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SDT Components

In this document an overview about the SDT 2.0 definitions and component hierarchy is given.


RootDevice | Device
   Data / DataPoint

SDT Overview

The following UML diagram presents an overview about the SDT components.

The syntax used in the diagram to model an XML Schema Definition (XSD) as an UML diagram follows the following approaches:



The Domain is the top-level component that defines all modules and devices of a domain. A Domain can import definitions of other domains.

A Domain can define Modules or RootDevices only, or may choose to provide both.


  • id : The identifier for that Domain. Required.


  • Imports : XML import/include of other XML files. Optional.
  • Modules : A list of Module components that are global to the whole domain. Optional.
  • RootDevices : a List RootDevices components. Optional.


<Domain xmlns:xi=""
  	  <xi:include href="./dal-core.xml" parse="xml" />
		<!-- List of Domain global Modules goes here -->
		<!-- List of RootDevices goes here -->


A RootDevice is the description of a (physical) device that may contain optional embedded sub-devices. It represents the idea of an appliance that is addressable on a Home Area Network where one or more sub-Devices provide certain functionalities.

An example is a connected power-strip where each of the sockets can be switched on and off individually. The power-strip itself can provide functions such as "all sockets off" and "overall power consumption".

If the RootDevice includes sub-Devices then each sub-device may be of the same type or of different types. The functionality (Actions) of the RootDevice may be different from the functionality of its sub-Devices.

If the RootDevice does not include sub-Devices then the RootDevice is the actual adressable device that provides all the functionality of the connected appliance.

RootDevices may define their own ModuleClasses or refer to predefined ModuleClasses of its or another Domain.


  • id : The identifier for that RootDevice. Required.


  • Doc : Documentation for the RootDevice. Optional.
  • Modules : A list of Module components that are local to the RootDevice. Optional.
  • DeviceInfo : Further meta-data about the RootDevice. Optional.
  • Devices : A list Device components. Optional.


<RootDevice id="aRootDevice">
	<Doc>Some documentation</Doc>
		<!-- List of Modules local to the RootDevice goes here-->
		<!-- The DeviceInfos for the RootDevice goes here-->
		<!-- List of Sub-Devices of the RootDevice goes here-->


Devices are optional components of a RootDevice. They represent physical sub-devices inside another device (the RootDevice).

Devices may define their own ModuleClasses or refer to predefined ModuleClasses of its or another Domain.


  • id : The identifier for that Device. Required.


  • Doc : Documentation for the Device. Optional.
  • Modules : A list of Module components that are local to the Device. Optional.
  • DeviceInfo : Further meta-data about the Device. Optional.


<Device id="aDevice">
	<Doc>Some documentation</Doc>
		<!-- List of Modules local to the Device goes here-->
		<!-- The DeviceInfo for the Device goes here-->


The DeviceInfo is an element of RootDevice or Device where a vendor can provide metadata that may be presented to an end-user.




  • Name : Vendor-specific name of a device. Required.
  • Vendor : Name of the vendor for the device. Required.
  • FirmwareVersion : Current version number of the firmware or other version information. Optional.
  • VendorURL : A URL that points to further information for that device. This might be the product page on the web or an URL to the device manual. Optional.
  • SerialNumber : The serial number or serial string. Optional.



Module, ModuleClass

The Module (or ModuleClass) represents the concept of a reusable module that defines the Actions, Data and Events for a single functionality of a device. A connected device may contain or refer to single or multiple ModuleClasses to specify its inherent services it exposes for use by applications.

ModuleClasses can be defined by a domain (on the level of the Domain component) or in RootDevices/Devices: The former are global to a Domain and can be used (refered to) by all RootDevices/Devices of a Domain; the later are local to the RootDevices/Devices where it is defined in. ModuleClasses defined on the Domain level can be imported and used by other domains.

New ModuleClasses can be defined by extending existing ModuleClasses to add new or overriding defined Actions, Data and Events.


  • Name : Name of the ModuleClass. Required.


  • extends : Reference to another ModuleClass that is extended with this ModuleClass. Optional.
    The element has the following attributes:
    • domain : Identifier / Reference of the Domain of the extended ModuleClass. Required when extends is specified.
    • class : Name of the ModuleClass in the Domain that is extended.
  • Doc : Documentation for the ModuleClass. Optional.
  • Actions : A list of Action components, each defining a single action. Optional.
  • Data : A list of Data components. Optional.
  • Events : A list of Event components. Optional.


<ModuleClass name="BooleanState">
	<Doc>Some documentation</Doc>
		<!-- List of Actions goes here-->
		<!-- List of Events goes here-->
		<!-- List of DataPoints goes here-->


An Action defines a single procedure call for a ModuleClass. It is basically for calling a function on a physical device in order to set or request data, or to invoke an action at a Device.


  • name : The name of the Action. Required.
  • type : The return type of the Action. It must comply to one of the defined DataTypes. Optional. If no type is specified the Action does not return a value.


  • Doc : Documentation for the Action. Optional.
  • Arg : Zero or more occurrences of argument definitions for an Action. Optional.
    The Arg has the following attributes and elements:
    • name : The name of the Arg. Attribute. Required.
    • type : The type of the Arg. It must comply to one of the defined DataTypes. Attribute. Required.
    • Doc : Documentation for the Arg element. Optional.


The following are two examples for actions implementing a getter and a setter for boolean values.

<Action name="get" type="boolean">
	<Doc>Obtain the current associated state. Example of a getter.</Doc>

<Action name="setTarget">
	<Doc>Set the associated state to the specified value. Example of a setter.</Doc>
	<Arg name="value" type="boolean">
		<Doc>The desired value of the associated state.</Doc>


The Data component represents a list of DataPoints.

Though DataPoints only refer to single data points of a physical device it is possible to describe hierarchies by modeling the path to the data point in the hierarchy by a path-like structure similar to the pathname of a UNIX file system. Here, the root node of the hierarchy is a slash (/ 0x2F) and the segments or nodes along the path are also separated by slashes. The actual datapoint is the last leaf at the path.


name          = dataPointName | "/" path ;  
path          = segment "/" path | dataPointName ;  
segment       = string ;  
dataPointName = string ;  
string        = (* character string excluding the character "/" *) ;




  • DataPoint : Zero or more occurrences of *DataPoints. Optional.
    A DataPoint has the following attributes and elements:
    • name : The name (and possible path in a hierarchical data model) of the DataPoint. Attribute. Required.
    • type : The type of the DataPoint. It must comply to one of the defined DataTypes. Attribute. Required.
    • writable : Boolean value that indicates whether this DataPoint is writable by an application. Attribute. Optional. Default: false.
    • readable : Boolean value that indicates whether this DataPoint is readable by an application. Attribute. Optional. Default: false.
    • eventable : Boolean value that indicates whether an internal or external change of this DataPoint raises an event. Attribute. Optional. Default: false.
    • Doc : Documentation for the DataPoint element. Optional.


	<DataPoint  name="attributeName" type="string" writable="false">
		<Doc>Some documentation for the DataPoint</Doc>


The following DataTypes can be used in the SDT's Action, Arg and DataPoint elements and attributes. If not stated otherwise datatypes should comply to the equivalent datatypes defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition:


An Event is a component that defines properties for events that are raised as reactions to changes in DataPoints of a Device's data model. These state changes can happen either through a device-internal change, e.g. a low battery level, or by external means, e.g. a user operates a switch or the temperature in a room rises beyond a certain threshold.


  • name : The name of the Event. Required.


  • Data : A list of Data components for an event's payload. Optional.
  • Doc : Documentation for the Event Element. Optional.


<Event name="stateChanged">
		<DataPoint name="state" type="boolean">


The Doc documentation element is optionally available in most components of the SDT. Its purpose is to provide a short documentation of the respective element.

The text inside the Doc element can be structured using a very limited subset of HTML elements. The possible structuring is defined in EBNF as follows:

Doc            = "<Doc>" docContent "</Doc" ;
docContent     = docText | { paragraph | image } ;
docText        = { text | emphasizedText | boldText | monotypeText } ;
emphasizedText = "<em>" text "</em>" ;
boldText       = "<b>" text "</b>" ;
monotypeText   = "<tt>" text "</tt>" ;
paragraph      = "<p>" docText "</p>" ;
image          = "<img src=" url ">" "<caption>" text "</caption>" "</img>" ;
url            = "\"" (* valid URL *) "\"" ;
text           = (* XML text element *) ;

The intended use for each element is:

  • emphasizedText : Emphasize the included text, e.g. printing it in italics font.
  • boldText : Print the included text in bold font.
  • monotypeText : Print the included text in a monospaced fonttype, e.g. to emphasize source code.
  • paragraph : Structure the text in paragraphs.
  • image : Include an image in the text. The image is loaded from the specified URL and must include a caption text.