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File metadata and controls

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SDT Components

Device | SubDevice
Module and ModuleClass
Data Types

SDT Overview

The following UML diagram presents an overview of the structure (elements) of every SDT which is conformant with these guidelines. As implied in the above descriptions, there can be many different choices of the details of a SDT, each one optimized for a particular market segment and the types of devices used in that market segment. Obviously an unnecessary proliferation is counter-productive, but as long as each SDT conforms to the structure shown below then it will be possible with little or modest effort for software to be adapted accordingly.

The key to the diagram elements of the UML diagrams above and the snippets in the following sections:

The syntax used in the diagram to model an XML Schema Definition (XSD) as an UML diagram follows the following approaches:


The Domain element allows labeling of different SDT templates for different technologies and/or industry segments ("verticals"): for example eHealth and Building Management might prefer quite different detailed structures/templates. This also helps keep information in human-friendly and manageable blocks. It is assumed that there will be multiple "SDT Templates" and some of them may be completely proprietary.

It can also be used to collect all specified ModuleClasses and Devices in one referencable logical group.


  • id : The identifier for that Domain. Required.


  • Doc : Documentation for the Domain. Optional.
  • Imports : XML import/include of other XML files. Optional.
  • Module : A list of those Module components that are global to the whole domain. Optional.
  • Devices : a List of Devices components. Optional.


<Domain xmlns:xi=""
	<Doc>Some documentation</Doc>
		<!-- Import other SDTs via XInclude's include mechanism -->
  		<xi:include href="./dal-core.xml" parse="xml" />
		<!-- List of Domain global Modules goes here -->
		<!-- List of Devices goes here -->


The Device was initially thought of as the representation of "the basic things we are trying to model" and can still be considered so. However, after discussion with various SDOs, it was decided to add also "sub-devices". That is, there is one level of hierarchy to allow modeling of e.g. a set of independent energy monitoring plugs in a single addressable power-extension-block. (Other SDOs might consider it more appropriate to use a recursive sub-sub-sub ... device definition). Note that all the different devices which one needs to model within a Domain are composed of one or more Modules.

For each physical device on the network at least one Device must be defined. If the physical device is a simple device, i.e. it does not contain embedded devices, e.g. a light switch, it does not include further SubDevices. On the other hand, if the physical is a compound device, i.e. it does contain embedded devices that can be addressed separately, the Device should contain SubDevices for each of the identifiable embedded devices.

An example for a compound device is a connected power-strip where each of the sockets can be switched on and off individually. The power-strip itself can provide functions such as "all sockets off" and "overall power consumption".

Devices may define their own ModuleClasses or refer to predefined ModulesClasses of the same or another Domain.


  • id : The identifier for that Device. The identifier must be unique at least in the scope of the domain, but the final scope is also influenced by implementing technologies. Required.


  • Doc : Documentation for the Device. Optional.
  • Properties : Further meta-data (or properties) about the Device. Optional.
  • Modules : A list of Module components that are local to the Device. Optional.
  • SubDevices : A list of SubDevice components. Optional.


<Device id="aDevice">
	<Doc>Some documentation</Doc>
		<!-- The list of Properties for the Device goes here-->
		<!-- List of Modules local to the Device goes here-->
		<!-- List of Sub-Devices of the Device goes here-->


SubDevices are optional components of a Device. They represent physical sub-devices and services inside another device (the Device).

SubDevices may define their own ModuleClasses or extend ModuleClasses of it's or another Domain.


  • id : The identifier for that SubDevice. The identifier must be unique at least in the scope of the domain, but the final scope is also influenced by implementing technologies. Required.


  • Doc : Documentation for the SubDevice. Optional.
  • Properties : Further meta-data (or properties) about the SubDevice. Optional.
  • Modules : A list of Module components that are local to the SubDevice. Optional.


<SubDevice id="aSubDevice">
	<Doc>Some documentation</Doc>
		<!-- The list of Properties for the Device goes here-->
		<!-- List of Modules local to the Device goes here-->

Property : Element of a Device or ModuleClass

Property elements are used to append to Devices and their ModuleClass elements with arbitrary additional information. For Devices it would be very common for a manufacturer to want to add into the XML file which is describing the device such information as "Manufacturing Site", "Date of Manufacture", "Certification Code", "Energy Label Code", "compatible LAN technology", "URL for the device handbook", "physical limits of operation environments", etc.

Some of that information might in some devices be available by reading a specific device DataPoint, however even if it cannot be read from the device then at least it can be noted in the device's XML description. Examples for organizations that specify these kind of added "Property" information are eCl@ss and UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code).

Since the Properties are highly varied, depending on industry segment, no attempt is made in the SDT to constrain the options: however it is highly recommended to provide software-developer-friendly information in the Doc field of each Property.


  • name: Name or identifier of a Property.
  • optional: Boolean that indicates whether a Property is optional or mandatory. Optional, the default is false.
  • value: Text representation of value of a Property. Optional.


  • Doc : Documentation for the Property. Optional.
  • DataType : The data type of the property. This must be a SimpleType.


<Property name="ManufacturedDate" value="2015.10.30 10:06">
	<SimpleType type="datetime" />

Module and ModuleClass


Module elements are basically constraints or templates for how to model functionality of real things/appliances/devices within the Domain. There could be an infinite number of possible functionalities, however it is recommended to identify a not-too-large selection of them as generic examples (called *"ModuleClasses, see below) and allow for additional proprietary extensions. In a particular Domain there will be one Module for each of the agreed ModuleClasses plus additional ones for each extension of a ModuleClass.

The advantage of identifying a subset of generic ModuleClasses, described below, is that any suitable high-level software would then be able to "parse" the generic functionality for all compliant appliances, even if the proprietary parts could not be interpreted by the software.

Every Device can then be described by a collection of Modules (functionality). In the simplest examples, where there are no extensions needed, each ModuleClass has exactly one "child" Module ... in such cases the software developer can consider the two terms to be the same.

The relationship between a ModuleClass and a Module is very similar to the specification of a class and an instantiated object in an object oriented programming language.


The set of ModuleClasses is defined at the Domain level. Each one describes some functionality (services). In principle there could be an infinite number of ModuleClasses (as noted above), for every kind of functionality found in UPnP, ZigBee and all the other automation protocols ... However that would not simplify the job of software developers at all! Therefore, HGI recommends that a finite and convenient number of prototypical ModuleClasses are re-used as much as possible (within a Domain at least).

Typical ModuleClasses might be equivalent to "power ON/OFF", "Open/Close", "PanUP/DOWN", "ReadTemperature", etc. Those examples make it apparent that various read/write usage of parameters, invoking of actions and waiting for events might be needed in the different ModuleClasses, and a guideline for those structures is explained below.


  • name : Name of the Module or ModuleClass. The name must be unique in the scope of the Domain. Required.
  • optional: Boolean that indicates whether a Module or ModuleClass is optional or mandatory. Optional, the default is false.


  • Doc : Documentation for the Module or ModuleClass. Optional.
  • extends : Reference to a another ModuleClass or Module which is extended with this ModuleClass. Optional.
    The element has the following attributes:
    • domain : Identifier / Reference of the Domain of the extended ModuleClass. Required for this element.
    • class : Name of the ModuleClass in the Domain that is extended. Required for this element.
  • Properties : Further meta-data (or properties) about the Module or ModuleClass. Optional.
  • Actions : A list of Action components, each defining a single action. Optional.
  • Data : A list of DataPoint components. Optional.
  • Events : A list of Event components. Optional.


<ModuleClass name="BooleanState">
	<Doc>Some documentation</Doc>
		<!-- List of Actions goes here-->
		<!-- List of Events goes here-->
		<!-- List of DataPoints goes here-->

DataPoint : Element of ModuleClass and Event

A DataPoint element represents an aspect of a device which can be read/written to, and forms part of a device’s data model. Manipulating DataPoints is the most common way of controlling devices. Each DataPoint has an associated type (e.g. simple integer/real numbers, string of text, struct, or arrays thereof) which facillitates data integrity. Note that all RESTful systems (e.g. CoAP) use only DataPoint operations, so the mapping of a data models using an SDT into RESTful applications is easy.

However, DataPoints are not the only way of controlling devices, so further Actions and Events are described below.

Though DataPoints only refer to single data points of a physical device it is possible to describe hierarchies by model the path to the data point in the hierarchy by a path-like structure like to the pathname of a UNIX file system. Here, the root node of the hierarchy is a slash (/ 0x2F) and the segments or nodes along the path are also separated by slashes. The actual datapoint is the last leaf at the path.


name          = dataPointName | "/" path ;  
path          = segment "/" path | dataPointName ;  
segment       = string ;  
dataPointName = string ;  
string        = (* character string excluding the character "/" *) ;


  • name : The name (and possible path in a hierarchical data model) of the DataPoint. The name must be unique in the scope of the ModuleClass. Required.
  • optional: Boolean that indicates whether a DataPoint is optional or mandatory. Optional, the default is false.
  • writable : Boolean value that indicates whether this DataPoint is writable by an application. Optional. Default: true.
  • readable : Boolean value that indicates whether this DataPoint is readable by an application. Optional. Default: true.
  • eventable : Boolean value that indicates whether an internal or external change of this DataPoint raises an event. Optional. Default: false.


  • Doc : Documentation for the DataPoint. Optional.
  • DataType : The type of the DataPoint. It must comply to the DataType definition. Required.


	<DataPoint  name="attributeName" writable="false">
		<Doc>Some documentation for the DataPoint</Doc>
			<SimpleType type="string" />

Action : Element of ModuleClass

Action elements are an efficient way of describing arbitrary sequences of operations/methods; these are very common in automation. Typical example include "FactoryReset", and "AutoCalibrate". Actions preserve transaction integrity by putting together all the parameters ("args", see next section) with the method which checks and executes them, in one step.

Note that systems which rely on RESTful operations need to carry out such complex setup-parameters-then-do-action by first using (several) DataPoint operations to "load" the parameters to the device and then do a DataPoint operation to manipulate the "start operation NOW" action.


  • name : The name of the Action. The name must be unique in the scope of the ModuleClass. Required.
  • optional: Boolean that indicates whether an Action is optional or mandatory. Optional, the default is false.


  • Doc : Documentation for the Action. Optional.
  • DataType : The return type of the Action. It must comply to the DataType definition. Optional. If no DataType is specified the Action does not return a value.
  • Args : Zero or more occurances of argument definitions for an Action. Optional.


The following are two examples for actions implementing a getter and a setter for boolean values.

<Action name="get" type="boolean">
	<Doc>Obtain the current associated state. Example of a getter.</Doc>

<Action name="setTarget">
	<Doc>Set the associated state to the specified value. Example of a setter.</Doc>
		<Arg name="value">
    		<Doc>The desired value of the associated state.</Doc>
    			<SimpleType type="boolean" />

Event : Element of ModuleClass

Event elements are needed for automation protocols which "push" information, instead of relying on polling by the software application. A typical example would be a "SensorAlert" where a window sensor immediately transmits a change of its state from "closed" to "open", which could be used in a burglar alarm application, needs to be ready to accept such information immediately, and not wait for a regular polling of the device.


  • name : The name of the Event. The name must be unique in the scope of the ModuleClass. Required.
  • optional: Boolean that indicates whether an Event is optional or mandatory. Optional, the default is false.


  • Doc : Documentation for the Event Element. Optional.
  • Data : A list of DataPoint components for an event's payload. Optional.


<Event name="stateChanged">
	<Doc>Some documentation for the Event</Doc>
		<DataPoint name="state">
				<SimpleType type="boolean" />

Arg : Element of Action

The Arg element represents the parameter information which a device needs to carry out a required Action.

The Arg has the following attributes and elements:


  • name : The name of the Arg attribute. Required.


  • Doc : Documentation for the argument. Optional.
  • DataType : The return type of the argument. It must comply to the DataType definition. Required.


See example above.


The data type can be simple integers or string text, or rather complex, as shown below:

The various elements are described in the sections below.

The DataType element is a "container" for the various aspects of a type.


  • name : The name of the DataType. The name must be set for the Struct types to distinguish individual fields in that structure. It can be used in other cases. Optional.
  • unitOfMeasure : Before considering the type of data in detail, there is the option to label the data with the units of measurement. A "Temperature" measurement is meaningless until the units Kelvin, Celcius, Fahrenheit etc are known. Because of the extreme variety of units, a string field is the default annotation method, although of course a SDO could decide to reference a standardized list of units. Optional.


  • Doc : Documentation for the DataType Element. Optional.
  • TypeChoice : This element is actual an element from the following list of data types:
  • Constraint : A list of Constraint elements. Optional.

Constraint : Element of DataType

The Constraint element is an optional element allowing the manufacturer to provide constraints on the permitted values of measured data or input parameters. It can significantly improve the reliability of software and validation of transmitted data.


  • name : The name or ID that identifies the Constraint. Required.
  • type : The basic data type of the constraint. Note that this may be different from the type of the DataType that this Constraint is assigned to. For example, a Constraint that specifies a maximum length of a string is of type integer. Optional.
  • value : A pre-assigned value for the constraint, for example the maximum number of characters in a string. Optional.


  • Doc : Documentation for the Cosntraint Element. Optional.

TypeChoice : Construct of DataType

The TypeChoice construct is required for syntactic reasons in the UML diagram and the choice from the enumerated list simply designates the complexity of the following DataType.

SimpleType : Element of TypeChoice

The SimpleType element is required in order for software to understand the format of the associated data, e.g. are the bytes an integer or real value? The selection choosen by HGI is based on practical experience to include some specific types which are slightly more complex:

  1. the (technically redundant) options of date and time - to avoid problems which can arise interpreting a datetime value;
  2. url because it is expected to become extremely common to provide links to other data sources;
  3. the "blob" type to represent binary data of arbitrary structure.

If not stated otherwise datatypes should comply to the equivalent datatypes defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition:

StructType : Element of TypeChoice

The StructType element can be used to represent an ordered list of diverse DataTypes, which are represented by the name attribute of each DataType, and can be used recursively.


  • DataType : A list of DataTypes elements representing the elements of a structure.

ArrayType : Element of TypeChoice

The ArrayType element is provided for defining lists of data; the definition is recursive so that multi-dimensional arrays can be described. Note that a Constraint can be used to provide limits on Array size.


  • DataType : A single DataType element that specifies the data type for the elements of the array.

Doc : Element for all Documentation

Doc elements (optional for all the above Elements) are very important to help understand the software-readable information for specific devices and services. They contain the human-readable information. Many automation protocols describe every possible operation in a comprehensive specification, however SDT is designed to include the relevant information at the "point of use" for the software developer, inside the SDT (and XML files based on it).

The text inside the Doc element can be structure using a very limited subset of HTML elements. The possible structuring is defined in EBNF as follows:

Doc            = "<Doc>" docContent "</Doc" ;
docContent     = docText | { paragraph | image } ;
docText        = { text | emphasizedText | boldText | monotypeText } ;
emphasizedText = "<em>" text "</em>" ;
boldText       = "<b>" text "</b>" ;
monotypeText   = "<tt>" text "</tt>" ;
paragraph      = "<p>" docText "</p>" ;
image          = "<img src=" url ">" "<caption>" text "</caption>" "</img>" ;
url            = "\"" (* valid URL *) "\"" ;
text           = (* XML text element *) ;

The intended use for each element is:

  • emphasizedText : Emphasize the included text, e.g. printing it in italics font.
  • boldText : Print the included text in bold font.
  • monotypeText : Print the included text in a monospaced fonttype, e.g. to emphasize source code.
  • paragraph : Structure the text in paragraphs.
  • image : Include an image in the text. The image is loaded from the specified URL and must include a caption text.