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Write an image-space CSG algorithm using WebGL.

Goal and specs

  • Render any CSG model where operands are mesh primitives and operators are Union, Difference and Intersection.
  • The CSG model should be shadable with normal materials
  • The CSG model should be rendered into a Z buffer to make it possible to combine with geometry from other renderers.
  • It should be possible to render objects with transparency
  • Maximize browser compatibility by using WebGL 1.0 and as few extensions as possible, and choose extensions which are widely available.
  • Keep mobile in mind

WebGL limitations

WebGL 1.0 has several limitations which influence our choices:

  • We cannot write to gl_FragDepth. EXT_frag_depth is not available on Safari
  • We cannot draw to multiple buffers WEBGL_draw_buffers is not available on Safari
  • Depth textures is an extension (WEBGL_depth_texture). Wide desktop adoption, good mobile adoption (Android lagging behind a bit)
  • Float textures is an extension (OES_texture_float). Wide desktop AND mobile adoption


Multiple image-space CSG algorithms exist, but none of them has been publicly implemented using WebGL. Most algorithms are conceived using CPU-based or OpenGL fixed pipeline-based rendering.


Most algorithm require CSG models to be normalized into a sum of products form. A product is defined as a series of intersections followed by a series of subtractions. Since subtracting an object is equivalent to intersecting with the complement of the object, this can be converted to a series of intersections (i.e. a product of intersections).




SCS (Sequenced Convex Subtractions) is based on operating only on convex primitives. Non-convex primitives must be decomposed into convex pieces. Operating on convex primitives enables a simpler algorithm using fewer rendering passes than Goldfeather.


For each product:

  1. Render convex intersections
  2. Render convex subtractions
  3. Clip transparent areas
  4. Render product with correct material
  5. Merge product into accumulation buffer

Finally, transfer accumulation buffer into framebuffer

Render convex intersections

This is the easier part of SCS and is done in three render passes:

  1. Render the furthest front faces into the Z buffer with all other buffers disabled
  2. Count number of hidden backfaces (increase stencil on depth fail)
  3. Reset Z buffer where stencil != N (N is number of intersecting objects). Render a quad with maximum depth.

The result is a Z buffer which is correct for the intersection part of the product.


  • FIXME: What can be done with 2. and 3. for single objects?

Render convex differences

This is slightly more complex since differences may reveal underlying differences. To correctly resolve this, each difference may need to be rendered more than once. A naive approach is to create a subtraction sequence in a double loop, yielding N^2 subtractions.

Assuming a correct (or naive) subtraction sequence, for each objects in the sequence:

  1. Using the Z buffer from the intersection rendering, mark front fragments passing Z test (mark stencil with all other buffers disabled)
  2. Render all back faces with an inverted Z test masked against the stencil.


  • To avoid clearing the stencil buffer for each pass, we can increase the stencil mask value instead => only clear the stencil buffer once every 256 passes (for a typical 8 bit stencil buffer).
  • Calculating an optimal subtraction sequence is not trivial and can be done view-dependent or view-independent. The subtraction sequence is strongly correlated to the depth complexity of the objects being subtracted.
  • A common view-dependent technique is to batch objects that don't overlap in screen-space into the same stencil pass. This can also significantly improve subtraction sequence calculation.

The result is a Z buffer which is correct for both the intersection and difference parts of the product, except see-through areas (see next section).

Clip transparent areas

Since the Z buffer only contains the front-most depth values, we need to detect subtractions which penetrate though the object so we can see through it. This is quite trivial:

  1. Mark visible back fragments of intersections (mark using stencil buffer)
  2. Reset Z buffer where stencil is set. Render a quad with maximum depth.

The result is a Z buffer which correctly represents the entire product.

Render using correct material

This pass uses the correct material shader and the current Z-buffer information to provide a correct color buffer for the CSG product:

o Render Front faces of intersections and back faces of subtractions with depth test of EQUAL

Note about materials:

To have the freedom to use existing shaders to render materials, we strive towards not having to modify these as that could be somewhat of a headache depending on what rendering libraries we use. This means that we need to be able to use the fixed function Z test for this rendering pass.

If we were to relax this requirement, we could optimize the process somewhat:

If we use the alpha channel as a synthetic z buffer, we don't need to use a depth buffer for the products. The means that we could use a normal renderbuffer without a depth texture, or request a framebuffer object without a depth buffer if that's supported.

This would also allow us to support systems without the WEBGL_depth_texture extension, but we would still require float textures.

Merge products into accumulation buffer

Since each product needs full access to depth and stencil buffers, we need to accumulate product rendering results somewhere before processing the next product.

This is somewhat of a challenge: We have two incoming color and two incoming z buffers which we want to merge into a single color- and z buffer. In WebGL (without the EXT_frag_depth extension), the only way to write into a Z buffer is to render into it (meaning that the z values must come from the vertex shader).

There are multiple ways around this:

  1. Use the alpha component of the accumulation buffer to store Z values

    Use a fragment shader to replace the depth test by comparing incoming depth values (from the depth texture used for product rendering), and store resulting Z values in the alpha component of the accumulation buffer.

    Note: For this to have acceptable Z resolution, we need to use float textures for the accumulation buffer (needs OES_texture_float)

    The main drawback of this method is that we cannot render into a proper Z buffer in the framebuffer, which means that all subsequent (non-CSG) geometry must also be rendered using the alpha-for-z technique causing extra rendering passes for such geometry.

  2. Render correct Z values using a separate depth-only rendering pass in the end

    By rendering actual objects (without correct material) into the target framebuffer, we can achieve a correct Z buffer. For this to work, we need to simulate depthFunc(EQUAL) in a fragment shader. This is a bit tricky since incoming Z values (fragCoord.z) in a fragment shader are clamped to the current Z buffer resolution (typically 24-bit) while any accumulated Z buffer value we can get hold of would typically be a float component (32-bit). Equality check of different resolution floating point numbers will likely be far to fragile to use in practice.

    FIXME: Can we somehow calculate an accumulated product with a correct 24-bit z buffer?

    To get around this, we can calculate our own 32-bit Z values all the way and compare these in the end:

    • Use float textures also for the product rendering buffer
    • In the SCS passes, calculate the current Z value and store in the alpha channel. This gives us a second Z buffer in the alpha channel at the end of a product rendering)
    • When rendering the real material, we need to ignore and preserve the alpha channel
    • At the end of a CSG object, render all components of all products once. Use a shader that calculates our own Z values and only pass fragments where this value is equal to our accumulation buffer's alpha value. Use the color channels from the accumulation buffer.

    -> The result is a correct color- and depth buffer for the whole CSG model, at the expense of one extra object rendering pass.

    Note: For this to have acceptable Z resolution, we need to use float textures for the accumulation buffer (needs OES_texture_float)

    NB! We still need a depth texture to be able ot render the objects with correct material without writing custom shaders for all materials to manage an EQUAL depth test.

SCS optimization opportunities


Why do we need to successively merge products into a final texture?

-> This is done to avoid another rendering pass to be able to compare depth values. It's basically a manual z buffering job.

Since our variant of SCS needs this separate rendering pass anyway, we could skip the merge part of the original SCS algorithm and let the framebuffer's Z buffer do this. If we know that we'll ever only render CSG content into a framebuffer, such a merge step would be faster though.

Modified SCS:

  1. Render product as usual into a float texture with real color values and alpha as synthetic depth
  2. Merge the product into the framebuffer by performing a rendering pass where only the depth buffer is taken from the product's components and the color buffer from the previously generated float texture

Merge using ID materials

Another way of optimizing merging is to render each product with "ID materials" into the color buffer. When merging, we only merge depth values into the framebuffer, and we simply write depth value only for the fragments which has a matching ID in the color buffer, using a normal depth test.

When doing this, a fully merged Z buffer will be available in the framebuffer. We can then render using normal material as a final pass using ane EQUAL depth test.

tree.js challenges: How to transfer the ID material per object?

  • Duplicate geometry and add colors as vertex attributes
  • Duplicate material per object and set color
  • Patch three.js to allow transfer of additional uniforms per object

Special case: Only intersections

In this case, we can skip the convex subtraction and z buffer clipping pass.

Special case: Single positive object

If the intersection part of the product contains only a single object, we just render the object as is into the render target. No need for z buffer clipping or stencil operations.

Special case: Single positive object, no differences

Single object, just render straight to the framebuffer