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590 lines (476 loc) · 22.6 KB

File metadata and controls

590 lines (476 loc) · 22.6 KB


    C++ API
    Declared Serializable:
        ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(<ClassName>, <FieldName> ... )
        ThorsAnvil_ExpandTrait(<ParentClassName>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)
        ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)
        ThorsAnvil_Template_ExpandTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ParentClassName>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)
        ThorsAnvil_TTemplate_MakeTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)
        ThorsAnvil_TTemplate_ExpandTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ParentType>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)
    Override Field Names:
        ThorsAnvil_MakeOverride(<ClassName>, <Override> ...)
        ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeOverride(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <Override> ...)
    Filtering Fields:
        Deprecated: ThorsAnvil_MakeFilter(<ClassName>, <FieldName>)
        Deprecated: ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeFilter(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <FieldName>)
    Pointer Fields:
    Custom Serialization:
        Depricated: ThorsAnvil_MakeTraitCustom(<ClassName>)
        ThorsAnvil_MakeTraitCustomSerialize(<ClassName>, >CustomSerializationType<)
    #Enum Handling:
        Depricated: ThorsAnvil_MakeEnum(EnumName, ...)
        Depricated: ThorsAnvil_MakeEnumFlag(EnumName, ...)
    Interesting std:: Types:
        std::map<std::string, V>


The serialization of objects works on all types that have been declared as serializable. The build in types are declared as serializable in "ThorSerialize/Traits.h". The standard std:: types are declared serializable in "ThorSerialize/SerUtil.h". If you want to declare your own types as serializable please see documentation below.


The interface for reading is by using the <format>Exporter object. Any types that have been declares as serializable can be exported to a stream interface.

    // BSON
    #include "ThorSerialize/BsonThor.h"
        MyType      myVar;
        std::cout << ThorsAnvil::Serialize::bsonExporter(myVar);

    #include "ThorSerialize/Json.h"
        MyType      myVar;
        std::cout << ThorsAnvil::Serialize::jsonExporter(myVar);

    #include "ThorSerialize/YamlThor.h"
        MyType      myVar;
        std::cout << ThorsAnvil::Serialize::yamlExporter(myVar);


The interface for writing is by using the <format>Importer object. Any types that have been declares as serializable can be imported from a stream interface.

    // BSON
    #include "ThorSerialize/BsonThor.h"
        MyType      myVar;
        std::cin >> ThorsAnvil::Serialize::bsonImporter(myVar);

    #include "ThorSerialize/Json.h"
        MyType      myVar;
        std::cin >> ThorsAnvil::Serialize::jsonImporter(myVar);

    #include "ThorSerialize/YamlThor.h"
        MyType      myVar;
        std::cin >> ThorsAnvil::Serialize::yamlImporter(myVar);


Exporter Configuration

The <format>Exporter class constructor takes an optional second parameter as configuration.

    namespace ThorsAnvil::Serialize
        // Used by bsonExporter/jsonExporter/yamlExporter
        enum class OutputType {Default, Stream, Config};
        class PrinterConfig
                PrinterConfig& setOutputType(OutputType p_characteristics)      {/*--Implementation Detail--*/  return *this;}
                PrinterConfig& setPolymorphicMarker(std::string const& p_poly)  {/*--Implementation Detail--*/  return *this;}
                PrinterConfig& setCatchExceptions(bool p_catchExceptions)       {/*--Implementation Detail--*/  return *this;}
        // Used by bsonImporter/jsonImporter/yamlImporter
        enum class ParseType   {Weak, Strict, Exact};
        class ParserConfig
                ParserConfig& setParseStrictness(ParseType p_parseStrictness)   {/*--Implementation Detail--*/  return *this;}
                ParserConfig& setPolymorphicMarker(std::string const& p_poly)   {/*--Implementation Detail--*/  return *this;}
                ParserConfig& setCatchExceptions(bool p_catchExceptions)        {/*--Implementation Detail--*/  return *this;}

If you would like to override the default behavior for serialization you can pass a PrinterConfig object as the second parameter.

    std::cout << ThorsAnvil::Serialize::jsonExporter(myVar, PrinterConfig{}.setOutputType(OutputType::Stream);
    std::cin  << ThorsAnvil::Serialize::jsonImporter(myVar, ParserConfig{}.setParseStrictness(ParseType::Exact);

The values that can be overridden in the Configuration object are:


  • Default:
    The easiest to implement of Stream/Config for the output type (could change over time).
  • Stream:
    The most compressed version of the format.
  • Config:
    The most human readable version of the format.

Note: Only applies to JSON.

Parse Strictness

The default parser strictness is Weak.

  • Weak:
    Extra fields are ignored. Only seen fields affect object.
  • Strict:
    Extra fields cause an exception. Note by default exceptions are caught and the stream marked bad.
  • Exact:
    Extra fields cause an exception. Missing fields cause an exception.

Polymorphic Marker

Please see the section on ThorsAnvil_PolyMorphicSerializer() below.

As part of the serialized object (of polymorphic objects) we include type information. The default field name where type information is saved is __type. If your application needs to use the field name __type internally then you can override this default and provide your own option.

Catch Exceptions

By default exceptions in serialization are caught.

When the serialization code encounters an "Exceptional" situation that it can not handle it logs that information (using loguru) and marks the stream as failed with stream.setstate(std::ios::failbit);. This behavior mimics the normal C++ stream pattern. If you would prefer an exception to be thrown when there is an issue you can set this parameter on the config object.

Declared Serializable

All the following macros declare types (not objects) so should be placed in header (along with the class declarations).

  • ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(<ClassName>, <FieldName> ... )
  • ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)
  • ThorsAnvil_TTemplate_MakeTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)
  • ThorsAnvil_ExpandTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ParentClassName>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)
  • ThorsAnvil_Template_ExpandTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ParentClassName>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)
  • ThorsAnvil_TTemplate_MakeTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)

ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(<ClassName>, <FieldName> ... )

For standard structures you simply use the ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait() and pass the type name and a list of fields that you want to serialize:

    struct BankAccount
        std::string     name;
        long            accountNumber;
        double          balnce;
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(BankAccount, name, accountNumber, balnce);

This declaration creates a specialization of the type ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<>.

Note 1: The ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait must appear at the global scope (not inside a namespace), though your class can be inside a namespace.
Note 2: The serialization code has no special access to your class. If you want the code to be able to serialize private member you need to declare the Traits<> class a friend to your class.

    namespace MyAddressBook
        class Address
                friend class ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<Address>;
                std::string     street;
                std::string     city;
        struct Person
                friend class ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<Person>;
                std::string     name;
                Address         address;
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(MyAddressBook::Address, street, city);
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(MyAddressBook::Person,  name,   address);

ThorsAnvil_ExpandTrait(<ParentClassName>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)

This is like the original ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait() but your class inherits from another Serializable type.

    class Base
        int         value1;
        int         value2;
    class Extend: public Base
        int         value3;
        int         value4;
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(Base,          value1, value2);
    ThorsAnvil_ExpandTrait(Base, Extend,value3, value4);

ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)

If your class is a template type you will need to use ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeTrait which just takes the number of template arguments as the first parameter, but is otherwise identical to ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait().

    template<typename T1, typename T2>
    class DataBase
        T1      data;
        T2      base;
    ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeTrait(2, DataBase, data, base);

ThorsAnvil_Template_ExpandTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ParentClassName>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)

    template<typename T, Typename T2>
    class DataBaseFromExtend: public Extend
        T1      data;
        T2      base;
    ThorsAnvil_Template_ExpandTrait(2, DataBaseFromExtend, data, base);

ThorsAnvil_TTemplate_MakeTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)

This is so rare. I would like to talk to you if you use it.
Because it is so rare I don't have any real examples of its usage and the times I have used it I have removed it before the code is complete. So I want some real examples of usage so I can correctly define the interface.

Currently this is exactly the same as ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeTrait except the first template type is expected to be template<typename>.

    template<template<typename> typename C, typename V>
    class Storage
        C<V>    store;
    ThorsAnvil_TTemplate_MakeTrait(2, Storage, store);

ThorsAnvil_TTemplate_ExpandTrait(<TemplateCount>, <ParentType>, <ClassName>, <FieldName> ...)

    template<template<typename> typename C, typename V>
    class StorageExpandsBase: public Base
        C<V>    store;
    ThorsAnvil_TTemplate_ExpandTrait(2, Base, StorageExpandsBase, store);

Override Field Names:

The C++ language has limitations on field names. These limitations are not properties of these serialization formats so it is sometimes useful to provide overrides to field names.

The following declarations should be places in header files directly before the ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait and ThorsAnvil_ExpandTrait family of declarations.

  • ThorsAnvil_MakeOverride(<ClassName>, <Override> ...)
  • ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeOverride(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <Override> ...)

ThorsAnvil_MakeOverride(<ClassName>, <Override> ...)

    class MongoDB
        std::string     database;
    ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeOverride(MongoDB, {"database", "$db"});
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(MongoDB, database);

You can provide multiple overrides. Each override is a std::pair<std::string, std::string> representing the from and to values.

When the MongoDB class is serialized it will use the field name $db (rather than database). This is useful as identifier names beginning with $ is a non standard extension in C++ so you can not reliably use it in an identifier.


ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeOverride(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, <Override> ...)

Same as ThorsAnvil_MakeOverride but for a template class.

Filtering Fields:


A field that has the type std::optional<T> will only be serialized if there is a value in the variable.

Deprecated: ThorsAnvil_MakeFilter(<ClassName>, <FieldName>)

This interface is deprecated.
Maintained for backward compatibility only.

Please use std::optional as an alternative.

ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeFilter(<TemplateCount>, <ClassName>, &ltFieldName&gt)

Same as ThorsAnvil_MakeFilter but for template class.

Pointer Fields:

When a field is a pointer type. Its value will be released by calling delete. If there is a data (not Null) then a new value will be created using the operator new T{}, then the data will be read onto the newly created object. Conversely if the input format describes Null value then the pointer will be set to nullptr.

Override Allocation

This default behavior can be overridden with ThorsAnvil_PointerAllocator(<ClassName>, <AllocationType>) defining an allocator type that the serialization library will use. The expected interface for the allocator type is:

    struct Allocator
        static ClassType* alloc();
        static void release(ClassType* value);

An example usage:

    struct Node
        int     value;
        Node*   left;
        Node*   right;
    struct NodeAllocator
        static Node* alloc()                {return Graph::addNode();}
        static void  release(Node* ptr)     {Graph::releaseNode(ptr);}
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(Node, value, left, right);
    ThorsAnvil_PointerAllocator(Node, NodeAllocator);


If the type T is polymorphic then simple allocation is not sufficient. You need to understand the type being created, to do this you need to store type information in the object. The serialization/de-serialization code will handle this automatically if you make some small additions.

Inside the class add the macro ThorsAnvil_PolyMorphicSerializer. This adds some virtual functions that are used in the serialization/de-serialization processes. Note: You should add this in a public section of your class.

    // In Header File.
    struct Transport
        virtual ~Transport() = 0;

        int         wheelCount;
    struct Car
        // Note: the 'WithOverride' just adds 'override' to any functions to prevent warnings.
        //       You should use it with all by the base class.
        Engine      engineInfo;
    struct Bike
        bool        electric;
    struct PersonTransport
        std::string                 name;
        std::unique_ptr<Transport>  transport;
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(Transport,         wheelCount);
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(Car,               engineInfo);
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(Bike,              electric);
    ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(PersonTransport,   name, transport);

Custom Serialization:

Sometimes the standard techniques are not sufficient and you need to inject code into the processes.


This method is deprecated. Please do not use. It is maintained for backward compatibility. See ThorsAnvil_MakeTraitCustomSerialize(<ClassName>, <CustomSerializationType>) for details about replacement.

ThorsAnvil_MakeTraitCustomSerialize(<ClassName>, <CustomSerializationType>)

The CustomSerializationType must implement the following interface.

    struct SerializableType
        static std::size_t getPrintSizeBson(BsonPrinter& printer, <ClassName> const& object);
        static void writeCustom(PrinterInterface& printer, <ClassName> const& object);
        static void readCustom(ParserInterface& parser, <ClassName>& object);

Enum Handling

Enum's are now handled vie MagicEnum. The following functions are maintained only for backward compatibility.

ThorsAnvil_MakeEnum(EnumName, ...)

ThorsAnvil_MakeEnumFlag(EnumName, ...)

Interesting std:: Types:

std::map<std::string, V>

The generic serialization of std::map<K, V> / std::unordered_map<K, V> is serialized as an array of std::pairs<K, V>. Note The std::pair<> is serialized as a document with the values first and second (as you should expect). But for the special case where the map key is std::string the map is serialized as a document.


A standard optional field is only serialized if it has a value. i.e. Both the key and value are NOT placed on the output stream if there is no value stored in the variable.


The unique_ptr is serialized as if the object was a pointer. If the pointer is nullptr then we serialize Null to the stream (as supported by the output format) if the pointer is non null it will be serialized as if the value was a normal value.


The std::shared_ptr is correctly de-dupped. i.e. If you have two (or more) shared pointers pointing at the same object then the object is only serialized once (the second time we serialize an id). When de-serializing shared_ptr the reference id is used to reconnect the objects so that the shared pointers now continue to use a shared object.



#include "Traits.h"
#include "Serialize.h"
#include "SerUtil.h"

#include "JsonThor.h"
#include "YamlThor.h"
#include "BsonThor.h"

#include "test/SerializeTest.h"
#include <vector>

namespace OnLineBank
    enum TransType {Error, Deposit, Withdraw, Correction};
    struct ID
        long id;
        ID() : id(-1){}
        ID(long id): id(id){}
    struct SerializeID: public ThorsAnvil::Serialize::DefaultCustomSerializer<OnLineBank::ID>
        virtual void writeJson(ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JsonPrinter& printer, ID const& object)   override
        virtual void readJson(ThorsAnvil::Serialize::JsonParser& parser, ID& object)            override

        // generic version we simply stream the integer value.
        static constexpr std::size_t sizeOfID = 12;
        virtual  std::size_t getPrintSizeBson(ThorsAnvil::Serialize::BsonPrinter& printer, ID const& object) override
            return sizeOfID;
        virtual char getBsonByteMark()   override   {return '\x07';}
        virtual void writeBson(ThorsAnvil::Serialize::BsonPrinter& printer, ID const& object)   override
  <char const*>(&, sizeof(;
  "            ", sizeOfID - sizeof(;
        virtual void readBson(ThorsAnvil::Serialize::BsonParser& parser, char byteMarker, ID& object)             override
  <char*>(&, sizeof(;
   - sizeof(;

    template<typename T>
    struct Flounder
        T   data;

    struct Transaction
        long        timeStamp;
        int         amount;
        TransType   type;
            : Transaction(0, 0, TransType::Error)
        Transaction(long timeStamp, int amount, TransType type)
            : timeStamp(timeStamp)
            , amount(amount)
            , type(type)
    class BankAccount
            friend ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<OnLineBank::BankAccount>;
            ID              id;
            int             balance;
            std::string     details;
            bool            valid;
            void update(int amount) {balance += amount;}
                : BankAccount(-1, -1, "Bad", false)
            BankAccount(ID const& id, int balance, std::string const& details, bool valid)
                : id(id)
                , balance(balance)
                , details(details)
                , valid(valid)
            virtual ~BankAccount()  {}
            int getAccountIdent()   {return;}
            int getBalance()        {return balance;}
            bool isValid()          {return valid;}
            // Normal Methods
    class CurrentAccount: public BankAccount
            friend ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<OnLineBank::CurrentAccount>;
            std::vector<Transaction>    actions;
            using BankAccount::BankAccount;
            CurrentAccount() {}
            void addTransaction(long timeStamp, int amount, TransType type)
                actions.emplace_back(timeStamp, amount, type);
                switch (type)
                    case TransType::Withdraw:   update(-amount);break;
                    case TransType::Deposit:    update(amount);break;
                    case TransType::Correction: update(-getBalance() + amount);break;
                    default: break;
    class DepositAccount: public BankAccount
            friend ThorsAnvil::Serialize::Traits<OnLineBank::DepositAccount>;
            int withdrawlLimit;
            using BankAccount::BankAccount;
            DepositAccount() {}
ThorsAnvil_MakeEnum(OnLineBank::TransType, Error, Deposit, Withdraw, Correction);
ThorsAnvil_MakeTraitCustomSerialize(OnLineBank::ID, OnLineBank::SerializeID);
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(OnLineBank::Transaction, timeStamp, amount, type);
ThorsAnvil_Template_MakeTrait(1, OnLineBank::Flounder, data);
ThorsAnvil_MakeTrait(OnLineBank::BankAccount, id, balance, details, valid);
ThorsAnvil_ExpandTrait(OnLineBank::BankAccount, OnLineBank::CurrentAccount, actions);
ThorsAnvil_ExpandTrait(OnLineBank::BankAccount, OnLineBank::DepositAccount, withdrawlLimit);