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🌳 @esh2n/qwik-elm

🚀 Seamlessly integrate Elm components into your Qwik applications!

Inspired by @mizchi/qwik-svelte and @mizchi/qwik-vue, but tailored for the Elm ecosystem.

🌟 Features

  • 🔗 Easy integration of Elm components in Qwik
  • 🧠 Leverage Elm's robust type system and predictable state management
  • ⚡ Benefit from Qwik's partial hydration and lazy-loading
  • 🛠 Simple API for bridging Qwik and Elm

📦 Installation

npm install @esh2n/qwik-elm elm vite-plugin-elm -D

⚠️ Note: This is currently in the Proof of Concept (PoC) phase. Please thoroughly test in your application before using in production.

🚀 Quick Start

1. Configure Vite

Update your vite.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { qwikVite } from "";
import elmPlugin from "vite-plugin-elm";

export default defineConfig(() => {
  return {
    plugins: [
        debug: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production",
        optimize: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",

2. Create an Elm Component

-- src/components/Counter.elm
module Counter exposing (main)

import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)

type alias Model = Int

type Msg = Increment | Decrement

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Increment -> model + 1
        Decrement -> model - 1

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
        , div [] [ text (String.fromInt model) ]
        , button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]

main : Program () Model Msg
main =
        { init = 0
        , update = update
        , view = view

3. Use in Qwik

import { component$ } from "";
import { qwikifyElm$ } from "qwik-elm";
import Counter from "./components/Counter.elm";

const QCounter = qwikifyElm$<{}>({
  init: (node) => {
    const app = Counter.Elm.Counter.init({ node });
    return app;

export default component$(() => {
  return <QCounter />;

🔄 Communication between Qwik and Elm

🏗 Work in Progress

We're currently developing robust patterns for bi-directional communication between Qwik and Elm. Stay tuned for updates!

🛠 API Reference


qwikifyElm$<Props>(options: QwikifyElmOptions): Component<Props>


  • init: (node: HTMLElement) => ElmApp Initialize your Elm application and return the Elm app instance.

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Here's how you can help:

  1. 🍴 Fork the repository
  2. 🌿 Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. 💾 Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. 🚀 Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. 🎉 Submit a pull request


  • 🧪 Comprehensive unit testing
  • 🚩 Support for Elm flags
  • 🔒 Improve type safety for Elm-Qwik communication
  • 🔄 Optimize re-rendering on props change
  • 📚 Expand documentation and examples

📜 License