Connection::table() convenience method.
  • Added Container::call() method (#116).
  • Route actions are now executed by the Container::call() method (#118).
  • Route filters are now executed by the Container::call() method (#119).
  • Added a session NULL store.


  • Moved all http exceptions to the mako\http\exceptions namespace.
  • Renamed the PageNotFoundException to NotFoundException.
  • Controllers, Tasks and Migrations now use the ContainerAwareTrait trait by default.
  • The ORM::builder() method is now public.
  • The Route::constraints() method has been renamed to Route::when().

This release comes with a few minor breaking changes. Check out the migration guide here.

4.0.10, 4.1.4, 4.2.2 (2014-11-21)


  • Fixed query builder bug.

4.0.9, 4.1.3, 4.2.1 (2014-11-14)


  • Fixed MCrypt autoloading issue (#120).

4.2.0 (2014-09-26)


  • Added Time::formatLocalized method.
  • Added TimeZone class.
  • Added a Stopwatch class (#113).
  • Added support for nested template extension.
  • Added optional migration descriptions.
  • Added render shortcut method to the view factory class.
  • It is now possible to configure Gatekeeper to identify users using their username instead of their email.


  • The Time class has been moved to the to mako\chrono namespace.
  • The locale config option has been removed. You now have to set the appropriate locale for each language instead.
  • The ViewFactory::create method will now return an instance of mako\view\View instead of an implementation of mako\view\renderers\RendererInterface.
  • Moved app/routes.php to app/routing/routes.php.
  • Filters must now be defined in app/routing/filters.php.
  • You can now use class filters in addition to closures.
  • The UrlBuilder::current method will now include the current query parameters by default.
  • Default Mcrypt encryption mode changed from ECB to CBC.
  • Removed the app/packages directory. Packages will now be installed in the packagist vendor directory.
  • Removed the global helper functions. They have been replaced with a trait and a class (NamespacedFileLoaderTrait and ClassInspector).

This release comes with a few minor breaking changes. Check out the migration guide here.

4.1.2 (2014-09-05)


  • Fixed issue with date casting in the ORM.

4.0.8, 4.1.1 (2014-09-01)


  • Added missing returns in gatekeeper user implementation.

4.1.0 (2014-08-20)


  • Added sepia filter to the image library.
  • Added negate filter to the image library.
  • Added pixelate filter to the image library.
  • Added brightness adjustment to the image library.
  • Added sharpening to the image library.
  • Now possible to create and restore temporary snapshots when using the image library.
  • Added support for language caching.
  • Added Connection::isAlive() method.
  • Added Connection::reconnect() method.
  • Added Connection::beginTransaction() method.
  • Added Connection::commitTransaction() method.
  • Added Connection::rollBackTransaction() method.
  • Added Connection::getTransactionNestingLevel() method.
  • Added Connection::inTransaction() method.
  • It is now possible to configure the ORM to automatically typecast values.
  • PageNotFoundExceptions now includes the request method and path (#108).
  • Now possible to register custom view renderers without having to implement a custom view factory.
  • Added Application::isCommandLine() method.
  • Added ErrorHandler::disableLoggingFor() method.


  • The logger and errorHandler services are no longer required for an application to work.
  • Removed the the ORM::$dateTimeColumms property. Use the new typecast feature instead.
  • Selecting specific columns when using the ORM will no longer make the records read-only. Joining however, will do.

You must also add the language_cache key to your application configuration file.

4.0.7 (2014-08-18)


  • Now possible to configure the date output format when converting ORM records to array and/or json.


  • Escape exception message in debug template.

4.0.6 (2014-08-5)


  • Improved ORM::toArray() and ORM::toJson methods.

4.0.5 (2014-07-24)


  • Fixed bug in the file based cache store.

4.0.4 (2014-07-04)


  • Image library now uses the correct image quality when saving.
  • Image library watermarking now works as expected.

4.0.3 (2014-07-02)


  • The error handler is no longer loading external JavaScript libraries.

4.0.2 (2014-07-01)


  • Namespaced the helper functions to avoild naming collisions with global functions.


  • Added mako\get_class_traits() helper function to improve detection of trait usage.

4.0.1 (2014-06-26)


  • Fixed bug where User::isMemberOf would return NULL if group id was used instead of group name.

4.0.0 (2014-06-26)

Mako 4.0.0 is a complete rewrite where the main focus has been on improving testability, extensibility, security and the overall quality of the framework.

Mako 4 also includes a bunch of new features. Here are some of them:

  • A new and improved RESTful routing system
  • A brand new authentication library
  • A smart and easy to use dependecy injection container
  • Timestamped and OptimisticLocking traits for the ORM
  • An image manipulation library that supports both GD and ImageMagick

Check out the documentation for the full list of changes.

Note that this is NOT a one step upgrade but the API changes have been kept to a minimum so upgrading a project from Mako 3.6.x shouldn't pose too many problems.