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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 19, 2019. It is now read-only.

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303 lines (259 loc) · 21.4 KB

File metadata and controls

303 lines (259 loc) · 21.4 KB


TypeORM follows a semantic versioning and until 1.0.0 breaking changes may appear in 0.x.x versions, however since API is already quite stable we don't expect too much breaking changes. If we missed a note on some change or you have a questions on migrating from old version, feel free to ask us and community.


  • New DebugLogger (#1302)


  • fixed bug with migrations execution in mssql (#1254)
  • added support for more complex ordering in paginated results (#1259)
  • MSSQL users are required to add "order by" for skip/offset operations since mssql does not support OFFSET/LIMIT statement without order by applied
  • fixed issue when relation query builder methods execute operations with empty arrays (#1241)
  • Webpack can now be used for node projects and not only for browser projects. To use TypeORM in Ionic with minimal changes checkout the ionic-example for the needed changes. To use webpack for non-Ionic browser webpack projects, the needed configuration can be found in the docs (#1280)
  • added support for loading sub-relations in via find options (#1270)


  • added support for indices and listeners in embeddeds
  • added support for ON CONFLICT keyword
  • fixed bug with query builder where lazy relations are loaded multiple times when using leftJoinAndSelect (#996)
  • fixed bug in all sqlite based drivers that generated wrong uuid columns (#1128 and #1161)


  • fixed bug where findByIds would return values with an empty array (#1118)
  • fixed bug in MigrationExecutor that didn't release created query builder (#1201)


  • fixed bug in mysql driver that generated wrong query when using skip (#1099)
  • added option to create query builder from repository without alias(#1084)
  • fixed bug that made column option "select" unusable (#1110)
  • fixed bug that generated mongodb projects what don't work (#1119)


  • added support for sql.js. To use it you just need to install npm i sql.js and use sqljs as driver type (#894).
  • added explicit require() statements for drivers (#1143)
  • fixed bug where wrong query is generated with multiple primary keys (#1146)
  • fixed bug for oracle driver where connect method was wrong (#1177)


  • sqlite now supports relative database file paths (#798 and #799)
  • fixed bug with not properly working update method (#1037, #1042)
  • fixed bug with replication support (#1035)
  • fixed bug with wrong embedded column names being generated (#969)
  • added support for caching in respositories (#1057)
  • added support for the citext column type for postgres (#1075)


  • added support for pg-native for postgres (#975). To use it you just need to install npm i pg-native and it will be picked up automatically.
  • now Find Options support -1 and 1 for DESC and ASC values. This is better user experience for MongoDB users.
  • now inheritances in embeddeds are supported (#966).
  • isArray: boolean in ColumnOptions is deprecated. Use array: boolean instead.
  • deprecated removeById method, now use deleteById method instead.
  • added insert and delete methods into repository and entity manager.
  • fixed multiple issues with update, updateById and removeById methods in repository and entity manager. Now they do not use save and remove methods anymore - instead they are using QueryBuilder to build and execute their queries.
  • now save method can accept partial entities.
  • removed opencollective dependency.
  • fixed issues with bulk entity insertions.
  • find* methods now can find by embed conditions.
  • fixed issues with multiple schema support, added option to @JoinTable to support schema and database.
  • multiple small bugfixes.



  • Table, AbstractTable, ClassTableChild, ClosureTable, EmbeddableTable, SingleTableChild deprecated decorators were removed. Use Entity, ClassEntityChild, ClosureEntity, SingleEntityChild decorators instead.
  • EntityManager#create, Repository#create, EntityManager#preload, Repository#preload, EntityManager#merge, Repository#merge methods now accept DeepPartial<Entity> instead of Object.
  • EntityManager#merge, Repository#merge methods first argument is now an entity where to need to merge all given entity-like objects.
  • changed find* repository methods. Now conditions are Partial<Entity> type.
  • removed FindOptions interface and introduced two new interfaces: FindOneOptions and FindManyOptions - each for its own findOne* or find* methods.
  • dropped out some of options of FindOptions. Use QueryBuilder instead. However, added few new options as well.
  • deprecated method addParameters has been removed from QueryBuilder. Use setParameters instead.
  • removed setMaxResults, setFirstResult methods in QueryBuilder. Use take and skip methods instead.
  • renamed entityManager to manager in Connection, AbstractRepository and event objects. entityManager property was removed.
  • renamed persist to save in EntityManager and Repository objects. persist method was removed.
  • SpecificRepository is removed. Use relational query builder functionality instead.
  • transaction method has been removed from Repository. Use EntityManager#transaction method instead.
  • custom repositories do not support container anymore.
  • controller / subscriber / migrations from options tsconfig now appended with a project root directory
  • removed naming strategy decorator, naming strategy by name functionality. Now naming strategy should be registered by passing naming strategy instance directly.
  • driver section in connection options now deprecated. All settings should go directly to connection options root.
  • removed fromTable from the QueryBuilder. Now use regular from to select from tables.
  • removed usePool option from the connection options. Pooling now is always enabled.
  • connection options interface has changed and now each platform has its own set of connection options.
  • storage in sqlite options has been renamed to database.
  • env variable names for connection were changed (TYPEORM_DRIVER_TYPE has been renamed to TYPEORM_CONNECTION, some other renaming). More env variable names you can find in ConnectionOptionsEnvReader class.
  • some api changes in ConnectionManager and createConnection / createConnections methods of typeorm main entrypoint.
  • simple_array column type now is called simple-array
  • some column types were removed. Now orm uses column types of underlying database.
  • now number type in column definitions (like @Column() likes: number) maps to integer instead of double. This is more programmatic design. If you need to store float-pointing values - define a type explicitly.
  • fixedLength in column options has been removed. Now actual column types can be used, e.g. @Column("char") or @Column("varchar").
  • timezone option has been removed from column options. Now corresponding database types can be used instead.
  • localTimezone has been removed from the column options.
  • skipSchemaSync in entity options has been renamed to skipSync.
  • setLimit and setOffset in QueryBuilder were renamed into limit and offset.
  • nativeInterface has been removed from a driver interface and implementations.
  • now typeorm works with the latest version of mssql (version 4).
  • fixed how orm creates default values for SqlServer - now it creates constraints for it as well.
  • migrations interface has changed - now up and down accept only QueryRunner. To use Connection and EntityManager use properties of QueryRunner, e.g. queryRunner.connection and queryRunner.manager.
  • now update method in QueryBuilder accepts Partial<Entity> and property names used in update map are column property names and they are automatically mapped to column names.
  • SpecificRepository has been removed. Instead new RelationQueryBuilder was introduced.
  • getEntitiesAndRawResults of QueryBuilder has been renamed to getRawAndEntities.
  • in mssql all constraints are now generated using table name in their names - this is fixes issues with duplicate constraint names.
  • now when object is loaded from the database all its columns with null values will be set into entity properties as null. Also after saving entity with unset properties that will be stored as nulls - their (properties) values will be set to null.
  • create and update dates in entities now use date with fractional seconds.
  • @PrimaryGeneratedColumn decorator now accept generation strategy as first argument (default is increment), instead of column type. Column type must be passed in options object, e.g. @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ type: "bigint"}).
  • @PrimaryColumn now does not accept generated parameter in options. Use @Generated or @PrimaryGeneratedColumn decorators instead.
  • Logger interface has changed. Custom logger supply mechanism has changed.
  • Now logging options in connection options is simple "true", or "all", or list of logging modes can be supplied.
  • removed driver section in connection options. Define options right in the connection options section.
  • Embedded decorator is deprecated now. use @Column(type => SomeEmbedded) instead.
  • schemaName in connection options is removed. Use schema instead.
  • schemaSync method in Connection has been renamed to synchronize.
  • getEntityManager has been deprecated. Use getManager instead.
  • @TransactionEntityManager is now called @TransactionManager now.
  • EmbeddableEntity, Embedded, AbstractEntity decorators has been removed. There is no need to use EmbeddableEntity and AbstractEntity decorators at all - entity will work as expected without them. Instead of @Embedded(type => X) decorator now @Column(type => X) must be used instead.
  • tablesPrefix, autoSchemaSync, autoMigrationsRun, dropSchemaOnConnection options were removed. Use entityPrefix, synchronize, migrationsRun, dropSchema options instead.
  • removed persist method from the Repository and EntityManager. Use save method instead.
  • removed getEntityManager from typeorm namespace. Use getManager method instead.
  • refactored how query runner works, removed query runner provider
  • renamed TableSchema into Table
  • renamed ColumnSchema into TableColumn
  • renamed ForeignKeySchema into TableForeignKey
  • renamed IndexSchema into TableIndex
  • renamed PrimaryKeySchema into TablePrimaryKey


  • added mongodb support.
  • entity now can be saved partially within update method.
  • added prefix support to embeddeds.
  • now embeddeds inside other embeddeds are supported.
  • now relations are supported inside embeds.
  • now relations for multiple primary keys are generated properly.
  • now ormconfig is read from .env, .js, .json, .yml, .xml formats.
  • all database-specific types are supported now.
  • now migrations generation in mysql is supported. Use typeorm migrations:generate command.
  • getGeneratedQuery was renamed to getQuery in QueryBuilder.
  • getSqlWithParameters was renamed to getSqlAndParameters in QueryBuilder.
  • sql queries are highlighted in console.
  • added @Generated decorator. It can accept strategy option with values increment and uuid. Default is increment. It always generates value for column, except when column defined as nullable and user sets null value in to column.
  • added logging of log-running requests.
  • added replication support.
  • added custom table schema and database support in Postgres, Mysql and Sql Server drivers.
  • multiple bug fixes.
  • added ActiveRecord support (by extending BaseEntity) class
  • Connection how has createQueryRunner that can be used to control database connection and its transaction state
  • QueryBuilder is abstract now and all different kinds of query builders were created for different query types - SelectQueryBuilder, UpdateQueryBuilder, InsertQueryBuilder and DeleteQueryBuilder with individual method available.


  • fixes #341 - issue when trying to create a OneToOne relation with referencedColumnName where the relation is not between primary keys


  • added ObjectLiteral and ObjectType into main exports
  • fixed issue fixes #345.
  • fixed issue with migration not saving into the database correctly. Note its a breaking change if you have run migrations before and have records in the database table, make sure to apply corresponding changes. More info in #360 issue.


  • fixed bug with indices from columns are not being inherited from parent entity #242
  • added support of UUID primary columns (thanks @seanski)
  • added count method to repository and entity manager (thanks @aequasi)


  • added complete babel support
  • added clear method to Repository and EntityManager which allows to truncate entity table
  • exported EntityRepository in typeorm/index
  • fixed issue with migration generation in #239 (thanks to @Tobias4872)
  • fixed issue with using extra options with SqlServer #236 (thanks to @jmai00)
  • fixed issue with non-pooled connections #234 (thanks to @benny-medflyt)
  • fixed issues: #242, #240, #204, #219, #233, #234


  • added custom entity repositories support
  • merged typeorm-browser and typeorm libraries into single package
  • added @Transaction decorator
  • added exports to typeorm/index for naming strategies
  • added shims for browsers using typeorm in frontend models, also added shim to use typeorm with class-transformer library on the frontend
  • fixed issue when socketPath could not be used with mysql driver (thanks @johncoffee)
  • all table decorators are renamed to Entity (Table => Entity, AbstractTable => AbstractEntity, ClassTableChild => ClassEntityChild, ClosureTable => ClosureEntity, EmbeddableTable => EmbeddableEntity, SingleTableChild => SingleEntityChild). This change is required because upcoming versions of orm will work not only with tables, but also with documents and other database-specific "tables". Previous decorator names are deprecated and will be removed in the future.
  • added custom repositories support. Example in samples directory.
  • cascade remove options has been removed from @ManyToMany, @OneToMany decorators. Also cascade remove is not possible from two sides of @OneToOne relationship now.
  • fixed issues with subscribers and transactions
  • typeorm now has translation in chinese (thanks @brookshi)
  • added schemaName support for postgres database #152 (thanks @mingyang91)
  • fixed bug when new column was'nt added properly in sqlite #157
  • added ability to set different types of values for DEFAULT value of the column #150
  • added ability to use zero, false and empty string values as DEFAULT values in #189 (thanks to @Luke265)
  • fixed bug with junction tables persistence (thanks @Luke265)
  • fixed bug regexp in QueryBuilder (thanks @netnexus)
  • fixed issues #202, #203 (thanks to @mingyang91)
  • fixed issues #159, #181, #176, #192, #191, #190, #179, #177, #175, #174, #150, #159, #173, #195, #151


  • added JSONB support for Postgres in #126 (thanks @CreepGin@CreepGin)
  • fixed in in sqlite query runner in #141 (thanks @marcinwadon)
  • added shortcut exports for table schema classes in #135 (thanks @eduardoweiland)
  • fixed bugs with single table inheritance in #132 (thanks @eduardoweiland)
  • fixed issue with TIME column in #134 (thanks @cserron)
  • fixed issue with relation id in #138 (thanks @mingyang91)
  • fixed bug when URL for pg was parsed incorrectly #114 (thanks @mingyang91)
  • fixed bug when embedded is not being updated
  • metadata storage now in global variable
  • entities are being loaded in migrations and can be used throw the entity manager or their repositories
  • migrations now accept EntityMetadata which can be used within one transaction
  • fixed issue with migration running on windows #140
  • fixed bug with with Class Table Inheritance #144


  • changed getScalarMany to getRawMany in QueryBuilder
  • changed getScalarOne to getRawOne in QueryBuilder
  • added migrations support


  • fixed problem when order by is used with limit
  • fixed problem when decorators-shim.d.ts exist and does not allow to import decorators (treats like they exist in global)
  • fixed Sql Server driver bugs


  • completely refactored persistence mechanism:
    • added experimental support of { nullable: true } in relations
    • cascade operations should work better now
    • optimized all queries
    • entities with recursive entities should be persisted correctly now
  • now undefined properties are skipped in the persistence operation, as well as undefined relations.
  • added platforms abstractions to allow typeorm to work on multiple platforms
  • added experimental support of typeorm in the browser
  • breaking changes in QueryBuilder:
    • getSingleResult() renamed to getOne()
    • getResults() renamed to getMany()
    • getResultsAndCount() renamed to getManyAndCount()
    • in the innerJoin*/leftJoin* methods now no need to specify ON
    • in the innerJoin*/leftJoin* methods no longer supports parameters, use addParameters or setParameter instead.
    • setParameters is now works just like addParameters (because previous behaviour confused users), addParameters now is deprecated
    • getOne returns Promise<Entity|undefined>
  • breaking changes in Repository and EntityManager:
    • findOne and findOneById now return Promise<Entity|undefined> instead of Promise<Entity>
  • now typeorm is compiled into ES5 instead of ES6 - this allows to run it on older versions of node.js
  • fixed multiple issues with dates and utc-related stuff
  • multiple bugfixes


  • lot of API refactorings
  • complete support TypeScript 2
  • optimized schema creation
  • command line tools
  • multiple drivers support
  • multiple bugfixes


  • first stable version, works with TypeScript 1.x