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Unsafe Rust Survey

[PLDI'20] Understanding Memory and Thread Safety Practices and Issues in Real-World Rust Programs [notes]

[ICSE'20] Is Rust Used Safely by Software Developers? [notes]

[OOPSLA'20] How Do Programmers Use Unsafe Rust? [notes]

[TOSEM'21] Memory-Safety Challenge Considered Solved? An In-Depth Study with All Rust CVEs [notes]

[FSE'23] On the Dual Nature of Necessity in Use of Rust Unsafe Code

[WISA'23] An Analysis of the Rust Programming Practice for Memory Safety Assurance

[TOSE'24] Understanding and Detecting Real-World Safety Issues in Rust

Secure Unsafe Rust


[PLOS'17] Sandcrust: Automatic Sandboxing of Unsafe Components in Rust

[CODASPY'18] Fidelius Charm: Isolating Unsafe Rust Code

[ICSE'20] Securing UnSafe Rust Programs with XRust [notes]

[ACSAC'21] Keeping Safe Rust Safe with Galeed [notes]

[Sec'23] TRUST: A Compilation Framework for In-process Isolation to Protect Safe Rust against Untrusted Code

[Sec'24] METASAFE: Compiling for Protecting Smart Pointer Metadata to Ensure Safe Rust Integrity

Retrofit Memory Safety to Unsafe Rust

[OOPSLA'21] Safer at Any Speed: Automatic Context-Aware Safety Enhancement for Rust

Bugs Detection

[PLDI'21] SyRust: Automatic Testing of Rust Libraries with Semantic-Aware Program Synthesis

[SOSP'21] RUDRA: Finding Memory Safety Bugs in Rust at the Ecosystem Scale

[CCS'21] MirChecker: Detecting Bugs in Rust Programs via Static Analysis

[TOSEM'23] SafeDrop: Detecting Memory Deallocation Bugs of Rust Programs via Static Data-flow Analysis

Applying Rust to Secure Stuff

[ACSAC'20] RusTEE: Developing Memory-Safe ARM TrustZone Applications

Formal Semantics of Rust

[POPL'18] RustBelt: Securing the Foundations of the Rust Programming Language

[arXiv'20] Oxide: The Essence of Rust


[ECOOP'23] Rust for Morello: Always-On Memory Safety, Even in Unsafe Code


[PLOS'15] Ownership is Theft: Experiences Building an Embedded OS in Rust

[HotOS'17] System Programming in Rust: Beyond Safety

[PLATEAU'18] Identifying Barriers to Adoption for Rust through Online Discourse

[ISSREW'19] Towards Rust for Critical Systems

[SOUPS'21] Benefits and Drawbacks of Adopting a Secure Programming Language: Rust as a Case Study

[OOPSLA'21]Safer at Any Speed: Automatic Context-Aware Safety Enhancement for Rust [notes]

[ICSE'24] Learning and Programming Challenges of Rust: A Mixed-Methods Study